2016. november 4., péntek

Gay son???

My son is 6. Since he has been able to choose he has chosen 'girl' stuff. Loves the Elsa movie and song. Likes kids girl play sets n toys. Stops to look at commercials targeting girls. Has told my wife he likes boys. Has blurted out he wants to kiss a boy. Struts around like a female, hips swinging out when he thinks i am not looking. When looking at toys r us catalog he lingers on girls section. His bros give him hard time when they catch him admiring girl toys and watch princess cartoons.Early on i tried to divert to boys stuff but realized this was wrong when his bros gave him crap. His bros now get a very stern wag of the finger when they tease him. I tell em all what they want to play with, want to watch is ok. Doesn't matter if boy or girl cartoon, toy, etc. when i take him to toy stores he is embarrassed or shy about looking at girls section.I feel like i made him think i don't approve. It hurts to think that i probably make him feel i disapprove of HIM. I'm a live let live person. I have a gay bro but didn't know till few years ago and it didn't matter to me. So i know I'm cool and not just saying it.Gay or straight my son is still my baby. How do i make him feel cool with himself and around me and his bros? I don't want him to feel like he has to keep this a secret. I know he is still young and it may be a phase. But just incase.

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