2016. szeptember 27., kedd

I'm a 21-year-old gay virgin... and I feel weird about it

I'm a 21-year-old senior in University, and it's my third and final year at my college (I transferred here). I'm a virgin and that thought often saddens me. I don't have many gay friends on campus (or male friends) but I do have a gay roommate I'm close with. He's 19 years old and we often talk about our sex lives, and mine pales in comparison to his.I think I'm pretty attractive, I'm tall, pretty in-shape, and I have a beard. Many guys who I often want to be friends with end up wanting to hook up with me rather than preserving our friendship. Even my roommate tried to hook up with me before we met.I don't know what I want. Growing up, I was overprotected by my immigrant parents and went to a K-8 private religious school that had 8 students in its graduating class.I wish I was able to let go sexually, I never want to hook up with anyone and I think it's because porn has set unreal expectations for me. Is anyone else like this?When I hear stories about men losing their virginity at a "right" age like 16-19 it makes me feel out of place. I never had a place that I could have sex. And I'm not attracted to a lot of people my age because I think they're either immature (I'm kind of a serious person) or I think people my age look too young for me to want to hook up with. I like "masculine" men but every time I'm with someone I like I lose interest because I'm afraid that all they want is sex from me.Typing this, I hear how uptight I can be in terms of meeting new people and trying to be comfortable around them. I hate that I give off this vibe. I think it's because I'm insecure because growing up in an immigrant family I was never "americanized" and I just feel like I'll never be a paart of the mainstream gays.Is there anyone who can give me some advice? I definitely have my own mental health issues but I just want to feel normal.

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