2016. szeptember 26., hétfő

I think this was the funniest coming out I did...

So, as a bit of background: I'm 19 years old, and over the last three years I've been coming out to a few select people. Last Saturday it was one of my best friends' turn to be subject to all the drama. We had been drinking a lot, as we do whenever we spend the Saturday night together, and casually happened to get alone. Since the guy has told me basically everything about his relationships and unreturned feelings I told myself that he deserved to learn one of my secrets.So I tell him, he takes it pretty well (he's a chill guy), we chat a bit about it, eventually he asks me if I ever found me attractive, to which I laugh and reply that I only see him as a friend and at this point he says:"Wait... Am I getting gay-friendzoned?"It was hilarious (the alcohol might have helped).

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