2017. január 30., hétfő

So there's this guy

At the beginning of this school year I noticed a new guy in one of my classes. I thought he was extremely cute but pretty much just assumed he was straight so I kind of ignored my slight crush on him. Fast forward half a year later, one of my buds (also the only one I'm out to) was for some reason summing up names of all the gay dudes he knows. You guessed it, he mentioned the name of the guy I liked. Apparantly everyone knew he was gay except for me. My gaydar needs some serious repairs.Now I'm not sure what to do next. There isn't that many gay guys around here so I feel like when I do crush on a gay guy I can't just waste that. I've spent a little bit of time with him but I'm too shy to go up to him and start a conversation. Also, like I've mentioned before, I'm only out to one of my buds and if I start talking to the gay guy all of the sudden the rest of them are probably gonna suspect something. I'd rather come out to them on my own terms than having them ask me about my sexuality.Any advice? Should I come out to my friends before making a move on the guy?

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