2016. szeptember 23., péntek

Crushing On A Guy At School

Here's an unusual story in my life going on. At school I have a crush on this really cute guy. I've had a crush on him since last year and had been trying to message him online several times to no avail. We now have a class together and we just started talking Tuesday. My anxiety kicked my ass though as I stuttered and stammered my way through the conversation. He probably thought I was a fool. We talked again the next day and my anxiety let up a little bit. I'm really into him and don't know why. I want to take this slowly as I don't want to get hurt again after my last attempt with a different guy from school which I have documented on this subreddit. I did see him at school yesterday talking to a group of people and wanted to approach him, but decided agaisnt it because I didn't want to seem intrusive. I feel like I did the right thing.

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