2016. szeptember 30., péntek

Sexually stagnant.

I've been with my boyfriend for over a year and I love him more than anything in the world. I would do anything I could for him.Thing is..the sex has kinda become stagnant. The thing is he can easily get me off, but I can never get him off, he has to use his massager or fleshlight while i lay next to him.I really love him very much but my sex drive is making me think things I don't want to and some days I can't help but think about looking around just sexually.Anyone else been through something like this and still together? Emotionally we're stellar, he makes me happier than I've ever been. But just in bed I don't know, maybe its just me.I've brought it up with him before and it made him feel so bad and I felt terrible about it and I've tried alot.

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