2016. szeptember 30., péntek
I need
I need some gay friends I'm surrounded by the straights hit me up
I need advice...
I've posted on this sub asking for advice when I was forced out so I figure, why not ask for relationship advice?I have been browsing tinder for a little bit now and I found this guy who was fun to talk to so we set up the first date. We went to this little dinner theatre styled after the roaring 20's and during prohibition. (If someone else who reads this and lives in Florida I highly recommend Capone's dinner show for the laughs). The show got out at about 930pm and he said "We're only 10 minutes from Disney, we can resort hop, and I have free parking"This freaked me out, I mean going out to Disney for a first date.He even bugged one of the workers there and got us celebration pins saying were celebrating the first date. I tried to get over the fact that we went to Disney and after I did that we had fun running around.We scheduled a second date and he said he would drive over an hour just to go to a drive-in movie with me. He brought wine and pillows and all kinds of stuff. I brought dessert (strawberries and whipped cream (yo whipped cream is the most fun desert) ) and a teddy bear.He found out I have never been to prom, so he invited me to an LGBT prom. He wants me to stay over and "cuddle". EDIT: This is going to happen on October 7th and he says he wants to use this as a test to see if he wants to continue pursuing this relationship thing. END EDITThis is where I need advice.I am very scared because I feel that I'm not worth all of this. I also feel very overwhelmed because this is my first chance at a relationship (also I guess I'm technically a virgin as well). I don't want to scare him off and tbh I don't know what I want. All I know is that I am very scared.I'll answer any questions I can but please any advice would be very appreciated.
My boyfriend asked me to marry him. I'm so excited!
As the title says, my bf asked me to marry him and I'm brimming with joy. It's so exciting and he even got a cute small pair of rings. I told a few friends and they are all super supportive. I want to just squee in delight.
My boyfriend's lack of sexual interest is making me feel "ugly"
Title. He seems so in love and he touches me all the time, but never iniciates sex and when I do it, he sometimes ignore it. I have always struggled to keep my self steem but lately I feel so... Rejected. I tried talking to him about it, twice. He says there is nothing wrong but I feel like I am not so attractive to him anymore. It hurts a lot because I never loved anyone like I love him. Anyone had a similar situation? What should I do? (Sorry for english)
I'm finally comming out!
Long time lurker here, I used to brag to my friends about my straight-hood, bragging about my overwatch D.Va porn collection i keep on my desktop backgrounds to browsing the risky sections at 4-chan.But as of today i finally came out to my feelings to my middle school crush Victor. Id like to give a personal thanks to this redditPM me that pride!
keem em or drop em
I met this guy on grindr who I really enjoyed talking to in person. He texts me every now and then but is really boring and takes forever to reply. I really like the guy but he pisses me off when he initiates the conversation and then takes years to text back. Meant to say keep lol
How to go brazilian smooth ?
I think only by either laser hair or waxing. but i tried on my legs for waxing wasting time and money. Doesn't work. Now I tried laser hair. It seems I need to repeat minimum 10 times to get a good result. It gets itchy shaving and laser treatment. To do in anus,penis parts,it's gonna get beyond helpless problem. At least for me. Others must be okay. Twinks don't have body hair. Must be that they barely had any and was less irritating and easy to remove body hair ?
Sexually stagnant.
I've been with my boyfriend for over a year and I love him more than anything in the world. I would do anything I could for him.Thing is..the sex has kinda become stagnant. The thing is he can easily get me off, but I can never get him off, he has to use his massager or fleshlight while i lay next to him.I really love him very much but my sex drive is making me think things I don't want to and some days I can't help but think about looking around just sexually.Anyone else been through something like this and still together? Emotionally we're stellar, he makes me happier than I've ever been. But just in bed I don't know, maybe its just me.I've brought it up with him before and it made him feel so bad and I felt terrible about it and I've tried alot.
What's going on with him?
To make a really long, sorted story short, years ago I fell in love with a guy that had never been with another man before (we'll call him "Aaron"). Our relationship was secret (which at first I was okay with) and after some months, he eventually called it off because he wanted our relationship to be out in the open but he was afraid that if it was, he would lose his "friends" and that his family would reject him. Aaron and I have both been in several relationships since then, but we also never stopped loving each other. No matter what we do, what we say, we keep finding our way back to each other. This last time that we crossed paths was well, you could say the straw that broke the camel's back. I've had enough of the endless back and forth. You know, it's one thing when you love someone and they just don't love you back. It stings a little at first, but it goes away eventually and you move on to something/someone else. It's an entirely different battle when someone loves you back, but won't let themselves be with you. It's confusing, it's frustrating, and it's maddening. You have a million questions in the back of your mind that go unanswered and it's hard to move on and open a new door when another door is open and at any minute, something could come through. As much as you might want to eventually, you can't let go of something if it won't let go of you. But I digress...Aaron is with someone else now (a woman) but I know that he's not happy and I know that he's tired of living a lie, but for some reason, he's too afraid to be honest with himself and the people around him. I think it really has more to do with everyone else than it does himself. I plan to reach out to him in the near future and this time I want to end this mess once and for all. He's reached out to me 4 times in the past 7 months so I know it's something that he wants as well, but something holding him back. If you guys can help me get some insight and better of understanding of what he's going through, what's in his mind, what's holding him back, and why this is so hard for him since this is all so foreign to me, maybe there's something I can say/do to finally break through to him.
The Orlando Shooting
I know it's old news but does anyone know anybody involved in the shooting? There seems to be a lot of mystery surrounding the entire thing. Multiple shooters, immediate police intervention, possible casualties due to police, media staged re-enactments, the shooter's acting history. What the fuck happened?
Sleep guy Molested 3
how many times do you masturbate a day?
No text found
Straight Crush & Flirting
A little bit of backstory first, I'm 17, in college and I'm not openly out yet. Anyways, I have this friend who I hang out with in school and play for the same rugby team. About 6 months ago he started flirting with me as a joke so I went along with it (I liked the attention to be honest) but recently he's started doing it more regularly (he'll run and hug me, pretend to kiss me, etc) and I don't know if he's trying to tell me something or doing it as a joke - since there's pictures of him with a few girls on his Instagram. The annoying part is I really like him and I want to tell him how I feel but I don't want to ruin our friendship if he's joking. Any advice would be appreciated :)TL;DR: I'm gay, have a crush on friend. Said friend is straight (I think) and being flirty don't know if he's joking or serious and don't know if to tell him I like him or not.
It's tough letting anyone in... I've had walls built higher than the great wall around myself and my heart.. To scared to be honest with myself and others.. To scared to be judged. I'm done being scared.I've spent too much time hiding and hating myself but I'm finally happy with who I am.The past couple months I have been on a journey to do some soul searching and I'm not done yet. But last night was a rough night for me.. I finally admitted something and was honest with myself for once and honest with best friend.. The full truth..I always knew I was. Always, as far as I can remember I knew.. I just never had the balls to admit it.. I didn't want to admit it cause I was always taught love was between a man and a woman.. I know that's not true. Love is Love. Love has no gender. I was scared of being judged and disowned by family.. I'm not scared anymore.. I want to be true to myself and to the girl that I haven't found yet.It's taken a long time to say but I'm lesbian and proud.I always have been and always will be.
how to come out?
my mom hates gays with a passion, she always tells me that gays are shit and they are gross and i'm like...ok cool. meanwhile i'm thinking if i told my mom she will kick me out of the house.
why abdominal trails are sexy ._.
i hate one and i really love it.
Doubts About Orientation
So i'm out of closet but now having doubts about how gay I am. By that I mean I sometimes experience a sense of bisexuality where I'm attracted to the idea of being with a woman romantically, but have little to no sexual drive for them. However for men it's different, I'd pursue them sexually.This is just a little confusing being that I've been identifying as gay but now that i have time to think about it, I'm having doubts.
2016. szeptember 29., csütörtök
My hemmerhoid Tragedy
So I had something awful happen to me.. I got A hemmerhoid and went to get it removed because it was causing me such a ridiculous amount of pain during sex and even just while standing up. I got the surgery through the military health insurance that I had from my stepfather at the time. In short, I got botched... Like REALLY BAD. it went from a single lapsed external roid to 3. The scar tissue is Immense and makes my hole look like the Demigorgens face from Stranger Things. I'm Super duper tight now. I think I have a serious internal one now too because of... Blood. I went for 1 to get addressed and they targeted 5 in a single surgery. I read that when an "overzealous" hemmerhoidectomy is preformed, the chance of relapse goes up significantly by each other one that was done. Apparently, at most, 2 are supposed to be operated on. I want to sue for malpractice but... It would be a federal case. I can't have sex anymore. It took me from spring 2014 to fall 2015 to fully heal do to Anal fissures. I'd really enjoy some advice but at this I'm not certain what can be done. I don't have health care any longer and I'm still covered under that suture of limitations in my state. Luckily my BF was around Before this all happened to me so he's cool and doesn't act out in any way and we are still happy together. But it does concern me that if we ever Don't work out that I wouldn't even be able to have sex with a new partner.. I Just turned 23 and honestly death seems much more appealing than a lifestlye stolen from me by some bitch who had no idea what she was doing. She even inspected me in the weeks after the surgery with an UNLUBED FINGER. like Fuck I bled for almost 2 weeks. I just wanted to justice. I just want to be fixed and I want my life back. I have to use water to clean up after every movement. I don't even use restrooms that aren't private anymore because of how impossible clean up is after movements. I just would like some help or advice on this issue. The depression brought on by this tragedy has Really taken a toll on me. Like I said, I'd rather be dead than 30 and unable to maintain relationships because of how unusable I am. I hate not being able to Be Me with the Man I Love. Thank you.
More than one partner in a committed relationship
So I am in a Closed Triad and we are actuAlly looking for a fourth, but it is a Closed relationship no one plays around unless we play together. I was honestly just curious how many people were like us. I sometimes feel like there at not many peoe who see things the way the three of us do. We have always known from the beginning that there was going to be four and we are currently at three. I love my bears and they I.
Dating advice when you like each other but he isn't in a place to be in a relationship
Please let me know if there is a more appropriate subreddit for this, I've gone through a few but not found something where this would be any more or less topical.So here is my situation: I moved to Alabama for graduate school, but before I did I switched over my Tinder to the Tuscaloosa/Birmingham area so I could meet people. I matched with a guy, and we skyped for about 4 months before I moved out here. At the time we both said that we were looking for a relationship and that we would decide on what we wanted after spending time together in person. Then we began going on dates, and he also gave me my first sexual experience. I really, really like him. I also think that being as new to relationships as I am, I am utterly incompetent at all of this.He has been going through a lot since we met. Long story short, he lived with his uncle but got kicked out of the house about a month ago. I have been doing everything I can to be supportive and to help him out. Leading up to this turn of events he was still going through a lot, and so we never talked about having an official relationship because I thought it would be one more stressor in his life that he doesn't need between what he is going through and being in a really tough program in school.But...the other day I finally told him how I felt, that I wanted to be in a relationship and that I really liked him (and I have told him once that I loved him, but I told him as we were both dozing off to sleep and I'm pretty sure he was out...but I have made it very clear how I feel). I did this knowing that he is probably not in a position where he feels like he can be in a relationship because his life has been so much in the air. He told me that he also really likes me, but that he didn't feel like he could commit to a relationship right now. And I get it, I really do...and I thought I'd be really good at compartmentalizing that and that we could continue being, ahem, friends with benefits.But...after this conversation, I am realizing more and more just how strong my feelings are for him...and the feeling of insecurity from liking someone who also likes you, but that feels they can't be in a relationship right now, really sucks. This is the closest thing I've had to a relationship, and to be honest, I really want it to be an actual relationship. I also don't want to give up the things that come with it ... like Pokemon hunting in the dark, or making out when we are frustrated with studying ... laying in bed and watching anime ... and of course the mind-blowing sex.I just really don't know what to do. I love him, I want to be in a relationship with him, I don't want to give up the things we have now, but I also want a relationship. FWIW I've also made it clear that if we aren't in a relationship that if I meet someone I'm going to pursue it, but I can't see myself dating knowing that I really like this guy and want to be in a relationship with him that likely won't come to fruition.Also FWIW I feel like if he were in a position to be in a relationship that we would be in one. We live about 45 minutes away from each other (which is a pain) so both of us being in intensive programs we can only see each other over the weekend.Edited for clarity.
small town poz
Been poz for about four years. And I've found it impossible to date in my small town. I've abandoned apps entirely cause at one point a dude I messaged called poz guys "monsters".And today my boyfriend of four months dumped me because he couldn't get comfortable with the idea of being sexually intimate.It's hard and it hurts. I was just wondering if anyone had any advice.
But don't worry, gays are healthy
Update no. 4
Hey! Sorry for not posting in a long time, it's just that I haven't got round to do it, sorry if I stressed you out haha, and if you're new reading this, it's a long story, you should go and read my other posts so as to understand this one.Things have remained the same, he keeps on hugging me, telling me how important I am on his life and searching for me in case I'm the one who (accidentally) forgets to message him.You see I managed to go out with this guy and finally after postponing and postponing, there we were. I was freaking out (as always). We told each other we would be meeting at 2, nevertheless, due to my nerves and thinking of the worst, I arrived there about half an hour earlier. Then as the moment we were meeting approached, I saw him a few meters (100?) away, I pretended I hadn't seen him and messaged him telling where I was. The next thing I knew, was he greeting me from my back. I made a surprise face as if I thought he was absent, we had a word on stupid things and then decided to go and have tacos for meal, while we were waiting for our order, we were talking and then out of nothing he took my chin and held it, I pushed his hand away after about 5 seconds and asked him what he was doing, he answered "nothing, it's just that you haven't shaved..." which I responded with a sigh of relief.As soon as we got our order, we looked for somewhere to sit, there was no place left, or that's what I thought. After searching around we found one, but guess what? It was exactly in the middle of the whole dining place. You see there was this round table with about ten seats and just us two sitting one next to the other. It kind of caused me anxiety, though. We hadn't eaten anything so we were still hungry, he asked whether I liked Hawaiian pizza, I answered with a simple "yes" and he told me "I was waiting something like 'I like whatever you like' but well..." i didn't pay too much attention to this, should have I?The thing is we decided not to buy anything else but instead go for a drink. While we were paying our stuff he replied once again the fact of he wanting someone to have that emotional relation, I was about to tell him I would be there even he didn't see me in that way, but I felt such a big lump in muy throat that I couldn't say a word. Then, we went somewhere else and talked a little more. We got to the point we were laughing about his name (he's got a name which is not common here where we live, and I think it isn't in most parts of the world haha) and how rarely some of my friends write it. So I took my phone and typed the wrong writing of his name on whatsapp in order to count how many times they have written it incorrectly, he took my phone and said "what would you do if I read this messages?" At first I said I would kill him, but then realised the situation and told him I didn't care about it anymore, so he went through them and smiled at some messages, while at others he would break into laugh. At the end, he said "well, it seems you think too much about me" and he was right...Many people have told me there are still lots of things we have to talk about, e.g. Me telling him that I will be there for anytime he needs me. But, for fourth time, what should I do?Also need advice on something else, his birthday is in a month and I would like to plan him a surprise party, maybe not that big but neither meaningless. For instance, I'll give him a letter or painting, what do you recommend me? :)
Prostate fun?
Hey r/gay, how are ya.I'm a straight guy, but I've always been open, and hooked up with a few guys in the past. I've been curious about self prostate stimulation for a while, and I'm not quite sure how to get started. Any tips?
What exactly is the process for buying the right condom
I'm not having sex any time in the near future, but since I go to a catholic school, they taught me abstinence. I probably won't have sex for a few years for personal reasons. I have no idea how condoms are sized and I'd be scared to death to get the wrong size. Can some of you experienced guys tell me how condoms are sold and what I should know, so I'm not frantic come the time?
Chatting with a desperate closeted guy
Hey, it's my first post and I'm not English so don't be to rough in the comment please . I'm chatting with this guy on a dating app, he is really nice, and eventually we talked about coming out and everything like that. I'm out of the closet and I didn't had any issues with it. But he told me he only came out to his best friend and he rejected him. So basically he is really depressed now and he even have made a suicide attempt a few months ago. I really want to help him but actually we are living pretty far from each other, plus I'm in the university, and I'm spending all my days studying. So I want to help him, but I really don't know what I could do for him to feel better and stop feeling this desperate... Have you guys any ideas? Thanks in advance for the answers...
In love with my straight(?) friend update no. 4
Hey! Sorry for not posting in a long time, it's just that I haven't got round to do it, sorry if I stressed you out haha, and if you're new reading this, it's a long story, you should go and read my other posts so as to understand this one.Things have remained the same, he keeps on hugging me, telling me how important I am on his life and searching for me in case I'm the one who (accidentally) forgets to message him.You see I managed to go out with this guy and finally after postponing and postponing, there we were. I was freaking out (as always). We told each other we would be meeting at 2, nevertheless, due to my nerves and thinking of the worst, I arrived there about half an hour earlier. Then as the moment we were meeting approached, I saw him a few meters (100?) away, I pretended I hadn't seen him and messaged him telling where I was. The next thing I knew, was he greeting me from my back. I made a surprise face as if I thought he was absent, we had a word on stupid things and then decided to go and have tacos for meal, while we were waiting for our order, we were talking and then out of nothing he took my chin and held it, I pushed his hand away after about 5 seconds and asked him what he was doing, he answered "nothing, it's just that you haven't shaved..." which I responded with a sigh of relief.As soon as we got our order, we looked for somewhere to sit, there was no place left, or that's what I thought. After searching around we found one, but guess what? It was exactly in the middle of the whole dining place. You see there was this round table with about ten seats and just us two sitting one next to the other. It kind of caused me anxiety, though. We hadn't eaten anything so we were still hungry, he asked whether I liked Hawaiian pizza, I answered with a simple "yes" and he told me "I was waiting something like 'I like whatever you like' but well..." i didn't pay too much attention to this, should have I?The thing is we decided not to buy anything else but instead go for a drink. While we were paying our stuff he replied once again the fact of he wanting someone to have that emotional relation, I was about to tell him I would be there even he didn't see me in that way, but I felt such a big lump in muy throat that I couldn't say a word. Then, we went somewhere else and talked a little more. We got to the point we were laughing about his name (he's got a name which is not common here where we live, and I think it isn't in most parts of the world haha) and how rarely some of my friends write it. So I took my phone and typed the wrong writing of his name on whatsapp in order to show him the multiple times people have written his name how it is not supposed to be written, he took my phone and said asked what would I do if he checked and swiped through my messages, at first I said I'd kill him, but then said "you know what? At this point I don't care what you read, go on" and he did, he smiled at some of them and in others laughed, nevertheless I didn't want to know what he was reading... after he finished, he said "well, it seems you to be thinking about me a lot" which I answered "nope, you're wrong, you are just too many times mentioned by my friends", he laughed after this.Some friends have told me there are still too many things we need to talk about, but I can't find the way to do it. What's your opinion on this?Last Monday, we were both alone at school, I was supposed to go home early but I wanted to say with him a little bit more, I was about to hug him but his mother arrived to pick him up, I just said "well, I didn't do what I wanted..." he asked what but I didn't dare to tell himAlso, need some help, his birthday is in a month, I've been thinking about making him a surprise party, maybe not that big but not meaningless, for instance, I'll definitely give him a letter, painting or sth like that, I'm planning on editing a video, too. What do you recommend me?
There is this boy I like and we both are close(ish) friends but I think I may have a crush on him ! But I'm not "out" as bisexual yet so I can't tell him I like him ! Also everyone one in our school is pretty much homophobic (including him) so I'm stuck.
In love with my straight(?) friend update no. 4
Hey! Sorry for not posting in a long time, it's just that I haven't got round to do it, sorry if I stressed you out haha, and if you're new reading this, it's a long story, you should go and read my other posts so as to understand this one.Things have remained the same, he keeps on hugging me, telling me how important I am on his life and searching for me in case I'm the one who (accidentally) forgets to message him.You see I managed to go out with this guy and finally after postponing and postponing, there we were. I was freaking out (as always). We told each other we would be meeting at 2, nevertheless, due to my nerves and thinking of the worst, I arrived there about half an hour earlier. Then as the moment we were meeting approached, I saw him a few meters (100?) away, I pretended I hadn't seen him and messaged him telling where I was. The next thing I knew, was he greeting me from my back. I made a surprise face as if I thought he was absent, we had a word on stupid things and then decided to go and have tacos for meal, while we were waiting for our order, we were talking and then out of nothing he took my chin and held it, I pushed his hand away after about 5 seconds and asked him what he was doing, he answered "nothing, it's just that you haven't shaved..." which I responded with a sigh of relief.As soon as we got our order, we looked for somewhere to sit, there was no place left, or that's what I thought. After searching around we found one, but guess what? It was exactly in the middle of the whole dining place. You see there was this round table with about ten seats and just us two sitting one next to the other. It kind of caused me anxiety, though. We hadn't eaten anything so we were still hungry, he asked whether I liked Hawaiian pizza, I answered with a simple "yes" and he told me "I was waiting something like 'I like whatever you like' but well..." i didn't pay too much attention to this, should have I?The thing is we decided not to buy anything else but instead go for a drink. While we were paying our stuff he replied once again the fact of he wanting someone to have that emotional relation, I was about to tell him I would be there even he didn't see me in that way, but I felt such a big lump in muy throat that I couldn't say a word. Then, we went somewhere else and talked a little more. We got to the point we were laughing about his name (he's got a name which is not common here where we live, and I think it isn't in most parts of the world haha) and how rarely some of my friends write it. So I took my phone and typed the wrong writing of his name on whatsapp in order to count how many times they have written it incorrectly, he took my phone and said "what would you do if I read this messages?" At first I said I would kill him, but then realised the situation and told him I didn't care about it anymore, so he went through them and smiled at some messages, while at others he would break into laugh. At the end, he said "well, it seems you think too much about me" and he was right...Many people have told me there are still lots of things we have to talk about, e.g. Me telling him that I will be there for anytime he needs me. But, for fourth time, what should I do?Also need advice on something else, his birthday is in a month and I would like to plan him a surprise party, maybe not that big but neither meaningless. For instance, I'll give him a letter or painting, what do you recommend me? :)
[Storytime] [Throwback] to my first shaving experience
I've always been naturally quite hairy. Even in middle school I was never lacking in body hair. For some reason, my dad would buy razors in bulk. When I was 13, I decided that I may as well make an attempt at shaving with one of his many unused razors. Of course, I bypassed my parents (and even the internet) and decided to just try shaving myself. Of course, I went straight for the pubes, as they were the longest. After shaving for a good few minutes, I decided to look in a mirror and see how I did. It was atrocious. It honestly looked like a barcode. I had to shave again later that day to get it even remotely correct. I used basically an entire bottle of shaving cream and cut myself (miraculously, only once or twice). Long story short, ASK YOUR FUCKING PARENTS BEFORE YOU SHAVE.
Something weird happened at school today.
So I've been out at school for a little over a month now and it took a couple of weeks for everyone to calm down. But today a group of guys that I've know for ages gather around me and asked some questions. They wanted to knwo what guys I had crushes on, if any of them. Who I wanted to fuck and blow and stuff like that. Kept telling them I didn't want to answer, after like 20 mins of begging me to answer questions they finally left. Talked to my boyfriend later and he said they did the exact same thing, which is very odd. So I wonder if they're up to something...
how do you shave back hair?
well the butt is kinda easy, i don't have hairy back but i'm 17 and the hair on my back started to grow, and it's very hard to reach your arm there and shave it? any tips?
Mormon Policy on Children of Same-Sex Couples
I created a video with a parody of an LDS church leader talking about children of gay couples. Watch it now before the LDS church pressures YouTube to delete it (it contains some footage from an actual church video)! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8F9u31eiZEChildren in the Mormon church typically progress through a series of "ordinances" which represent stepping stones in their path through childhood and adolescence. If a child has same-sex parents, then the child is prevented from participating in baptism and these other ordinances. In other words, they are ostracized and humiliated. The Mormon church wants to cause so much pain to gay members that they will leave the church. This is how they intend to preserve a heterosexual atmosphere which represents their ideal church-mandated way of life.The church is walking a tightrope, because people who are sympathetic to the needs of LGBQ people are outraged by these policies, and the church hates negative publicity.As you may know, teenage suicide is a problem in Utah, and many people believe that the Mormon church's policies are a big cause.Below are links to actual Mormon information on this topic: Mormon Newsroom: Understanding the Handbook http://ift.tt/2cEsj6u: First Presidency Clarifies Church Handbook Changes http://ift.tt/2dhdsg8 Newsroom: Church Provides Context on Handbook Changes Affecting Same-Sex Marriages http://ift.tt/1XVFIES
I'm a 14 year old boy in a cross-continental long distance relationship with an 18 year old; I need advice.
Big-af story of how we met ahead:I have been in a long distance relationship with an 18 year old guy for several months now - believe it or not, I met him while we were playing fucking Garry's Mod, HL2RP. We were good friends on the server, but only communicated through Steam and whatnot, I, predictably was lying about my age, as most young ones would do on the Internet.After a few weeks of talking together, he had brought up the idea of me getting Kik in order to talk with each other in an easier manner, which I did. Soon enough he sent me a picture of his face, and he was the cutest thing I had ever seen, I just didn't show those feelings about it since I didn't know his preferences or feelings for that sort of thing.We continue to text each other on Kik daily, both of us gradually becoming further attached to each other by the day, when he abruptly brings up "wanting me to be bae," I took it jokingly externally, but internally I was really happy he said it -- note that I hadn't come clean about my real age, so I partly felt guilty and a liar about it. He was surely serious though, and he said it himself, and from that point on I was the happiest boy alive. I dared not tell my parents about it at all for obvious reasons, (imagine, a 14 year old in New Zealand, long distance, same-sex relationship with an 18 year old in the USA? They'd flip.)Skip forward a month or two - I had finally mustered up the courage to tell him about my real age, he was the only one I felt confident enough to tell that sort of thing about, I trusted him so much. After finally receiving a response, I was scared to look at the message...But he wasn't even that phased. I was, I can't describe how happy, relieved, in awe, I was at the moment of his response. I loved him so much, I rallied the confidence easily to finally show my full face to him - which I had been putting off for months due to the, you know, age lie.As of now, it's planned that he might even come to New Zealand in order to get an apartment and stay here in a year or two, maybe even permanently, and that's where I come up to the reason why I posted this thread.I'm really worried about my parents'/family-in-general's opinion on it if I ever came clean about it, they're already suspicious of me having a girlfriend due to the constant texting and hiding my phone when they walk by, even caught me Skyping with him but they didn't see his actual face.They're basically hunting me to see if I have in fact got a girlfriend I'm hiding from them, but holy hell I'd be scared if they found out that I had a boyfriend instead, that wasn't even in the same country and was four years older than me. I know myself that I'm mature enough to handle a relationship, but it's really just my parents that I'm worried about. Not about bullying at school or whatever, since it's a pretty gay-tolerant small town.What do I do, does anyone have anything to suggest I do? Come clean, or keep it a secret for God knows how long?
is it weird that i like hairy men? :/
i like hairy men, (beards,chest,butt,arms,legs) and most of gay men likes smooth shaved men
Music for my boyfriend
I have a boyfriend, almost 3 years by now. I truly love him and don't know how to express myself.As a amateur musician, I wrote one song for him when we were starting the romance. Last week I decided to remake this song and give it to him, to celebrate our date. After hours and hours, I produced the song by myself. When I was finishing, the program crashed and I lost almost everything! :(I almost cried. I slept. And this morning, I woke up early and did it all again. Finally its done!Showed to him and he loved. And that's what matters.Here's the link: http://ift.tt/2dHgzQr you guys like it. But if you don't, at least he did <3
Knightbreeders hot shot
2016. szeptember 28., szerda
Sex Question
So I fucked up. I lost my virginity a few hours ago to this nice guy on Grindr. He's from Colombia and I just had him over for a little bit and one thing lead to another. He penetrated me (my first time) but didnt wear a condom. It just kind of happened. He did not cum inside me. It didnt happen for very long (I came fast). I asked him during and after and he swore he didnt have anything. I also asked him after how many guys he'd been with and he said 5. Im just nervous about getting a std (HIV in particular.) I thought about going to a health center near me tomorrow and just seeing what I should do but I dont want anything to show up on my health record/bill because my parents would see. Obviously preventing an std is more important than my parents finding out I got a test. I would just rather neither happened. Plus there isnt much they could test for the day after so I'd have to wait 3 months I read to see if I got HIV or anything. I dont think I got anything and dont want to be over dramatic there is just that "what if" feeling. I did some research and theres something called PEP thats like morning after for HIV but that said it should only be used in emergencies like rape and this isnt like that at all.So I thought I'd ask you guys. How should I proceed? I know I fucked up. It wont happen again so theres no need to scold me for that. Im just a scared no longer virgin that is probably over reacting to nothing.
Straight Guy: My Friend told me he has feelings for me and i am questioning myself
Hello /r/gay! Made a throwaway account because i really need advice.So i am a straight guy and need your help with a Situation i am currently in. So my best friend (lets call him Ted) an i have been friends for like 6 years. About a year and a half ago he came out to me as gay. I am totally fine with it and was happy for him finding out who he is. All my and his other friends were all fine with it too. He even had boyfriend at the time. Even though they were adorable together they noticed quite quickly that they didn't have that much in common as they thought they had at first. They split up but still see each other from time to time. Ted didn't get into another relationship afterwards (at least not that i know).About a week ago i noticed that something was up with Ted. He was sometimes whe we did something together just suddenly sad with no seemingly no real reason. When i first asked him whats up with him he just shrug it off and told me it was nothing but i knew there was more to it. I asked him again and again but he always told me is was nothing until yesterday.It was evening and we were out in a in a park in our neighbourhood after we watched a movie in the cinema. I asked him again. He didn't say anything so i told him that whatever it is he can tell me. I saw that he was struggling with himself but the he told me that he developed feeling for me and fallen in love with me. I definetly didn't expect that and was totally confused and didn't know what to say. He said that he was really sorry and it was really stupid of him to tell me that. He ran off and jumped on his bike and was gone before i realized it. I tried to call him a few times but he didn't answer.I thought about nothing else for the rest of the evening and didn't sleep. I don't know why but i kind of have feelings for him suddenly. Men have never interested me sexually in any way and i definetly identiefied as straight but suddenly i am really unsure about myself and don't know what to do.I am totally confused and don't know what i should do. Can any of you give me some advice?
That gosh darn metaphorical closet. (greetings)
Hi, i am a closeted gay teenager. I've never joined a community of people simular to myself on a sexual and relations level till now and im kinda excited to talk to people and possibly make new friends because its hard to make friends in my current endeavors and it seems like my computer is the only way i get any social interaction which isn't the most mentally healthy thing in the world but im coping with it. I just wanted to say hi!
Another "how to flirt post"
Soo hey what's up... Anyways I'm male 16 and I need help flirting with another guy. He's already come out as gay. I have only one class at the end of the day and I have no idea how to ask him out/flirt. Also is it weird to ask him out through Instagram (like just pm him asking for his number). Thanks in advance.
Spy cam Pissing
In need of someone
I am 20 years old and have never dated because i'm gay, i really need a black teen
So I'm new to the gay scene and I'm not trying to offend anyone but where are the masculine gay guys. I'm just not into feminine men. Yes some are pretty but I want the I always saw girls have the masculine man that can protect you
Is everything a gay male wants in a show. You should check it out. It's on Netflix.
Scary Stufff
Even though I'm bisexual more into girls then guys. I'm still kind of grossed out by vagina. It looks good when it's not opened up all the way and it feels good. My question is "Is being grossed out by the look of a vagina make a guy gay?"
Hillary or breadsticks? [OC]
What helped you come out?
G'day everyone!I was blessed in my coming out and it was thanks to my dear friend that I got the nerve to do it and I've never looked back since.What helped you finally come out?
Gay Best Friends Have A Fun Podcast!!
I'm in need of some advice.
So I've known about myself for about a year now and I've also told a few selected friends (won't tell my parents but that's another story). My friends seem to accept it and we sometimes even joke about it. Everyone seems to be fine with it... everyone but me.I dunno what's wrong with me I KNOW that it's ok to be gay and I shouldn't have a problem with it. Yet I do. I don't exactly know what about being gay distresses me but there is something I cannot put my finger on. I can't really talk about it in person and it always makes me feel uneasy even with my closest friends or when I myself think about it. I just feel lost since I can't seem to be ok with who I am and I don't seem to able to do anything about it. Help would be highly appreciated.Thanks in advance!
Can anyone relate? advise me even? (long on going story)
I already have it on wattpad sooooooo http://ift.tt/2cVldq2 thanks for the time of anyone who reads it <3 I may edit it so I have the text in here directly, could only do that after work though
Very confused and scared to talk to anyone. Need help.
Hi everyone. So I'm not sure how often this stuff is posted and I'm really sorry if it's not allowed/ is intrusive but idk where else to postSo as the title suggests I'm extremely scared to talk to anyone and the few people I asked can't help me much. I need answers, so I'll get right into it.Iv been heterosexual all my life and was even disgusted of dick in the early stages of my discovering porn. So much that I could only watch lesbian porn before slowly becoming OK with heterosexual porn. For the past year or so, however, I have been watching a lot of transsexual porn. I started playing with my asshole when Jacking off here and there. After a while bought a vibrator that I occasionally use (takes a lot of effort, but feels amazing when using) Iv also been geting a heavy urge to suck dick. Like sometimes I even stare at my dick and fantasize about sacking it. But Im not attracted to big dicks. I'm not attracted to hairy dicks or muscular hairy men. Most masculine things I'm not attracted to. Even the thought of kissing a guy is unattractive. I find traps attractive, and they only have to be mildly convincing. I tried watching gay porn a bunch of times but it didn't cut it for me either.Please I need help. I just want advice
2016. szeptember 27., kedd
Asian having sex
I'm not sure if I'm gay.
I've always been attracted to men and I finally came out to everyone and things were going great.Since I came out I don't find myself attracted to men anymore and have become slightly interested in women (I'm still grossed out by vagina but everything else seems nicer). I don't know what's going on because I was so convinced I was gay now I don't feel it at all.Has anyone else gone through this and if so what did you decide?
Brian Anderson becomes the first openly gay professional skateboarder. Worth a watch!!
Dealing with homophobia
I live in a fairly gay city, but every other day I hear stories of gays being assaulted.Personally, I've been spat at, had random strangers yell "faggot" at me from moving cars, and I've even been punched in the head for kissing my boyfriend on a night out.Every time I read about it happening on social media it builds up so much anxiety inside me. I find it hard to breathe. I almost start shaking with anger and frustration. I'm just so fucking tired of it all.How do you deal with all this? Do you try and block it out? Do you share and try to educate people? What do you do to keep yourself sane?
Conversations between gay men.
So i just had a conversation with a guy. Really cute. We met on a dating app and we exchanged phone numbers. I was genuinely interested. I asked about his day, what he does for fun we talked about the stuff he was into. He loved animals a lot. But i noticed he didn't asked a lot of questions back and i tild him so he did start to ask but his questions were weird as f*ck. He asked how much do you weigh? I immediately said lol weird question. I indulged but my patience started going the moment he asked that. Wanting ro give him the benefit of the doubt that he was a creeper i didn't say anything. He continued with how tall are you, are you a big guy, are you hung? And not answering these questions i stopped him and tild him off dude no jard feelings but your question are making me feel uncomfortable and i'm stopping this conversation. He said that he was asking questions because he felt like he was being interviewed. Now i again was genuinely interested in his life and personality. I even offered to go for a drink. Now i'm just looking for opinions here. Is this normal? Did i do sonething wrong? Was i right in telling this guy off.
New and curious. Need help.
Hello everyone. I'm very sorry if this is the wrong place to ask/talk about this, but I'm lost.So I've been curious for a long time but have always dated women. I don't live in a progressive area so you could say my options for meeting like minded friends/partners is fairly limited.I'm not really sure what to ask or say, but I've just been feeling like I'm missing something and I'd like to experiment, BUT I don't know how! I'd like to make a close friend and slowly bond and experiment with, but to me it seems like my only options are things like Grindr, which are scary to me and not what I'm looking for. I want a friend I can do things with, not a hookup.I'm sorry if I offended anyone, and I hope someone can help me figure things out.Thank you
Scared to talk to anyone, please help
Hi everyone. So I'm not sure how often this stuff is posted and I'm really sorry if it's not allowed/ is intrusive but idk where else to postSo as the title suggests I'm extremely scared to talk to anyone and the few people I asked can't help me much. I need answers, so I'll get right into it.Iv been heterosexual all my life and was even disgusted of dick in the early stages of my discovering porn. So much that I could only watch lesbian porn before slowly becoming OK with heterosexual porn. For the past year or so, however, I have been watching a lot of transsexual porn. I started playing with my asshole when Jacking off here and there. After a while bought a vibrator that I occasionally use (takes a lot of effort, but feels amazing when using) Iv also been geting a heavy urge to suck dick. Like sometimes I even stare at my dick and fantasize about sacking it. But Im not attracted to big dicks. I'm not attracted to hairy dicks or muscular hairy men. Most masculine things I'm not attracted to. Even the thought of kissing a guy is unattractive. I find traps attractive, and they only have to be mildly convincing. I tried watching gay porn a bunch of times but it didn't cut it for me either.Please I need help. I just want advice
Poll: How many cocks do you suck per month?
So, I'm just really interested in seeing how much cock you suck on average, per month maybe? or per week? I'm especially interested in whether you're neg or not and how often you get tested. Haha. I guess my interest mostly comes out of this: after a very long dry spell, I sucked three cocks in the last week. Just curious what other guys are up to...
Looking for advice, I guess?
So Ive been dating a guy for 2, maybe 3 years now. And it was great at first, even though it was long distance. We got to visit each other last halloween which was fun. But we also fight a lot and theres trust issues on both sides. Mostly the fact that he gets pissed off whenever I start talking to someone and constantly wants to know what Im saying to people. And on one of the sites Im on hes no longer a part of (got himself removed due to some stuff I really dont wanna get into right now) but within a day of me saying something on there (literally nothing of importance, just idle chitchat about work related occurrences while im on break or something) hell be asking me about it later that night as if i did something wrong by not telling him about it. And he constantly says im lying to him because ill say im going to bed and then ill still be up several hours later (because i have extreme insomnia as well as sleep apnea plus an anxiety disorder). And weve had several fights (and a few extremely brief breakups) and sorta broke up earlier this week, but he convinced me to give him a month to fix the relationship because he went to a doctor and is now on medication to help his anger issues and constant migraines and he is nicer and all which is great but...Im not there anymore? Like..my ability to trust him and talk to him about stuff has been systematically destroyed for the past year to the point that I've already prepared myself mentally for not being with him. I just...cant seem to bring it up.And on top of that Ive had a friend on that same site my bf was part of (ive been part of the site maybe 3 months?) that ive talked to here and there for a while but a LOT more in the last few days and...I really REALLY like him. And he doesnt live that far from me. A half hour by car as opposed to a 4 hour flight. And I can actually talk to him about things that Id love to be able to talk to my bf about but cant (he either doesnt understand or calls it stupid or just completely misses the point) and not does he listen and participate in the conversation, he GENUINELY UNDERSTANDS. And I wanna talk to him about this but I cant because he likes me too and I dont wanna hurt his feelings or seem like Im using him / toying with his feelings / hes a rebound because thats not the case. And with my bf yea hes nicer and calmer thanks to the new medication hes on but I dont know if i wanna be with someone that needs to be drugged just to NICE to me.So....what should I do? If anyone even bothers reading this wall of text...
talk dirty to me
Like it says talk dirty to me GO!!!! Lol
Can we talk about porn ?
hi guys. so thats the thing: i watch porn, like a lot, and im sure lots of you do too, but lately i have been paying more attention, listening to the dialogues and stuff like this.And the amount of rape on porn is really concerning. i see a lot of porn idolizing rape, punishment, degradating acts... and im not even talking about the hardcore stuff. lately i have been in discussions about how por is degrading to women, and now i wanna ask, do u guys feel the same way about gay porn ? does it make u unconfortable seeing the bottom guy being in a degrading position ? or does it make any difference to you that most porn actors act so "masculine"?
I got drunk and came out to straight friends
BEFORE"I doubt that I will ever have babies," I say while shoving pasta in my mouth like a 5-year-old.We are in an Italian restaurant, because that's where drunk people go when they get shit-faced at 10pm.My two friends who are arguing about whether having a baby is good life decision suddenly turn to me.Am I saying it out loud? Shit."Why?" asks the guy, nicknamed S."This should be good, I wanna hear why," says the girl, nicknamed C.It is in that moment I realise I have always wanted to do this. Now that alcohol has removed all the check-points I had hardwired into my brain, the opportunity is mine."Because I..."Wait, think about it befo-"... I'm not into girls," I shrugged and smiled.My pasta is tasting pretty fucking good.AFTER"I wasn't expecting that but alright," says C, unfazed like a true San Fran girl."Yea that's totally cool man," says S who smiles like a kid despite rocking a full grown beard.I fucking love his beard. His eyes remind me of a feline predator. I want to touch his beautiful face.I ask them not to tell other classmates because I prefer doing it myself. They promised to respect my decision."I'm glad that this is a safe space for you to tell us, I'm really proud of you -" added C who then turns to S."- and I know you don't like the word 'safe space' but for once please shut up about it," C laughed.LATERNight is chilly in September. The alcohol starts to fade as I walk them back to their hotel.C is dancing her way along the deserted road while singing Hotline Bling.The more I reflect on what just happened, the heavier my body feels.They are at the hotel staircase when I ask S if I can speak to him."Listen, [S] I just want to say that I hope I didn't creep you out or anything, I didn't mean to - "This is shitty - fuck me"- I'm sorry," it ended like a whisper.The pavement suddenly becomes so interesting-looking."Hey it's okay, don't worry about it," says S.He seems to find my reaction... funny?"You know I have so many friends who are..." he paused to find the right word then realise that he can't.He then hug me like how a person would hug a tree. His body is warm and his beard scratches my face. This must be what men feel like."Don't say sorry okay?" says S.I pat his pack with one arm because the other one is locked."Okay"TL;DR - I came out to straight friends and it went well. I want to record it while my memory is fresh.EDIT: S checked in on me that night through Facebook message. It still warms my heart.
Isn't this what an urge feels like? What the hell am I?
I'm a bit of a nut job because I managed to become addicted to porn at a mere 14 years old and I've been trying to quit for two years. I haven't crushed in four years, and even stranger, that was on a girl. From the moment I started watching porn though, I realized the truth. I never gave a shit about the girl in the video. Men are so fucking attractive, and I want one.My addiction however has unfortunately robbed me of normal male functioning, so I physically cannot get hard to real people. I haven't had a wet dream or even morning wood in three years. I always stuck inside alone watching my porn, and basically, the result is, I can't feel normal sexual urge. But at the same time, i feel the desire.The best way I can explain this is that extremely rarely I will be absolutely overcome with the desire to have sex, but I can't feel the drive to pursue it. My thoughts drift to porn after an initial spark and that's the end of it. I think about how hot it would be to fuck a guy. I can't imagine how good it must feel to stick it up there but I get really excited at the thought. The thought stays in my head though and I feel no desire to pursue it though. Therefore, from the beginning, I assumed I wanted to top a guy if I ever did it.However, one day, I was sick of not feeling the corresponding urge to pursue. I thought nah I'm bullshitting myself, i can't be a top if I don't want to pursue. I have to be a bottom! So I stuck my finger up my butt and it was... a mixed bag, anyway. Felt good but hurt quite a bit. I didn't think about doing it again since I didn't find it nearly as pleasuring as my penis. HOWEVER, ever since that day, when i get horny, i feel this "tingling" where my prostate is. I feel an urge to pleasure it, but I don't feel the urge to have something up their either. It seems so fucking weird. But is this what desire feels like? Do I want to have a guy fucking me deep down? But that can't be, because when I get horny, I think about topping a guy! What is this? How can I eel the desire to top and to pleasure my prostate at the same time? That's just physically not possible to pleasure both at the same time, I think!I'm probably just overthinking it, but it gives me some anxiety. I'm not sure in what I'd do if I was with with a guy! What would I tell him? I guess that's what experimentation is for, but in the meanwhile I don't feel the urge to have real see with a guy, I just think about it! There's would be literally no way for me to figure this out as of now, but all I can ask in the meantime is, is that what it feels like to have an urge? Do you guys ever feel that way? Aren't there any other accompanying feelings?Sorry for my wall :(
What do you look for in a partner?
Obviously they have to be attractive, but what qualities in someone do you look for when looking for a partner?
Where can I sell myself as a Gay Rent Boy in Central London ?
No text found
I'm a 21-year-old gay virgin... and I feel weird about it
I'm a 21-year-old senior in University, and it's my third and final year at my college (I transferred here). I'm a virgin and that thought often saddens me. I don't have many gay friends on campus (or male friends) but I do have a gay roommate I'm close with. He's 19 years old and we often talk about our sex lives, and mine pales in comparison to his.I think I'm pretty attractive, I'm tall, pretty in-shape, and I have a beard. Many guys who I often want to be friends with end up wanting to hook up with me rather than preserving our friendship. Even my roommate tried to hook up with me before we met.I don't know what I want. Growing up, I was overprotected by my immigrant parents and went to a K-8 private religious school that had 8 students in its graduating class.I wish I was able to let go sexually, I never want to hook up with anyone and I think it's because porn has set unreal expectations for me. Is anyone else like this?When I hear stories about men losing their virginity at a "right" age like 16-19 it makes me feel out of place. I never had a place that I could have sex. And I'm not attracted to a lot of people my age because I think they're either immature (I'm kind of a serious person) or I think people my age look too young for me to want to hook up with. I like "masculine" men but every time I'm with someone I like I lose interest because I'm afraid that all they want is sex from me.Typing this, I hear how uptight I can be in terms of meeting new people and trying to be comfortable around them. I hate that I give off this vibe. I think it's because I'm insecure because growing up in an immigrant family I was never "americanized" and I just feel like I'll never be a paart of the mainstream gays.Is there anyone who can give me some advice? I definitely have my own mental health issues but I just want to feel normal.
Tingling sensation in anus
Hi, I've been having a tingling sensation just inside my anus, is that something that gay people feel? Or you don't have any sensations there?It's constantly on for periods of hours and it's kind of like tickling/tingling, some days it's not there and other days it's there, just like I need to put something in my anus to stop it, though that maybe that would make me gay, no?
How to meet a guy?
I just started college and there's a class called technical drawing which I share with a few classmates and one of those classmates is a really cute guy. I have this class every Sunday and last Sunday before this one the teacher was kind of late and he came up to me and told me that the teacher may not come and give us today's lecture and just chatted for a little bit. We got a message through our phones saying that the lecture's location is moved to another location and when we went there there was some technical problems they had to finish before they got us in. As were waiting he kept peaking at me and I could see him looking at me like he wanted to tell me something but I was just too shy to go and talk to him I kept talking to my friend who was infront of me and waited for him to come and say hi. He eventually had to come and talk because his friend came to talk to me and he came in and started talking and laughing. Now this last Sunday when we were in class he was sitting in the front and I was sitting in the back , and he kept peaking at me and when I catch his eyes he turns around. I didn't know if he is interested or not until when everyone finished and handed their assignment in class, he handed his but I wasnt done with mine. I looked at him and he was examining the other assignments everyone else did but there was only 3 people left in class including me. I took way too long to finish mine so I think that's why he had to take off. He seemed quite interested in meeting me , but I have this fear that if I meet him that I'm gonna ruin the relationship sooner or later or that it's not gonna be as I expected.. I don't know how to take the first approach in having a good relationship that would make both of us happy? In short : how to take the first move in talking to him without being nervous?:))))
Coming out
I came out to my friends and family back in April this year and it's been one hell of a ride. I have had a lot of great support and some not so great, but overall I'd never go back now know what life and be like as an open and whole person. I have however, found that many of my friends who I didn't come out to directly have been hurt by the fact that I didn't confide in them at this time of my life. I only came out to about three of my close friends and then they helped me spread the word making it alittle less awkward for me and I appreciate that so much. Now that it's been a few months things seem to have gone back to normal until the other night when one of my really great friends told me he was hurt and thought that he lost one of his best friend because I didn't tell him personally I was gay. I told him that he's always one of my best friends but it was very hard for me at the time to come out and say I was gay to people. I guess I'm just looking for similar experiences or some type of dialogue about friends feeling left out with the whole coming out process because I never realized how selfish I might have been through this process.
How to Gaydar
1: Play music from musicals on speaker.Grab any dude that sings along, proceed to Step 2. Defying Gravity is a popular choice, but anything from Hamilton is acceptible.Disney songs can also be used.2: How much hair gel/makeup are they wearing?If they're wearing quite a lot, proceed to Step 33: How fabulous are they?How much pink or rainbow are they wearing? Are they fashionable? If so, proceed to step four.4: Just fucking askOh, whoops, too hard?
I finally found out why Neil Patrick Harris is known as the King of the Gays
2016. szeptember 26., hétfő
Are there any others out there like this or am I just crazy?
I’m a 54 year old gay man about to be 55 who is friends with a 28 year old straight man about to be 29. The best way to describe this is that he is the kid I will never have and I love him that way and once we became close I told him all of that. Since this blowup I'm about to tell you about that happened Sunday all of my friends and family have asked me if I am in love with him romantically. He is like my kid. He calls me and shares things and vice versa. They all say – the 4 I’ve talked to anyway- it sounds like your emotional connection to him is stronger than his to you. My response to the romantic question has been, when you feel that way about someone you fantasize about them. That doesn’t happen. I never asked to be his friend, he just came up one day (in a professional environment, we are not co-workers I am just in the same building most days) and said let's go get breakfast. So we did. That and many times after. And we talk about anything and everything. I can give you a shit ton of examples, but two good ones are we had breakfast this one time about 3 months ago. We were there talking for 3 hours, and after we left he texted me, not me him, him me, and we texted for another 3 hours even though we had just departed. Another one, out of tons, last week he got some bad news and wanted to know if he would see me that day. I said no, what’s wrong. And he said it was just bad. I said, are you ok? He said I’m pretty upset right now. I said call me and he did and we talked. When he’s out of the country or on holiday he will text me out of the blue and tell me he misses home, etc. I don’t initiate that. I am minding my own business. Point is, we have this huge emotional bond and people tell me- none of these people are gay which is why I’m posting here- that his connection to me is not as strong as mine is to him. I’m like really? You call me and tell me things, and ask me for help with this and that. The age thing bothers him, and make a too long story short already, I texted him Sunday and told him goodbye, that I knew the friendship was just too hard for him. We had just met Friday for lunch. He had pissed me off about something the night before and he called to apologize and asked me to lunch; he also brought one of his new pups. Pups he had me pick out, two brothers. He wanted me to see him. But then I started processing all the stuff we go through when he said it weirds him out which wasn’t recently but has happened twice. So yesterday out of the blue I say goodbye on text. So he said ok, and he admitted that our friendship has made him uncomfortable on a personal and professional level, and that he was going to change his phone number so I could not contact him again. Before he did I texted that I didn’t mean it that I was just frustrated but he did it anyway. Our situation requires we see each other almost every day. So I went ahead and went in today. And he acted pretty much normal except he didn’t kid around with me a lot. And he didn’t throw me any miniature candies like normal. But he came in and talked and that was normal. A couple times actually. Thing with that tho is this: about 18 months ago when we started getting close I told him how I thought he was a great person and all this stuff. He went off on me and said that I didn’t know him at all, that all I saw was the façade he puts on at work. We’ve worked through a lot since then and even a month or so ago and old friend met him for lunch one day and later told me that my friend had told him I had helped him through a lot this year. And since then it’s evident like the last holiday he took I didn’t hear from him because he was genuinely having a good time. So anyway, today we were ok. Even though I was pretty much histrionic yesterday and called my friend who’s a pastor at 4 in the morning and his old pastor who has called me twice today. They all say give him space, which I am cool with. Today went fine, we chatted (nothing about this), and he even came in later to continue talking about something we had started earlier. SO I can and will give him space and I’m not upset like the weekend. I just feel my family and friends are telling me I am feeling something I’m not. His old pastor did ask me Sunday night (I bothered him then and Monday morning) would I be ok with a romantic relationship with him if he wanted that. I said yes but that it would be very weird and could not imagine it, and would not want it. The other day after we talked he called me back from the office phone instead of the cell. I saw it on the ID. I said hello but he just hung up. I didn’t ask him about it cause it’s happened before. Last Sunday I was going to go get our supper and I had to go to another room and said I’d brb. I was gone for a minute and I get a text that says are you going to get food? So I walked down there and said yeah I’m going in a minute let me finish this. And I turned to go back. He called my name and I turned around and said I’ll brb. So then I get a text that says never mind I’ll go get my own food. I walked down there again and asked what was wrong I said I was going to go get it and I was going now, to give me his debit card. He said no, you disrespected me, that he called my name 3 times and I walked away. I said no I heard you once and I said I’d brb. He said no you disrespected me. I said well if you’re going to the same place will you get mine if I give you the money and he said no. So I went to the car. No skin off my back I didn’t do anything wrong. Then he walks out there and comes to the car window and hands me his debit card. I said I don’t know why you said I disrespected you, you know how I feel about you. He smiles and says yeah I know, you tell me you love me. And he knows that. Final point: Am I crazy to think this kid gives a fuck about me and values this friendship which is why he contacts me and we share all this stuff – I mean hell the pups paperwork are actually in my name because he didn’t want to deal with the breeder. We’ve went to a sports game and eat out and hang out at his job like for hours. And yet the emotional connection is not equal? Like I said I’m cool with the space thing, I am. It was my fault. His former pastor (who is cool as shit and gay friendly) tells me the way I perceive, for example, the texting for 3 hours after the 3 hour breakfast, if just a fact, that it's not that he is connected to me like that. But no one else does that. And he has few friends, same here. But am I wrong about that connection being the way it is? And please no cynical comments or things like you’re in love with him yeah I am but not that way and he knows that. Comments? Suggestions?
Why do guys on gay chatroulette sites immediately lose interest when I reveal that I'm partnered/married?
It's the weirdest thing ever to me. Often, the guy is hundreds or thousands of miles away from me (the website provides location information), which means that there is zero chance of us meeting up anytime soon and dating, and yet they still become immediately uninterested and "next" me if they find out that I'm married. Why?My hypothesis is that a lot of guys on there are secretly open to or hoping for a relationship, so they don't want to "waste time" jerking off with a married guy. What do you think?
Am I "gay"?
I've always identified as a gay man but recently I started talking to a trans person (male to female) and I don't know what to identify myself as.I don't have any attraction to natural born women but male to female trans people I am attracted to.
Me on October 1st
The FDA's ban on gay male blood donors is totally unscientific and discriminatory. Only 102 comments on regulations.gov, add your voice now!
Call me crazy, but...
So there's this guy at work that I think is attractive. It's not like a "wow he's the most amazing creature I've ever seen," but I just find him intriguing. He does have great eyes, but anyway..I could be wrong, but I think he's trying to drop subtle hints to me. It's happened first today. The first time was something about girls, then he looked at me and smiled all irresistible. The second thing I forgot but he looked at me and smiled again.Now, I know that eye contact and smiling are natural occurrences in a social setting, but one can hope lol.
Why do so many gay men have body image issues?
A gay teen rises above bigotry in Carroll
My 12 year old daughter just came out
Like the title says, my 12 year old daughter just came out to me yesterday. I've known for awhile, but hadn't said anything until she was ready to tell me in her own time. I told her I already knew and nothing would change how I feel about her, but I warned her that not everyone will be as understanding and/or supportive. She has been having some trouble in school lately with her grades and focusing on her work (6th grade/ small town located in the bible belt), and I think this might be the root of the issue. Middle school children can be jerks and coming out at this age is such a huge step that will magnify the stress for her. I'm just worried about what all the ignorant people will say/do. I know I can't protect her from all of it, but I want to make it as easy for her as possible. I asked her if she would like to start going to counseling (she said yes) since sometimes it's easier to talk to a stranger than your own family.All I want for her is to be proud of who she is and be successful in life. I was just wondering, is there anything else I can do to help her during this time? Should I contact her school and let them know so they can keep an eye out for bullying? Thank you so much in advance!
Question about coming out to parents.
I believe this situation is fairly straight forward, although I don't know how to handle it.The Father: Seems ok with homosexuality. He is pretty traditional, although for the most part, liberal in social issues. He is ok with "civil union" although believes marriage should stay between man and woman. I also am under the impression that he would like grandchildren, but I think it would be different, because it's not traditional.The mother: Clearly against homosexuality, and has stated that she is not for gay marriage. She likely already knows, although I have actively denied that I'm gay (regardless of her frivolous attempt to find out). I haven't been ready to come out, and it's not happening on anyones terms but my own.The OP: I'm 18. I'm in the closet. I want out. I don't want to hide anymore, although at the same time, I don't want anything to happen between my parents and I (I am heavily reliant on them), although I predict that it is likely it could happen.Now there's the background (excuse it being primarily political, it's the only way I can think to talk about this in an comprehendible manner), and the questions I would like to present are:How would you determine if it were ok to come out? I would like to do so, but I have no idea how my parents would react.What are your thought considering the background I have presented? Specifically, what would you do if you were in my situation?If you require any further clarafication for anything I have said, please let me know. Thank you in advance.
I think this was the funniest coming out I did...
So, as a bit of background: I'm 19 years old, and over the last three years I've been coming out to a few select people. Last Saturday it was one of my best friends' turn to be subject to all the drama. We had been drinking a lot, as we do whenever we spend the Saturday night together, and casually happened to get alone. Since the guy has told me basically everything about his relationships and unreturned feelings I told myself that he deserved to learn one of my secrets.So I tell him, he takes it pretty well (he's a chill guy), we chat a bit about it, eventually he asks me if I ever found me attractive, to which I laugh and reply that I only see him as a friend and at this point he says:"Wait... Am I getting gay-friendzoned?"It was hilarious (the alcohol might have helped).
2016. szeptember 25., vasárnap
Gay Carsharing
Anal fissures... :(
hey everyone. has anyone here had anal fissures? if so, how long did they take to heal and were u able to have anal sex after they healed?and also, what did you do/use to help yourself heal?thanks guys...
I'm 100% out of the closet to my family.
It feels so good, after 23 years. I was terrified. And all it did was make our relationships 10X stronger. Just felt like sharing. If anyone is trying but just can't do it.
Gay places in San Francisco?
Hello out there.So I'm visiting San Francisco the week before the next, and I was wondering if you guys knows any good spots for people like us people to hang out. And I'm not looking for those flamboyant, rainbow sparkling places for people with stars glued to their skin and high pitched voices either. All that stuff just dosen't excite me that muchNo man, I'm looking for a REGULAR place with regular people who happens to be gay. I mean... I'm transsexual (or was, however you want to look at it because I'm done with my process and all the surgeries I currently want to undergo.) And I'm gay, but I don't really identify myself as neither trans nor HBTQ. I'm just....I'm just me, a regular guy who happens to likes other guys.I'm from a fairly small city and it's not all that simple to meet people here. I just want to find a place where I can hang out, drink bear, dance and have a chance for a hook-up without having to worry about who I am or was.Apologizes in before hand for any grammar or spelling mistakes. XOXO
Need advice on my boyfriend and his problems
HelloI'm in need of some advice on a thing I'm going through with my new boyfriend.He has come out to his friends and work, but he hasn't been able to tell his family yet.I suspect they already know, but won't accept it. They have previously locked him up and even beaten him when anything gay related has come up in his life. So he has been hiding this in fear of his parents, but in some way the fear of losing his family too.I've told him I'll stand by him and help him through this in whatever way I can, but he still lives at home (He is 19), and I've even offered to help him move into my apartment even though that might be a bit early for our relationship if that is going to help him I will gladly do it.Its come to a point where he has enlisted a girlfriends help posing as his girlfriend to cover it all up.Since he is living at home his parents even check his phone so I've had to take some measures for us to even be able to communicate without them finding out.This guy is worth all this trouble though and I just want to help him out, but I'm at a loss as to what I can do.
Came out to my parents. They said "ok."
Just so excited that my fairly relegious family didn't make a huge deal about me coming out. I feels so great.
How do you find out if he's gay?
So there's this guy I met at university last week and he's been very kind from the first moment on. He's really cool, but has no idea I'm gay. How should I go about asking him if he's gay? I don't want to anger him or something. Should I just drop the fact that I am? How do you go about this?
Normally, I consider myself 100% gay but certain kinds of heterosexual porn can temporarily make me straight
So, growing up I was well aware of being gay at a very early age. I don't recall ever having a desire for a female. Well, ok, maybe once or twice, a little interest, but the vast majority of the time I hungered for the boys. God, I found the boys to be so beautiful. Whenever I had a wet dream it involed boys, never girls. Of course, this freaked me out, and caused all kinds of anxiety because I grew up in a religiously conservative community.Anyhow, long story short, I eventually found that watching certain kinds of heterosexual porn would give rise to a desire for the female form. It's almost like I have found that I can temporarily make myself straight by watching cretain kinds of heterosexual porn. After I stop watching that kind of porn, I go back to my usual gay self.Anybody else have a similar experience?
Have u ever tried viagra? What's the feeling? Is it ok for health? I'm 26 and just wanna try out:)
Lesson Learned: Never promise that you will sleep with a guy that you've only met on an App. What you see is not what you really will get.
I chatted with this guy on this dating app, and he looked good in his photos. We've been messaging for a few days. Then, one night he messaged me if I wanted to hook-up. I was horny that night, and I was like "yeah, I'm down."We met up at my place and instantly I could tell I was not excited to have sex with this guy. I was not even excited to be naked with this guy. Me being polite and being a man of my word made me squirm inside -- I did not know how to turn down this guy that traveled to my doorstep.So we went to my bedroom and we got naked. I had to look away when he disrobed because I did not even want to see him naked. To ease out the rejection, I just told him that I only wanted a BJ and am not looking to have sex despite what we agreed on the App. He started stroking me.Fortunately, he eventually picked up that I wasn't keen on having him sex with him. We agreed that it's better to discontinue.So there you have it folks... if you're a man of your word be very careful on when to give your word out.Also, the bigger lesson here is if you yourself is not excited about getting naked with a guy, learn to stand up for yourself. Be on your side. You owe it to yourself. It's hard to reject people, but it's harder to be naked with a guy that doesn't turn you on.
2016. szeptember 24., szombat
is uncut or cut more attractive ?
i've heard there's like an ugly backstory with circumcision so people are turned off by cut ?? is that true?
I will always love you...
We all have that one person we fall madly in love with, but don't get the same in return. So, we go through the hardest heartbreak of our lives.This goes out to all the ones who have had this broken heart. It gets easier with time.
Do you guys think my balls are just TOO small?
My balls tend to lump together and rarely will they separate and one will hang lower than the other. Each testicle is about the size of a small grape, and the entire scrotum itself is maybe the size of one and a half medium-large grapes. I'm very self conscious about it, and sometimes I wonder if I have low t, because I have almost no sexual desire, constant fatigue, and pretty severe depression. It could just be regular depression, but I want to be sure. I have almost no body hair except on my legs and pubic area. I haven't shaved yet. I have no chest hair or trail, yet everyone other male in my family does, and started getting it when they were 15. I've hit puberty since late 12 y/o, early 13 y/o.Here's the thing though, I'm 16. I can't just go to a doctor and get a yes or no, because that would cost on insurance. If I got a yes, then that would cost even more for insurance. I'm not sure what to do here, because I feel like I should ask.
Beyoncé inspiring abstinence
Just experimented with a screwdriver.
Woah was that intense. First time ever. I didn't even use fingers to relax my asshole. I didn't use a condom on the screwdriver. Will I be fine?
Question about homosexuality
Have you ever thought about being gay and how it originated. I mean did someone decided to have sex with the same gender and then liked it? When did it all start? I never have thought about it like this but it's just strange. We always new about reproduction but did we always know about sex with the same gender! On another note I see so many people scared of their sexuality on here :( I just want to say don't ever be scared of it! You are all amazing and deserve the best! :)
How does on begin dating/experimenting in Saudi Arabia as a teen.
So I'm 16 and I'm yet to see anyone in my school (which thank god is very westernised) come out. Most of my friends already know about my sexuality but I can't seem to find anyone in or outside of school. Tinder didn't work out cause I cant put my face. So what do I do? (Family of course can't know). Please help cause it's been bugging me for a year or two. (Came out to my best friend previous year).
Does anyone know where I can view "Alexis Arquette: She's My Brother?"
Online, purchase - whatever, I can't find a way to watch this movie. In light of her recent passing, I've been inspired to look into her life and research a bit more about her. I can't find the film streaming anywhere online.Does anyone have a link to watch or purchase? Any leads?Has anyone seen the film? Is it worth the watch?
The Evolution of Gay
So I was reading a post on 9gag about how homosexuality could be evolutions way of curbing overpopulation and the comment sections also had a bunch of theories like 'the gay uncle's or 'the bodyguard'.so I wondered if anyone has a theory of why some of us are gay or straight and everything else inbetween?Evolution or mutation?
What are the best positions for a bottom?
What positions are most comfortable and enjoyable when taking in a your lover's joystick? Which one do you prefer? I have no idea if I could really take it.
Tl;dr: I cheated on my boyfriend and he cheated back... kinda.
Ok. Before I or my hopefully not yet soon to be ex get harassed here. Let me fill you in. Grab a seat boys, girls and apaches, this is gonna be a looooong one. So please please please bear with me.Ok, it started early this year, my bf and I have been on and off and it kinda escalated on that month. That month, I have forgotten that it was his birthday. To my defense though, I'm really terrible with remembering dates and I've been too busy at work. Hell, there were times I can't even remember my own bday unless he or my parents greeted me. But I guess that's not a valid reason, right?Anyways, he requested something for his bday (to eat at an expensive buffet) that I denied because I have a tight budget and I was saving up. From there, things have gotten worse as he started to get angry saying that first, I forgot his birthday then now I wouldn't grant his request. I understand that he's mad and it was his bday so I caved in, but he said he doesn't want to anymore. He tried to broke up with me then and we fought badly, hurling insults at each other and digging up past mistakes.The next month came and the topic of my work came up. Fyi, I'm a government worker, employed at the airport corporate affairs as a writer. Seeing as I haven't had a promotion for 3 years since I've started, he started nagging me to go find a new one. Now, I said "nag" because this has been a topic more than once. I said I'll try albeit halfheartedly as: 1. The pay isn't bad; 2. The job is comfortable and I'm good at it since it's my field of study, and 3. The office is merely a 10 minute drive from my home as compared to the 1hr to 2hrs travel time if I'm going to look for jobs in the nearest industrial hub.So there, I did try to look for some jobs online, maybe filling up 2 to 3 applications a week. It's slow because as I've said, I'm comfy in my job. Then he asked how's it going and he asked me if I applied to Odesk. I told him a white lie that I am currently going to, but he didn't buy it and got mad at me. I can't blame him, I often tell white lies on the verge of getting caught. So again, we fought which ended up to actually breaking up. I tried getting back with him, trying to beg him, consoling him, I apologized profusely, saying I was an asshole for digging up past mistakes, and that I am really sorry that I lied because I was trying not to upset him and that I really like my work.Needless to say, he didn't get back with me. Now here's where things get interesting. We officially "broke up" but we kept contact, with him almost always initiating the first text or pm in facebook and such. Hell, we even had sex and chalked it up as something to that of being fuck buddies. But all throughout all this, he made me feel... like crap. My efforts were useless to his eyes, I doubled my effort in looking for a new job just so he'll get back with me, I begged him during our sex session to get back with me but he kept saying that we'll find someone for each other. Hell I even tried making him jealous by showing the profile of a hot coworker of mine. And you know what he said? He said that we should have sex and that he'll watch it. He even encouraged me to actually use a gay dating app (I told him then that I was going to use the app, but actually haven't yet). So, pretty much, hopelessness was starting to sink in.I tried looking at it in his perspective. After all, I have a history with him of telling lies and white lies, but I never cheated beforehand. I also have a history of not getting the right gifts for him as I have a different taste, and, I have to admit that sometimes, I fall short on the effort of looking for the perfect gift. I also have a history of being mediocre. Or so he says.So now, hopeless, I installed a gay dating app on my phone. First it was just some minor flirting, sexting, you know, somewhat innocent stuff. Then one day, someone spoke to me that I found a lot of similarities with me. Oh by the way, this is the 5th month from my separation from my "ex." We still have regular communication, I say 'I love you' to him which he does not return, we talk about sex, but nothing too serious anymore like our future or any other things related to a serious relationship.Anyway, getting back to my gay dating app fling, I've found someone who has very similar interests with me. We talk all day, we talk until 1am sometimes, you know like a couple in their honeymoon period. We talked about sex too. Then after a week, we met personally. That's when I found out that I really like him and that I MIGHT actually fall for him. Fast forward a few more dates and we actually did... well, let's just say something kinky in an inappropriate place (i.e. a blowjob in a place not meant for one).Then, I think a week after that, my "ex" contacted me, and he must have noticed that I was getting cold toward him so he asked what's the matter and I told him about my fling. Needless to say, all hell broke loose. He called me names for having dated someone whom I met on a dating app, he basically slut shamed me (just between us though) for the things me and my fling did, and he admitted that he still "loves" me and told me that he wouldn't be so jealous if he doesn't.I told him then that we were not together anymore but he wouldn't have any of that.After that, he made me choose between him and my fling. Believe me, it was PAINFUL. I cried inside my office's bathroom cubicle for an hour, telling my fling that we have to go FO since my ex found out and that I think I still love him. At first I chose my fling because my ex was pressuring me to choose right then and there. Then after thinking for I think 30 minutes, I chose my ex. I took into account that our relationship was already 3 years and that I've only met my fling for 2 weeks.After that, I felt resentment towards my ex. He kept bringing up what happened and I feel guilty each time for at least the first up to the tenth time that he did so. After that, resentment and, I guess, pride, swallowed me. So much so that I will just get angry each time he brings it up.For his part, I think he tried to get into my interests just so that we can have something to talk about. I'm political and artsy btw and he's more into pop culture.So then we had this cycle of him bringing up what happened, then me getting angry and reminding him of WHY it happened, then ending with me apologizing and saying that I was wrong to have done that.This cycle went on and on, we had sex again, then the cycle went on and on again until, I guess he reached his limit and broke up with me again.Then, not a week later, I found out, rather he told me, that he had sex with his old friend. Sex, as in anal, not just some kinky stuff like what we did with my fling. He then told me that it started with him chatting up with his old friend and then him asking his friend if he wanted to "experiment". Then it happened. Then he told me that it was just a one time thing, nothing more, and that he did it just so he could forget me.I tried understanding him. I really did. But it hurts. Real bad. I know I have no right to be hurt, because I did it first, with my fling. and for the past few months, I haven't tried to comfort him when he brings up my fling because I really am... jaded of it all.Hell I even tried to threaten him that I'll kill myself in our video chat. But I couldn't do it as I was a coward. Now, I'm asking him to come back to me. He says he won't because he claims that I couldn't swallow my pride for him. He even told me that he's still in contact with his friend as he was his friend and that I have no right to stop him from having sex with anyone as we are exes.Maybe he's right but still, isn't it unfair? I've cut off all of my contact with my fling. I unfriended him on all social networks but haven't blocked him. But my "ex" is still in contact with his friend. Hell, he even said that if his friend needed to have sex with him again, he'll be willing. Oh fyi, me and my ex are still talking, and he keeps bringing up the topic of having sex with me, while I'm here left in the dark if we really are exes or whatever.I just need help. I can't go to my relatives as I am not yet out of the closet. I can't ask my friends as I know that they're busy as it is. What do I do? I've grown tired of crying at night and I think my tear ducts are already literally dried. I don't want to kill myself despite me wanting to end the pain as I'm a coward. But at the same time, I know that I've also caused him so much pain. I'm so messed up. It's all so messed up.I appreciate any help and thanks for sticking around for a very long and tedious read.
Help for research on a new business
Hey guys, I'm just looking for some advice... When looking for holidays, would it be helpful to have a website that is dedicated to hotels/accommodations that are openly happy to take in LBGT couples? Would you ever look for a site like this? Do you already use one? Do you feel it is needed, or not? Any feedback would be fantastic - thank you :)
2016. szeptember 23., péntek
Hello. Iam 20 . Wanna make friends :))
No text found
Tinder & Dating?
I want to get into dating guys but I'm not sure how I should go about it.I'm looking more for an actual relationship so I'm not sure if Grindr is the right way to go about it as I hear it is mostly for hookups.I know Tinder has a same-sex option but honestly I'm a bit insecure about either people I know (and don't like) also being on there and about being outed to everyone (as I'm not fully out yet). Does anyone else have this issue?I'm from Australia so I'm not sure if some of the more niche apps are common enough.I was considering joining some groups on my Uni campus but after speaking to some of the members I've realised they're really toxic and kinda radical people which I have no interest in associating with.Can anyone recommend anything for dating? Whether it be online or not.Thank you :)
Crushing On A Guy At School
Here's an unusual story in my life going on. At school I have a crush on this really cute guy. I've had a crush on him since last year and had been trying to message him online several times to no avail. We now have a class together and we just started talking Tuesday. My anxiety kicked my ass though as I stuttered and stammered my way through the conversation. He probably thought I was a fool. We talked again the next day and my anxiety let up a little bit. I'm really into him and don't know why. I want to take this slowly as I don't want to get hurt again after my last attempt with a different guy from school which I have documented on this subreddit. I did see him at school yesterday talking to a group of people and wanted to approach him, but decided agaisnt it because I didn't want to seem intrusive. I feel like I did the right thing.
People lying about being on PreP?
I've had guys before trying to have raw sex claiming they're on PreP. Then when I ask them which medicine, they're like "I don't know".Im just asking to see if anyone on Prep GENUINELY doesn't know their meds name? Because either these guys are lying or people "might" not know. Anyone ever dealt with people lying about prep?Thanks!
Is anyone else in the closet to the gay people they know? Should I be?
I've been thinking about it, and I can identify 5-ish gay people who I talk to on a semi-regular basis (including the friendly and anonymous person I reddit-message every day).My level of straight-guy camouflage is reasonably high, and I've never felt compelled to come out to people (family and dear friends excepted). I also don't particularly like a couple of the gay people I know. The upshot is they think I'm straight, and I've let that slide.Is it just me? Part of me says I should come out, but part of me kind of enjoys hiding in plain sight.
Question about being gay
i personally am not gay, i have no issue with it, but i'm sorta confused are you born gay or is it developed? or something completely different? i don't mean to harm or offend. I'm simply just trying to understand. when i think about it for me, i have always liked girls. i feel however, do not know, that i was born that way.
Wanting to make friends, this is me, DM me or something :)
Last Names?
If you ever got married, would you change your last name? I certainly would. Lol.
Other than Joey Bragg, which straight guys are "gay-looking"?
I strongly apologize for asking this question, but I became curious about this after seeing Joey Bragg on KTLA and researching him more.Also, for the record, this question is of personal interest to me considering that I want to try figuring out how much of my face I want to feminize. Indeed, I certainly want to have a more feminine face; however, I also want to avoid overreaching and becoming dysphoric.Anyway, any thoughts on this?
I want to get this boys nudes but I need some ideas. Help?
So I'm 15 and I can't openly be in a gay relationship (you know why). I feel like all of the straight boys are way hotter than the gay guys (judging by gay stereotypes of who's who). I just can't flirt with a guy because word will get around and whatever so I need some ideas of just getting pictures from someone that goes to another school (I used to be in the same school with him before).I have a pretty good idea of messaging him on facebook but catfishing to be a girl and getting his nudes. I hope it will play out but I really have to pull it off. What I'm scared is that I might get my IP address track. Will that even happen? I hope not. Give me your advice and ideas
Confused guy looking for advice
So I'm pretty confused righg now thinking about my sexuality. Here's the deal: In real-life, I've only ever been attracted to women. I've had a couple of girlfriends, my share of strong crushes on women, been in love with women, the works, etc. In real-life, I only ever notice attractive women, never attractive men. Like, it's weird trying to explain it. Like, if I see an objectively hot guy in real life I'm never attracted to him, if it makes sense. Like I objectively, almost subconciously, I notice he's a good-looking dude but then I never think about him sexually or picture myself with him or anything. I actually think of him as my competition for the attention of some girl or whatever.But that's in real life. In my private life, I've found I'm pretty sexually attracted to a couple (literally just a couple) of male celebrities.So my question is, I guess: Is it "normal" or whatever to find a couple of same-sex celebrities super hot and be sexually attracted to them but never to men in real life?
Happy Bi-visibility Day! It's supposed to be today, 23rd Sept.
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Finding a guy interested in monogamy?
I'm just really curious what sort of experiences you guys have had? I have met countless guys in open relationships or who wanted to be in open relationships.Am I the minority for wanting a monogamous relationship? I'm genuinely wondering. Not judging anyone for their choices, interests, etc. I can appreciate that we want different things but I do wonder if I am likely to find someone wanting a simple, monogamous boyfriend.
Author trolls ISIS with gay jihadi erotica
Does anyone else have a super specific type of person they find attractive, and very little else?
I find only a very, very specific type of guy attractive. There's exceptions but only a few. Honestly, it's starting to worry me a little. My friends and I will discuss hot guys and I feel like I'm barely even interested in a third of the men other people find attractive. Probably even less than that. And even then I have very high expectations that we should click on an emotional/intellectual level and stuff.I know this is a silly question in the sense that of course everyone has their own type and of course that's fine. It's just that I've never dated anyone before and I feel like with these high standards I'll never meet anyone who both I like and who likes me. The typical fear of dying alone and all that.Should I lower my standards and try to find people attractive who I might click with personality-wise but not physically? Should I just wait until I meet someone I actually like (as in, is that realistically going to happen)? And, just in case, am I going to die alone?
As A Gay Man I Hate Not Having The Ability To Procreate
I live in a tolerant community so I don't feel like I'm at a disadvantage for being gay. However one thing I hate about being gay is that I won't be able to have biological children of my own. Being able to have them requires me being attracted to women so I can be able to easily procreate. But this is not the case.I want children but I want children created biologically from me and from an ideal wife. But since I'm 100% attracted to men I can't procure the urge to procreate. This causes me to feel a little depressed because of my lack of ability to easily have biological children of my own.Is it possible that gay men can have biological children somehow? I really would love a solution.
First time doing anal probably tomorrow
I'm sure there is going to be rimming and fingering and all that involved. I'm a little self-soncious about people eating my ass, but I'll give it a shot. I just want to avoid anything dirty like him fingering me and having a dirty finger after.... It's more than 24 hours from now haha. I can eat very little the day leading up to it if I need to. I just need advice from you guys on how to avoid a mess.TIA
Any guys like me out there?
I do not get turned on, or even slightly aroused by good looking men and gay video pornography. I prefer literature. For example, I don't get turned on by Brad Pitt's naked body.I don't check out other men, because just their bodies are of very little interest to me. Of course, I would prefer a good looking man to an ugly one in bed, but that's about it. I prefer connecting with men on emotional level, and then go to bed.My behaviour is also quite effeminate, both in and out of bed.Please, this isn't a troll post.
Gay Bars in Fort Worth: The Rainbow Lounge And Beyond
An Honest Interview about Escorting as a Gay Man
Interested in muscular guys
Are muscular guys intersted in skinny guys. I guess in gay culture I can be referred to as a twink.
2016. szeptember 22., csütörtök
Talking to somebody on grindr
I'm still closeted (kind of), but I just recently went off to college and made a grindr for the heck of it (also because I low-key did want to have a relationship and/or experiment (more so the former though)).What ended up happening was that I started talking to a guy who seems pretty nice.After a few days, he said he was looking to "have some fun and maybe more". I'm honestly not sure what that means, but I figured it meant he wanted to move forward.The thing is, I'm completely unexperienced in this department.Can somebody help make sense of our interactions / what I should do?
Advice greatly appreciated
I'm 20 and gay. I live in a small-ish town in Georgia & I absolutely hate myself. I know that's so dramatic and annoying. However, that's how I feel. My parents are super conservative and religious & I'm terrified to tell them. I am honestly afraid they would kick me out if they knew. I'm extremely lonely & sad seeing all of my friends in relationships and being happy. I would love to have that, but I'm scared & there's no one around here who would even be interested. I can't leave bc I'm still financially dependent upon my parents & I'm in college right now. I live at home instead of on campus. I honestly feel like I'm suffocating & have no way out. I have been able don't know what to do. Does anyone have any advice they could give me?
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