2017. január 27., péntek

Thoughts on today's homophobia.

So as we all know, well in my life at least, homophobia is still around. And it's getting worse. The thing is, I don't think that it's the fact that a man loves another man. I think it's because of the way some of us act. Seeing disgusting people like Jedward on Big Brother really pisses me off, because it's making my family hate gay people even more. They're already homophobic enough but having all these pretentious, arrogant, attention-seeking twats on TV is really aggravating them. You can be feminine, flamboyant, whatever. But shoving it in people's faces, making yourself heard everywhere you go is just disgusting.Every time I sit there watching BB with my family I have to sit through "fucking faggots", "why are gay people so fuckin arrogant" etc. it just gets me even more mad. I think people like Jedward, Spence, Perez Hilton etc are just bringing shame and hatred to the community. Hell, I even hate gay pride day and all this equality rally shit because it's just making things worse. It's making us more different, and that's why I will never come out to my family. It's why I hate being gay and desperately wish I was straight. People at the Women's March were holding signs saying "make America queer again". Imagine if it was the other way round? I don't understand why some people think they're special because they like dick.

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