2017. január 27., péntek

Coping with some not so easy to deal with thoughts on love

I really don't know how to get around this. I hate where I am in my life and I feel like I'll never be loved because I haven't had any experience in relationships. I went on a few dates with one guy but it didn't happen. I feel so worthless and awful and like I'm doing something wrong because I just can't attract anyone. I feel like nobody ever pays attention to me in any way in general. And of course the only sexual experience I had was being sexually assaulted so that's wonderful. I guess I'm just asking for any ways that I can help myself through his rut and if any other people have gone through this before?I know it's slightly harder for gay people to date because there's less of us out here so I shouldn't be like "all my straight friends are in relationships I feel bad for not being in a relationship myself" but practically all my gay friends are dating. And I feel so jealous at all of them to the point where being around gay couples makes me depressed because they're so happy and I'm not and I'm just bitter.

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