2017. január 25., szerda

Gay scene in Northern California?

So, I've lived in Columbus, OH for a long time and I'd say I'm pretty in touch with the local LGBT community. I've been a board member for an LGBT anti-violence organization for a year, had done internships in high school, my mother co-owns a queer burlesque bar that I've been to a few times. I know folks of all different ages and backgrounds, as well as my own.My roommate and I are looking to move to the Sacramento area in a few months. She's a lesbian and I'm a bi post-top surgery transman. I know SanFran is only about 2 hours away from the areas we've looked at, and I've been wondering what the local scene is like and how to get involved. I'll finally be going to college after a few years off so I'm going to look into some groups there, but my roommate and I co-own our own business that we operate from home and otherwise don't get out much besides the occasional movie or local friend, as we're not really into bars or party scenes either.Anybody have experience around there? We didn't find the area particularly conservative, but we only visited a short time. Any local places or gatherings that should be checked out?

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