2016. szeptember 28., szerda

Sex Question

So I fucked up. I lost my virginity a few hours ago to this nice guy on Grindr. He's from Colombia and I just had him over for a little bit and one thing lead to another. He penetrated me (my first time) but didnt wear a condom. It just kind of happened. He did not cum inside me. It didnt happen for very long (I came fast). I asked him during and after and he swore he didnt have anything. I also asked him after how many guys he'd been with and he said 5. Im just nervous about getting a std (HIV in particular.) I thought about going to a health center near me tomorrow and just seeing what I should do but I dont want anything to show up on my health record/bill because my parents would see. Obviously preventing an std is more important than my parents finding out I got a test. I would just rather neither happened. Plus there isnt much they could test for the day after so I'd have to wait 3 months I read to see if I got HIV or anything. I dont think I got anything and dont want to be over dramatic there is just that "what if" feeling. I did some research and theres something called PEP thats like morning after for HIV but that said it should only be used in emergencies like rape and this isnt like that at all.So I thought I'd ask you guys. How should I proceed? I know I fucked up. It wont happen again so theres no need to scold me for that. Im just a scared no longer virgin that is probably over reacting to nothing.

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