2017. január 28., szombat

I have no idea what to title this but...

I'm not gay or anything (atleast yet)I'm a guy just to make you more aware.I don't support anti-gay protesters, I think you can protest, but to protest against who people can love and they're rights and say they can't do this that and whatever, is really stupid.I myself for some odd reason, support woman/girls being gay more than I support men, I definitely support men, having gay relationships with one another, I just feel like the loveable consent, as in kissing and all that is just so reduced, like I would feel kind of awkward to kiss a guy, while if I were a girl, I would be shy but not extremely anxious.I just wonder, if anyone out there is a gay couple, (two guys). How do you guys like, express your feelings to each other? Do you buy gifts, kiss, and cuddle, or do you like just do regular men things, that impress each other?I feel like girls are more just squishy like they're more up to kiss and cuddle with another girl, and guys just aren't.If this seriously offends ANYONE, I am so sorry, It's not my intent, I just wanted to express my feeling, I just don't know how it would work, I am so sorry, I apologize but I had to express myself.I just want to express myself and wonder if anyone else is the same or think the same.Thank you ;)

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