2016. szeptember 29., csütörtök

[Storytime] [Throwback] to my first shaving experience

I've always been naturally quite hairy. Even in middle school I was never lacking in body hair. For some reason, my dad would buy razors in bulk. When I was 13, I decided that I may as well make an attempt at shaving with one of his many unused razors. Of course, I bypassed my parents (and even the internet) and decided to just try shaving myself. Of course, I went straight for the pubes, as they were the longest. After shaving for a good few minutes, I decided to look in a mirror and see how I did. It was atrocious. It honestly looked like a barcode. I had to shave again later that day to get it even remotely correct. I used basically an entire bottle of shaving cream and cut myself (miraculously, only once or twice). Long story short, ASK YOUR FUCKING PARENTS BEFORE YOU SHAVE.

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