2016. november 4., péntek

Is my boyfriend gay?

Hey guys I don't know if I'm on the right page but I need a gays perspective on my current situation with my boyfriend. He is constantly talking about his guy best friend. He seems to care a lot about what his friend says and does. He is constantly complaining about him and talks shady about him to me. I will ask him why he is even his friend if he dislikes him so much but never get a good enough answer. He will talk to me about his friend and his girlfriends relationship and how much he disagrees with how their relationship works. He will talk to me about his friends plans and little things he disagrees with. Jason this Jason that. By the way they work together. I don't understand why he talks so much shit about him and yet they remain friends. At first I thought maybe my boyfriend is just a bad friend but I can't help but think that maybe he actually has feelings for him in a weird way? I'm so confused. I would ask my gay friends but I'm embarrassed. Help

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