2016. november 7., hétfő

I figured reddit may enjoy my story regarding discovering my sexuality, so here it is!

In case it wasn't obvious, change blue eyes to homosexuality. I wrote it to make it clear how ridiculous people were being near me for something I cannot control, but I haven't worked up the nerve to share it.The alarm clock beeps annoyingly at 5:30 like it always does. Riley always set it for that time. Even though he didn't have to, he always preferred waking up early. His schedule consisted of folding his bed, clothing himself, putting on his accessories, and then heading to the bathroom where he sneakily put on a pair of contacts; his parents didn't know he wore them, and neither did anyone except his closest friends. Unlike his naturally blue eyes, these contacts colored them brown. He couldn't allow anyone to know he had blue eyes, of course. If his friends found out, they'd tell the whole school. Everyone would make fun of him and call him “blue-eyes.” He only told two of his closes friends. Perhaps the word would get out to his parents. He was given the contacts when he was born and his caretaker applied them every day so his parents didn't know. If his parents did figure out, he would be in great trouble. Perhaps disowned, or grounded for an eternity. Neither way sounded fun, so he kept hiding his true self for his whole life.One April, chilly day, his alarm clock didn't beep. There was a power outage that night. His parents, who were wonderful people in themselves, went to wake him up; when they planted a loving kiss across his forehead, his eyes groggily opened. What they saw would terrify them. His eyes were blue.She said they'd discuss this when he got home from school. He had no choice but to agree. He started his usual routine, and hesitated at putting on his contacts before he decided to finally put them in. He gathered his things and ate breakfast before walking out the door to climb into his mother’s car, the entire trip silent. He was left the rest of day at school, going through a daily seventh grade scholar’s school day; science, a higher science, physical education, art, English, then math. When he got in the ride home, it was also eerily silent, for no one wanted to discuss it until everyone was present. At last, when he reached home…His parents sat with him at the dinner table. His father was as red as a beet, and his mother had a stern look in her eyes. She opened The Book, a set of rules for everyone to follow. She flipped to a passage near the beginning of the book, which taught of a city being struck down in flames. She told him it was because they all had blue eyes, and being in a rather horrible state, all he could do was agree. He was grounded from everything and locked out of his room.For three weeks he did amazing, never taking off his contacts. He thought himself a better person for no longer having blue eyes. However, on that third Monday, he snuck off to the bathroom while his dad was washing the car. He slipped off his contacts and stared at them. He cried for a moment before he heard footsteps. He quickly pushed his contacts under the rug and put his head in his hands. Seconds later, his father burst down the door. His father made him look at him, and demanded to know where his contacts were. He tried to block him from his contacts, so he slapped his hands away from the rug and pulled them out, shoving them into his hands. He told him to get up, and they'll have a discussion when his mother gets home.When she finally got home, his father walked out and demanded he tell her what he did. He reluctantly told her he had took off his contacts, to which he was made to sit in the carport while they lectured him once again. Riley was told he would be brung to a counselor. The meeting was scheduled for the day after.The ride there was silent. No one wanted to talk. When they got there, they walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. Riley was sat away from his parents and lectured about how The Book told us that it isn't okay to have blue eyes. How you could never be a good person, how you would always live in wrong if you had blue eyes.“I can't control myself having blue eyes. I didn't choose to have blue eyes, I don't want to have blue eyes,” he told himself. He couldn't say it out loud. He only nodded and said he didn't have blue eyes.This time, he never recovered. His contacts burned, and went dry every night. He started taking them out behind his parents back, but was luckily never caught. Every night he thinks about how he was told he cannot have blue eyes. How he didn't choose to have blue eyes yet people tell him to stop. In public, he still wears the brown contacts, but in private, he casts them aside, for he has accepted having blue eyes. He found a group online who interprets The Book differently; it consists entirely of blue-eyed people who follow The Book. After reading an article on the site which explains how you can have blue eyes and follow The Book, he has a sense of peace. He never plans to tell his parents he has blue eyes. When he is accepted into a college, he is going to move away and into an environment that better accepts blue eyes.

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