2016. szeptember 28., szerda

Straight Guy: My Friend told me he has feelings for me and i am questioning myself

Hello /r/gay! Made a throwaway account because i really need advice.So i am a straight guy and need your help with a Situation i am currently in. So my best friend (lets call him Ted) an i have been friends for like 6 years. About a year and a half ago he came out to me as gay. I am totally fine with it and was happy for him finding out who he is. All my and his other friends were all fine with it too. He even had boyfriend at the time. Even though they were adorable together they noticed quite quickly that they didn't have that much in common as they thought they had at first. They split up but still see each other from time to time. Ted didn't get into another relationship afterwards (at least not that i know).About a week ago i noticed that something was up with Ted. He was sometimes whe we did something together just suddenly sad with no seemingly no real reason. When i first asked him whats up with him he just shrug it off and told me it was nothing but i knew there was more to it. I asked him again and again but he always told me is was nothing until yesterday.It was evening and we were out in a in a park in our neighbourhood after we watched a movie in the cinema. I asked him again. He didn't say anything so i told him that whatever it is he can tell me. I saw that he was struggling with himself but the he told me that he developed feeling for me and fallen in love with me. I definetly didn't expect that and was totally confused and didn't know what to say. He said that he was really sorry and it was really stupid of him to tell me that. He ran off and jumped on his bike and was gone before i realized it. I tried to call him a few times but he didn't answer.I thought about nothing else for the rest of the evening and didn't sleep. I don't know why but i kind of have feelings for him suddenly. Men have never interested me sexually in any way and i definetly identiefied as straight but suddenly i am really unsure about myself and don't know what to do.I am totally confused and don't know what i should do. Can any of you give me some advice?

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