2016. november 6., vasárnap

I've never felt this way before.

Hello reddit! This is my first post. I'm pretty nervous but here it goes. I apologize if this is a bit long.I've never been in love. Never. I know what love is, I mean, I have friends and family, and know what a happy feeling it is to have people around you who care about you, but I have never experienced a literal attraction to another person not in just a physical way, but in a "I care about them and want to be with them" way.That is, until now.I met a guy, let's call him Adam, a few months back before I moved to college, and I haven't been able to get him off my mind. My friends introduced me to him on the basis of "oh you're both gay and single so you'll get along" and so I went along with it not expecting anything to come out of it. Adam and I went to see a musical at our local theatre because we are huge thespians, with one of our friends who introduced us tagging along as a third-wheel. We had an awkward greeting and everything, but I just really liked him. I wasn't sure what it was, but I liked the way he talked, the color of his eyes, his personality... blah blah I'll be done there. The show was great and everything, and we just sat in his car afterwards and talked for while (which is literally my favorite thing on the planet). Adam has been out for longer than I have, and I was so worried that I didn't come across as appealing or closeted, or really anything to him. We went to an ice-cream place and he paid for my mine. Even though we weren't technically on a date with our friend with us, but we just sat and talked there. We got pretty deep about life and stuff, and we even shared coming out stories. I felt like we were really bonding. Eventually we all had to go home, but I got Adam's number before we left, and then that was it for the night. We started texting each other for the next few days and found out that we were so alike it was almost scary. We planned to go on a date before I moved to college, but I got extremely sick the day before, and I didn't want to make him sick (Especially if we were going to kiss or something but one can only dream). I was so devastated over it.It turns out that both of us had been texting the friend that went with us about what we thought of each other.Flash-forward a month or two where we would just text each other every once in a while, and I asked if he wanted to do something with me when I drove back into town. He responded that he would love to, but he needed to let me know that he has a boyfriend. I didn't realize that I had really liked him until this point. I never k new I genuinely felt like we had a connection until it was severed. I felt so sad and depressed. At university I had tried to put myself out there into the world, but every guy I met didn't come close to feeling the way that he did. At this point I quickly responded that I had just wanted to ask him if it was okay if we could still hang out, and that was it. I have been trying to text him since, but whenever he responds it is just in a blunt and end-the-conversation style answer. Almost like he doesn't want to talk to me. I told my friend (that was previously mentioned) what was going on and she said that he had been acting differently ever since he got in this relationship.I've never felt this way before about a guy, and I'm not sure what to do. I don't want to interfere with his relationship because I know that it's not the right thing to do, but I genuinely really really like him, and I want to see if anything could possibly happen in the future. He's the only guy I've ever felt any sort of connection and attraction to, and to be completely honest, I just want him to know that I care about him. I'm not sure what I should do. I don't have any experience when it comes to love or relationships. Any advice?

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