2016. szeptember 24., szombat

Do you guys think my balls are just TOO small?

My balls tend to lump together and rarely will they separate and one will hang lower than the other. Each testicle is about the size of a small grape, and the entire scrotum itself is maybe the size of one and a half medium-large grapes. I'm very self conscious about it, and sometimes I wonder if I have low t, because I have almost no sexual desire, constant fatigue, and pretty severe depression. It could just be regular depression, but I want to be sure. I have almost no body hair except on my legs and pubic area. I haven't shaved yet. I have no chest hair or trail, yet everyone other male in my family does, and started getting it when they were 15. I've hit puberty since late 12 y/o, early 13 y/o.Here's the thing though, I'm 16. I can't just go to a doctor and get a yes or no, because that would cost on insurance. If I got a yes, then that would cost even more for insurance. I'm not sure what to do here, because I feel like I should ask.

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