2016. szeptember 27., kedd

I got drunk and came out to straight friends

BEFORE"I doubt that I will ever have babies," I say while shoving pasta in my mouth like a 5-year-old.We are in an Italian restaurant, because that's where drunk people go when they get shit-faced at 10pm.My two friends who are arguing about whether having a baby is good life decision suddenly turn to me.Am I saying it out loud? Shit."Why?" asks the guy, nicknamed S."This should be good, I wanna hear why," says the girl, nicknamed C.It is in that moment I realise I have always wanted to do this. Now that alcohol has removed all the check-points I had hardwired into my brain, the opportunity is mine."Because I..."Wait, think about it befo-"... I'm not into girls," I shrugged and smiled.My pasta is tasting pretty fucking good.AFTER"I wasn't expecting that but alright," says C, unfazed like a true San Fran girl."Yea that's totally cool man," says S who smiles like a kid despite rocking a full grown beard.I fucking love his beard. His eyes remind me of a feline predator. I want to touch his beautiful face.I ask them not to tell other classmates because I prefer doing it myself. They promised to respect my decision."I'm glad that this is a safe space for you to tell us, I'm really proud of you -" added C who then turns to S."- and I know you don't like the word 'safe space' but for once please shut up about it," C laughed.LATERNight is chilly in September. The alcohol starts to fade as I walk them back to their hotel.C is dancing her way along the deserted road while singing Hotline Bling.The more I reflect on what just happened, the heavier my body feels.They are at the hotel staircase when I ask S if I can speak to him."Listen, [S] I just want to say that I hope I didn't creep you out or anything, I didn't mean to - "This is shitty - fuck me"- I'm sorry," it ended like a whisper.The pavement suddenly becomes so interesting-looking."Hey it's okay, don't worry about it," says S.He seems to find my reaction... funny?"You know I have so many friends who are..." he paused to find the right word then realise that he can't.He then hug me like how a person would hug a tree. His body is warm and his beard scratches my face. This must be what men feel like."Don't say sorry okay?" says S.I pat his pack with one arm because the other one is locked."Okay"TL;DR - I came out to straight friends and it went well. I want to record it while my memory is fresh.EDIT: S checked in on me that night through Facebook message. It still warms my heart.

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