2016. szeptember 25., vasárnap

Gay places in San Francisco?

Hello out there.So I'm visiting San Francisco the week before the next, and I was wondering if you guys knows any good spots for people like us people to hang out. And I'm not looking for those flamboyant, rainbow sparkling places for people with stars glued to their skin and high pitched voices either. All that stuff just dosen't excite me that muchNo man, I'm looking for a REGULAR place with regular people who happens to be gay. I mean... I'm transsexual (or was, however you want to look at it because I'm done with my process and all the surgeries I currently want to undergo.) And I'm gay, but I don't really identify myself as neither trans nor HBTQ. I'm just....I'm just me, a regular guy who happens to likes other guys.I'm from a fairly small city and it's not all that simple to meet people here. I just want to find a place where I can hang out, drink bear, dance and have a chance for a hook-up without having to worry about who I am or was.Apologizes in before hand for any grammar or spelling mistakes. XOXO

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