2016. november 6., vasárnap

When did the modes decide to make this place become like r/lgbt?

Seriously, no politics posts?Besides the fact that there doesn't seem to be that many anyway; declaring that because of "much discussion with the mods" that you're banning them and then locking the post so that it can't be commented on by non-mods is absolutely 100% certifiably insane (and sort of a great call back to Donald Trump's lawsuit happy nature).Isn't the whole point of reddit to discuss differing viewpoints? Especially in this election where so much is at stake. If you want to make this a "we're all here to be happy and supportive" that's fine - but that's not what this sub has been, and threatening to ban people who "aren't members" is asinine.This feels like merely the first step at making "trigger warning" flair a common occurrence and I don't know if I want to stick around for the next step.Yes continue to ban derogatory remarks and offensive commentary, but don't outlaw genuine discussion of topics that affect all of us. Perhaps its the naïveté of youth (I have no idea how old any of the mods are but a lot of posts in this sub tend to skew from the younger generation), but the active quelling of discussion is no better in my book than being derogatory or intentionally offensive.Maybe it's time for some new blood in the mod team.

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