2016. szeptember 29., csütörtök

Mormon Policy on Children of Same-Sex Couples

I created a video with a parody of an LDS church leader talking about children of gay couples. Watch it now before the LDS church pressures YouTube to delete it (it contains some footage from an actual church video)! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8F9u31eiZEChildren in the Mormon church typically progress through a series of "ordinances" which represent stepping stones in their path through childhood and adolescence. If a child has same-sex parents, then the child is prevented from participating in baptism and these other ordinances. In other words, they are ostracized and humiliated. The Mormon church wants to cause so much pain to gay members that they will leave the church. This is how they intend to preserve a heterosexual atmosphere which represents their ideal church-mandated way of life.The church is walking a tightrope, because people who are sympathetic to the needs of LGBQ people are outraged by these policies, and the church hates negative publicity.As you may know, teenage suicide is a problem in Utah, and many people believe that the Mormon church's policies are a big cause.Below are links to actual Mormon information on this topic: Mormon Newsroom: Understanding the Handbook http://ift.tt/2cEsj6u: First Presidency Clarifies Church Handbook Changes http://ift.tt/2dhdsg8 Newsroom: Church Provides Context on Handbook Changes Affecting Same-Sex Marriages http://ift.tt/1XVFIES

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