2016. november 6., vasárnap

Worried about my relationship, Help! Am I being used?

So I met this amazing guy a few months ago and we got along so well. Every time I saw him I couldn't stop smiling like a fool. I would drive over an hour to go see him and didn't care, I went every chance I could. We weren't having sex, just genuinely enjoying each other's company. Fast forward a month or so and his housing situation changed drastically. So much so that I said he should come live with me. I had never done this before and it scared the shit out of me but I was happy we did it. Now we are a few months in and still haven't had sex. I can understand wanting to move slow because I was totally in agreement on waiting and moving slow physically because we moved in together so quickly, but now he is totally distanced from me physically. I have really started to doubt that he feels the same way about me that I do about him, and it's completely tearing me up inside. Also when I have doubts it seems to feel unfounded just after that. Then to top it all off I see him around his best friend and it looks more like they're dating than we are. Should I just address this head on, or would that just affirm and ruin anything we do have. To be clear, I don't mind that we are moving slowly and waiting to have sex, I just see that as a glaring example of what is going on. I am at a loss Reddit.TL;DR: my boyfriend and I still are minimally physics after a few months, I want to be patient because he means the world to me but fear he doesn't feel the same anymore.

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