2015. szeptember 30., szerda

Is it worth it?

I moved away from home to go to college over a month ago, but I have yet to make any friends. In this time, I've been having conflicting thoughts about losing my virginity. Part of me wants to find a guy, make sure he's clean, and hook up with him. But then the other part of me still wants to wait until I find someone I actually like so that giving my virginity away has some sort of meaning. I feel I just want to hook up with someone because I'm lonely, not because I genuinely feel like I'm ready or it's time to lose my "v card". I suffer from depression pretty bad anxiety, which is why I haven't been very social. I'm also still hiding in the closet from everybody, and I'm terrified to come out for even though I know I'll be perfectly fine at college. I guess there is some unconscious fear of my family and other people from back home finding out. My friends would probably celebrate it, but in my current situation of life it would be a disaster if any adults, including my parents, were to find out. I am just wondering if any of you guys think is it worth giving away my virginity to a random stranger in my current mental state, or if there are other ways to platonically explore my sexuality? Because in the end, I don't believe I'm ready yet.

Survey on PDA, Harassment, and Public Safety


Meeting Somebody

I'm gonna be meeting up with someone for the first time soon. Any tips as I get my cherry popped?


My ex-boyfriend (21) has been chronically depressed for a long time. His family are extremely homophobic. His friends have drifted away. He is now off away at school, in his junior year of college, and he is as lonely and isolated as he has ever been. He is also far away from me, now, and I don't know what I can do to help him.I (24) am at a loss. I have tried everything I know how to do to make him feel better. He tells me he's a failure at life, that he is tired of never measuring up, and he has become the most self-critical person I have ever known. It's gotten worse since we broke up.I broke up with him because I was convinced that we were not going to work; we are just better as friends than as boyfriends, because even though we have a lot in common we never were romantically compatible. He wants (not sexual, but emotional and familial) things I just can't give, and that I never want for myself (don't want to elaborate on that here, sorry).Worst of all, even though he won't admit it, he compares himself to me... which is seriously causing a lot of problems because he feels like if he doesn't measure up to me, then he's a failure. This is the same thing with the general public.I have tried to get him to talk to someone. I have listened. I have consoled. I have given advice, let him vent, put things in perspective. I have been patient and understanding, and I've tried the tough love approach. Now, I'm at a loss, but I will not abandon him... and I need help. He's expressed suicidal thoughts before, and he's doing that now again.What should I do?

Indiewire: HOOKUP, An Anonymous Short Film On Grindr Culture


Observation/Discusion of the prevalence of Meth/Drug use within the gay community, personal stories, Sex or the culture within.

Disclaimer: I tend to write rambling things a lot that branch out in multiple arcs.I do not see Meth discussed much or at all here. Living in Toronto Canada I spent over a year going to the gay village and very oblivious in the whole hard drug scene. It was only 4 months ago I decided to take the plunge because I felt like I wanted life experience and had nothing to fear enjoying myself as I was a strong person above addiction. So far my life has not imploded I have no debt and my savings have increased while I am in good health with an athletic body.If anything my interaction with "hard" drugs is very much like anything that could be abused. I believe they serve their purpose for responsible people to enjoy and the illegality of them are due to short sighted tactics that serve to harm users, raise prices and encourages organized crime to thrive.My opinion is that weed and alcohol are the vices of the masses due to in inaccurate public perception that they are wholly safe due to their common social acceptance as well as the easy access to them. I view these as the worst drugs in society because they result in a low brow intoxication, self destructive behaviour and still have major harmful consequences while having the idiot masses supporting them. Essentially anything with the public perception of safety will result in naive behaviour towards their usage.Hard drugs have an unfair status in society at large due to weak minded people destroying their lives with them. Really it is up to the individual to be informed keep themselves safe and not fuck up as all the information is out there, blaming a drug for irresponsible behaviour is a cop out. I've been to AA meetings for someone else, many times, I think all the people there are jokes of humanity seeking something to blame for their mistakes and having the mentality of abused victims withing the frame work of a cult like echo chamber. This is all too common now a days in society at large.The most dangerous drugs are usually the ones a trusted authority figure prescribes to you. They can have unknown side effects with lawyers and loopholes there to protect the abusers. If there is any gateway drug with a dealer looking to exploit you its your doctor and pharmacist.As for gay men and meth I see Meth as like the gay mans weed which leads to sex, porn, sex parties and hunting for more guys on social media or bathhouses. The real danger here is exposure to stds through inhibition reduction. I have had a lot of exposure towards the drug before and after and the bad people generally were those predisposed to mental illness and substance abuse problems any ways.I have seen first hand other people even family members addicted to other substances as well.In terms of negative impact on life the one I have been witness to as the worst is crack-cocaine. There are entire neighbourhoods of sketchy addicts running around that make you feel unsafe. Unkempt emaciated unhealthy looking people yelling or speaking gibberish is a familiar sight. Petty crime is readily observed and there are sober people willing to make a buck off it.As with any drug self regulation and knowing yourself are key along with being mostly happy with yourself. Drugs are not a vehicle to happiness, an escape or a path. They are a tool to make good times better, improve social interactions, and relationships. Safety and being prepared are crucial.I made a strict set of rules for myself to follow when using hard drugs kinda of like Hunter Thompson meets Jesse Eisenberg in Zombie Land. In life I carry a gym bag stuffed with things to be prepared in any situation as I travel a lot within my sprawling city.End note: I do not wish to attack anyones life style or personal story please share your opinions in constructive manner. I do not oppose any drug use rather ignorant attitudes and irresponsibility in regards to their use and perception. Remember anything can be abused and become an addiction whether it is coffee or a computer.

just really feel like sharing

i think i may have found my first boyfriend. ive only been out to myself for about 2 years now, and ive hooked up with 3 or 4 guys in those two years. 2 of those guys were short term fuck buddies. i met a guy about a month or so ago on grinder, and we talked a bit... and about a week and a half ago, we met. i felt pretty quickly that he was different from the other guys, and i really like him... but im a-romantic. i told him this, and he seemed to understand and was cool with it. im a pretty sensual, kind, softie of a guy. i think that he is interpreting that as me falling in love though... and he has all but already mentioned that he loves me.... in a romantic sense. i do really like him... and enjoy being around him... but i am definitely not in love, and will not ever be. i dont know how to put it gently and succinctly to him what i want to say. he keeps trying to get me to say things like i love him as a friend and things like that... and i guess i kind of do, but it makes me feel off to be pushed to saying that. again, i do really like him, and wanna keep him around. i even told him that i would be cool with an exclusive relationship somewhere down the line if it got to that... but that i wont ever be able to say i love him romantically. i dont want to string him along, but at the same time, ive already said it wont happen, so its not my fault, whatever happens, right?

Conflicted (semi nsfw)

I am in a bit of a situation. I am a bi individual who is in a long term relationship with a woman I love very much, but who is not satisfying my more primal needs. I have. Sjtarted haviiing serious fantasies and urges to go out and mess around with a man. For some reason my brain makes this seem ok. I know it's cheating and I won't act on these urges, but does anyone have any advice on how I might quell them? Only recently have I had any interest in men(in my 30's). The urges are really to be me being forced/coerced into it. Kinda weird, but it is what it is.Could this just be me feeling imasculinated, or something else entirely?

Question about my body

I was wondering if surgery scars impact my sex life. I had some colon surgery/ bladder. I just came out and I'm only 17. Thanks!

How long should I wait?

Hey guys how long do you normally wait to text back after the 1st date I don't want to appear clingy, but I also had a great time and want to hangout with him again. We mutually agreed to a second date before the first one ended so I know he is at least a bit interested.

Questions about my body

I have surgery scars on stomach matter and have to do dally enemas. Does that matter to a random guy I meet. I just came out and I'm 17. Thank!

I'm not sure if subconsciously I want to study in Holland because my ex lives there.

Overall they've got great universities for the field I want to study. But I've never had interest/thoughts about the Netherlands before I met my ex. Although I've grown to love the country for several other reasons like its LGBT-friendly community and foreign students are able to study comfortably there.



Looking for someone to talk to about whatever. Live in Norway, but it doesn't batter where you're from. PM me

No text found

STRENGTH IN NUMBERS: #HERO: Meet The Opposition of Proposition 1 - Ben Hall 4 Mayor


2015. szeptember 29., kedd

North Carolina Bill Would Overturn Local LGBT Protections


Girl has a crush on gay friend

So i am gay. i made a friend that is a girl, and it turns out she has a crush on me.I kind of knew it was bound to happen because i never revealed my sexual orientation to anybody.Lately ive been avoiding her and she feels upset that i hate her. i am not ready to come out the closet. had anyone ever dealt with this.

just really feel like sharing

i think i may have found my first boyfriend. ive only been out to myself for about 2 years now, and ive hooked up with 3 or 4 guys in those two years. 2 of those guys were short term fuck buddies. i met a guy about a month or so ago on grinder, and we talked a bit... and about a week and a half ago, we met. i felt pretty quickly that he was different from the other guys, and i really like him... but im a-romantic. i told him this, and he seemed to understand and was cool with it. im a pretty sensual, kind, softie of a guy. i think that he is interpreting that as me falling in love though... and he has all but already mentioned that he loves me.... in a romantic sense. i do really like him... and enjoy being around him... but i am definitely not in love, and will not ever be. i dont know how to put it gently and succinctly to him what i want to say. he keeps trying to get me to say things like i love him as a friend and things like that... and i guess i kind of do, but it makes me feel off to be pushed to saying that. again, i do really like him, and wanna keep him around. i even told him that i would be cool with an exclusive relationship somewhere down the line if it got to that... but that i wont ever be able to say i love him romantically. i dont want to string him along, but at the same time, ive already said it wont happen, so its not my fault, whatever happens, right?

Out.com Art: Boys in Love


Apparently a girl I know thinks it's funny when her kid thinks he has HIV (yes I'm the first comment)


Looking for people to talk to

Hi every one, I live in Western Massachusetts and if you're from MA or near MA I would love to get to know you. My kik is GegTheMer, hmu. :)

I'm glad I told him, and it's still okay that he rejected me, but now I'm back where I started.

He was probably the fourth or fifth serious crush I've had. Being around these people makes me feel better, but at the end of the day that's it, and I still feel lonely at night.I guess this is just the life we're doomed to suffer through, being alone until we notice someone, and loving them from a distance.I hate wanting things I can't have, like happiness.

Thinking about hooking up with someone gain... Advice?

woops, typo on titleAnyways, gay high schooler here. I hooked up with someone on grindr a few months ago who was my first time. You can call it shallow, but I don't regret my decision. He was helpful and went through it slowly, and I enjoyed the experience overall. I didn't ask him for his contact info because I was pretty nervous that time. He assumed that we would be doing this again until he got my cue that I wanted this to be a one time thing at the time.Few months forward to now, I've been itching to hook up again, but I would rather be with the guy I was with previously since I'm skeptical about most people on grindr, after seeing all those horror stories about it. Unfortunately, since I didn't have his contact info I wasn't able to ask him. He gave me his address though (which was how we met) and I recently was able to find his number through it through google.So basically, I'm thinking about calling him and (you guessed it) ask if we could hook up again. Should I? The main thing I'm scared about is that he'll think I'm a creep or something when I contact him and suddenly know his name and number.I'm aware that the whole thing sounds pretty shallow, but I'm a teenager with hormones and just want a way to explore my sexuality.

How to know if I have any chance ?

Hey !So my story is pretty common, but I'll explain fastly :I "met" thing guy on Grindr. He was only searching for chat, friendship et Networking. He look totally gorgeous, exactly what kind of man I like, and his tastes look like mines.Well, to put it in a nutshell, he look like the perfect guy in my standard.But. (This f*cking but is always here :( )But, he totally ignore me. He answer to 1 on 4 of my messages, only reply with more than 2 word about one subject, and don't look interested at me at all (I've never received any "And you ?" from him).Well, I'm stupid. Because he's too perfect and I got a teen-like crush on him.So, for you, do I have any chance, how can I ask it, and should I block him to not suffer ?Thanks :(PS : I'm 21 and he's 20PS2 : English for my sorry, I'm french

Radical Christian 'exposes' gay communities

https://youtu.be/s-uq-A-OoEMThese kinds of videos provide information and portals to close-minded individuals and fuels hate and misunderstanding. He specifically says that homosexuality is a sin, that you cannot be a christian and a homosexual and that all gays have the ability to be straight.Can we take videos like this down by flagging it? I would hate for people to follow people like this who don't even provide sources for their biblical or statistical findings. (He credits every article he finds as first-source documentation that is iron-clad)

Hi guys


I sometimes don't feel like I'm enough for my boyfriend. Is it reasonable to feel like he will leave me for something better?

Let me clarify; my boyfriend and I have been together for a year as of October 4th. I love him and am in love with him. As far as I can tell and feel, the feeling is mutual. Which is a good thing, lol. But some days, I feel like I'm not enough for him. I mean he is a total fucking 10/10. Absolutely gorgeous inside and out. Just an absolute star in my otherwise dark sky if you get what I mean. I feel like, my body isn't toned enough, that I'm not manly enough, that I may be inadequate in bed, I mean just all these fears. Other days...most days, these feelings aren't prevalent. It's not that I'm afraid of losing him. It's that I'm afraid someone better looking will come along and take him from me. We've been through so much, I mean he stood by me when I was broke and not a very nice person. And now that we're doing better and are on the way to being successful, like we've talked about buying a house and starting a company and having kids, getting married etc...but I don't know. Should I hit the gym? Should I try to spice things up in the bedroom? What doesn't help this is that I work intense hard labor in construction, so I am constantly sore, constantly hurting and tired. I mean, I slipped a disk in my back 2 weeks ago and feel like a cripple around him. He's 20, I'm 23, for the record. I don't know. I don't know what I'm feeling or even if it's rational to feel it. I just want to know that I'm enough for him and that he's happy. Because he's enough for me, and I am happy with him.

My gay sex experience

This is the first time I'm telling anyone about this, it's a crazy but hot story. I was bi before but now I know I'm gay. I was 15 and he was 22, he was a pretty cool guy and we had met through a summer camp. I told him I was bi at the camp but he said he couldn't do anything. Well after camp I found out that he lives 10 minutes away from my aunts house. We talked and I sent him pictures and videos, he was very impressed. So that summer I was to house set at my aunts house for two days. When she left that Friday I had told him to get there right after she left. (I was so excited and nervous since it would be my first time and I wanted it so bad) so she leaves and I tell him to head over, I stop down and just put on black knee high socks and a sweatshirt (no pants or anything else) he pulls up and I got really excited, he came in and it was semi awkward but then I told him to come with me to my sits office in the house, on our way into the office I pretend I dropped something,'in plain site I bend over and reveal my shaved ass and everything. I looked back at him and bit my lip and he got hard enough I could see it through his sweat Pants. We get into the office and there's a big wooden desk that's in the middle facing out. I have him leaning on the desk. I fall to my knees looking up at him when I begin to pull down his pant. And atlast the moment I've been waiting for forever, his massive sized cock "I measured him and he was 9" his cock was there right in front of my face. I pressed my fave against it to feel it than I licked it up and down, I got to the tip and I roll my eyes up at him while I insert the tip and put about 4" into my mouth, I gagged but then spit on it to lubebricate it and make it easier to attempt at deepthroating. I suck hard and then I start to use my hands to help jerk him. If there's one thing I hate about watching porn or from stories I've heard is when someone who's giving head just uses their heads to jerk them and basically they only but the tip in their mouth. I used my hands alil but then moved them aside as I plunged deeper and deeper. I started to feel his cock at the beginning of my throat. (Times like these make me glad I do not have a gag reflex) he then grabs my head and starts pumping. Putting his cock really far down and I couldn't breathe a times. I was taking it tho, I liked it and I was so hard to be finally doing it and that I'm able to do so good, I was giving it so much enthusiasm that's what made it great. So everything is good, I figured after a couple more minutes of sucking his awesome cock that I would get up on the desk and take it Im the ass. I pull his cock out of my mouth for a second and tell him not to cum in my mouth. I kinda thought he was about to so I should've stopped Then, (from what I heard cum was nasty, I was in no hurry to try although when I was getting face fucked all I could think about was me being submissive whore, but still I didn't want his load in my mouth) he almost ignores what I say and just grabs my head and forces it down, then I feel it. A burst out of the end of his cock just went down my throat. I try to pull his cock out but then he takes his other hand and forces his cock deeper into my mouth. I feel several more squirts of cum in my mouth and then it starts to pool, (thinking back now if I would've just swallowed it and not held it in to spit that it wouldn't have been so bad) so he has just blown the biggest load ever, it's seeping out of the side of my Mouth and I'm almost drowning in it. He pulls out his cock and I gasp for air, with my mouth full of cum And it seeping out out the sides of my mouth I look up at him semi mad gargling why did you not listen to me? Right in the middle of me saying that, with my mouth open for speaking he takes his hands and forces his cock In again and blows another load in my mouth. When he put his cock in my mouth to blow that second load I looked up at him and I submitted to being his whore like you would not believe. After he removed his hands I opened wide so he can see and than I swallowed all of it. I looked up at him and I said "that's it?" Jokingly and than I deepthroating his cock one last time and lick it all off the tip. He left after that and I was still wanting anal satisfaction so I used this dildo (my aunt sold adult toys) and I videoed me fucking my ass on That desk, than I sent that video to my man friend and he came back the next day wanting exactly that, that will have to be for another time. Feels kinda good telling that story, if you have any funny Awkward or hot stories like this please share .

21 Gay Male who needs SERIOUS dating advice

Okay so basically, the title says it all. I just turned 21, I'm gay, and I have no idea how to hold a true relationship. It's like, in my mind I know exactly what I want. You know, I want someone who is there for me and texts me all the time and we go out and do romantic things and all that. But it just seems that everytime I am with a guy I like, I turn things into something sexual. I'm not even really an overly sexual person. Like, I will go out on a date with the guy and he's like "what do you want to do next?" and I invite him to my house and stuff happens. Then I get the text the next day "Well it seemed like all you wanted was sex so I really don't think this is going to work out." HELP. Any type of suggestions or advice will do.

I had sex with my professor and now I miss him (*gay*)

I am a 21-year-old gay student currently attending an international college in Japan. The professor is a Japanese who teaches classes on communication and stuff. We got to know each other through the app called Jack’d which is quite popular in the gay community here in Japan.It was me who initiated our first conversation on the app by saying hi, and to that his reply was “Nice to meet you. I work for your school so we can only have socially appropriate relationship. The best I can is to be your mentor”. I was taken aback because he knew that I am attending the school yet still I felt intrigued because no one had ever replied to my message in such a way. Then we exchanged messages and found a lot of common things in each other and on the second day, he asked me for my number so we could use whatsapp, which is much faster and convenient to chat.He is kinda busy and has to travel a lot especially during school breaks when he got to do a lot of school promotion thing. So basically on the third day, he was gone. We continued our communication on whatsapp when he was away. The more I got to know him, the more I felt interested in the person he is and somehow I sensed that he is feeling the same way too. So the whole socially appropriate warning from the start gradually eroded once we started exchanging flirtatious messages to each other. He likes it, so do I. He thinks that I am a very strange student, considering the context here in Asian where pedagogical ethics are so crazily revered, but that’s what he is interested. I know from him that he has a boyfriend 29-year-old, who is Taiwanese – the fact that poses a huge challenge for them to really get together. But still, I don’t care about that because I believe love is a game and I find no shame to go for what I want even when it is already taken. Nothing lovely and desirable would come easily.Two weeks later, he came back to town at 6 p.m. after a long day of traveling back and drove his car to pick me up at 7. We went out drinking that night. Once both of us got pretty drunk, I noticed he started kicking my legs yet I remained pretty calm and tried not to show overtly stimulated while in fact I was. We chit chatted that night and departed with only a hug and no more. Both of us felt good about it and somehow I grew to like him even more.He flew off somewhere else for work two days later and the whole episode of chit chat on whatsapp got repeated until our next face-to-face meeting. This time, we went out drinking again. (Yes, I love drinking so much because his unavailability really gets me frustrated). We got drunk again and this time he invited to his place saying that I was so drunk to get home by myself. He said I could sleep on his sofa while he in his bedroom. The idea of sleeping on the sofa is pretty dumb I supposed but I said yes so that I could get into his apartment – which was all what I wanted (till this point, I felt so much wanting to make love to him. His now-and-then mention of his boyfriend did make me jealous and of course want more). We entered his apartment. I lied on the sofa showing a sulking face asking him whether I could sleep with him on his bed. Without hesitation, I told me to come over. The moment the light went out, I turned to his side kissing him on his cheek and smiling drunk. Before he had told me that lips are off-limits because once he kisses anyone on the lips there will no way back. And because of that, I want our lips to be touched. After a few moments trying not to, he finally turned his head in kiss me on the lips. And that was also the beginning of the whole session afterward, without which I would have not known how good he is on bed. He was so passionate and aggressive at the time. My whole body seemed to turn into a totally different state, overwhelmingly stimulated by his touch, his kiss, and all of his other ventures over my body.It was two days ago when this episode happened and right now, strangely, I feel like his existence is all over the place. He texts me saying that he likes me but he also loves his boyfriend. We are not really in any sort official relationship. Everything is still pretty much a matter of speculation of what may turn out. He told me he is concerned about his professional ethics, this and that, which I often disregard as something superficial. I feel like I’m struck by not only his intelligence but also the sex – which I find the most passionate and satisfactory till date.Still, I am very much skeptical about his motives. He is much older than me, a 36-year-old gap. And for that I suppose he doesn’t always say what he really means, yet he still seems to be very honest to me.Am I a little bit wrong and disillusioned in this whole thing? I would appreciate any comments, either positive or negative. I am thick-skinned enough to take it all.

Please help: Need GAY MEN for a 5-minute Study

Hi,I apologize if this message is off topic. I am trying to collect data with gay men as participants. Please disregard this message if you are not interested.I'm a researcher doing a short Internet survey (5 minutes) on person perception and relationships in gay and lesbian individuals. Much research of this type ignores these groups, but I am not. Participation is completely voluntary and anonymous - you will never be asked to provide your name.Please note that you must be over 18 years old to participate in this survey.If you would like to participate, please go to the Survey Monkey site below (please use a laptop or desktop computer)http://ift.tt/1Vls2oM you for your help, and please feel free to share this study link with other males who identify as gay.Dr. Brian P. Meier Gettysburg College

I'm not sure how to feel.

Hey r/gay so I went on am amazing date last night with this university guy. I'm currently going to a design school. The entire date was great we had dinner, and went to a movie then walked around and talked for a bit. The only thing that is bothering me is that he is much more educated than me. He had a really good upbringing went to private school most of his like and is just all around more educated on certain subjects particularly politics. I went to a rundown public school in a coal town, where I got average grades. I feel like he out of my league but I also really like him so I'm not sure how to feel. The good news is we have agreed to meet for a second date already. Tl;dr went on a date with a really well educated guy. And I feel like he's out of my league. What should I do.

2015. szeptember 28., hétfő

I have a crush who I think is gay- but not sure...Help?

We just met like a week ago and we've hung out twice. Just hanging out and playing video games and stuff. I thought he was gay for sure at first but now i'm not sure. He kind of 'sounds' gay, but not extremely effeminate sounding at all. He's also a theater major. Also just since he texted me a few times asking to hang out, I thought he wouldn't do that if he was straight. (Although he could just be trying to make friends..but he seems like a cool guy who wouldn't have trouble making any friends). On his FB page it says he's interested in women. MFW I saw that :(. But then again..MY FB PAGE SAYS THAT lol. He could just not be out, or fully out that he's comfortable enough to put it on FB. It's not uncommon for gay dudes to have it say they are interested in woman on FB right? If anyone's interested, i'll keep you posted on what happens lol. I hope he's gay -,- I really like him

Experiences joining a GSA?

My school has a gay-straight alliance thing and although I don't have the time to join it (and plus my parents would find out and that would lead to an uncomfortable conversation), I want to know what it's like.

At what point is it appropriate to start dating?

I'm 18 and on my senior year of high school, I have never dated anyone before and was wondering where to start, or if I even should. I have made other gay/bi friends in my school through LGBT club and LGBT events but no one I would consider dating in my age (read: in high school), and while I don't feel a NEED to be in a relationship (in the sense I am willing to wait for a good one) I would really like to know what it is like to have someone who cares about you in and is able to express that in ways that are best fostered through committed relationships, as shown by almost every straight couple I know.In other words, I want what they have but don't know if it is healthy or smart for me to go in search of that quite yet. So my question is, now that I am 18 and can legally use dating sites and attend 18+ events (Like prides and concerts), should I? Or is there too much of a stigma around dating a high schooler?TL;DR: can 18 y/o high schooler date 19 y/o grad?

how to prepare to bottom in college dorms?

hi everyone. first post.so im a college freshman and i was wondering if anyone could help me out with my problem. Im vers but im going to bottom for my boyfriend for the first time. The only issue is, i dont know how to douche or get ready to bottom in my dorm bathrooms. anyone older guys have any tips for me? anything is appreciated.thanks guys have a great day!

I love this photoshoot!


No gay experience and I'm almost done with high school (Junior)

Hi everyone, it's me again. I just have one question for all of you. I'm a junior in High School and will be 17 soon, is it weird that I haven't had a gay experience yet? If you count "online" stuff other then that I haven't even kissed another guy and I know that I'm gay. It just sucks living in a conservative town, well all I really want to know if it's weird or not and when did you have your first gay experience.

Not gay but, bi. Was wondering where I might have luck finding some emotional comfort/satisfaction. I'm not interested in females for this, only males so I figured you guys might could help me.

I'm not in the market for sex at all (so i think this rules out online dating) but I would really like to meet men who are seriously into emotional stuff and would like to pursue emotional relationships. I don't really have a need for a sexual release but definitely have a need for emotional release.

Smithers is finally going to come out as gay in The Simpsons season 27


The Modern Fundamentalist - Kim Davis Parody


Just wanted to share, I guess ^^

So, ya know, sometimes when you have a story you just have to share. Even if no one reads, I wanted to get it out.I guess I should start off with a little about myself. I've got social anxiety and extremely poor self-esteem. This has made it really hard to meet guys. I've had quite a few who have been interested in meeting up but I've always declined because I felt way too insecure and nervous.So yeah. I've had one proper boyfriend who I dated for 3 years and he was also the only guy I've ever had sex with. Including him, I'd only kissed 2 guys in my life. The thought of meeting a guy and him wanting to even just kiss me terrifies me beyond belief because I'm scared that I won't kiss well or the guy will get turned off or something. Hence, I hate when guys message me just asking for sex or whatever (on Grindr. I don't know what I expected tbh :P).Anyway! That was long enough so I suppose I should tell the actual story. Friday morning I ended up seeing this picture of a really cute guy on Grindr. I had seen him around before and didn't want to message him because, to be honest, he is extremely good looking and so far out of my league. That, coupled with the fact that I never start the message with guys because I'm too scared to, meant I was just sitting there looking at the photo. Eventually I just though "Fuck it. If he ignores me so what. He's not going to message me if I don't start it."So literally a minute later he replied and I was just thinking "woah, sweet!" And then we get talking and it turns out this guy is actually incredibly sweet and interesting and he's actually a little nerdy too which is, like, amazing. We had quite a bit in common. Then he asks me if I'm free that night because he's in the mood for some drinks and dessert. I just couldn't say no. I was so scared but I told him that I would definitely be there.So we end up going out and having a really good time. Like, usually I struggle to speak to people because I don't know what to talk about and I assumed I'd only be hanging out with him for an hour or so. Turns out, we actually spent a good 3 hours sitting there talking to each other. I was so happy.And then he invited me to his house for wine. I said "yes". It's a bit awkward but I didn't even hesitate. I wanted to spend more time with him. So we end up going back to his and we're drinking wine and eventually, ya know, we're on his bed and just cuddling and I'm playing with his hair. It was so awesome. And he leaned over and kissed me. I was thinking "what if I'm doing it wrong" but he kept kissing me. And it was the best kiss I've ever had (not that I have a large sample to compare it to but it felt amazing )As expected, clothes eventually came off and we ended up messing around for like 30/45 minutes. It was really long and I was having tons of fun. He told me that he's never wanted someone as bad as he wanted me (even if it wasn't true, holy crap my confidence went up noticeably x-x ^)Afterwards we ended just hanging out in his bed looking at his photos and stuff and I ended up staying the night. I really loved the feeling of waking up next to someone, more so with a gorgeous guy who's interested in the same stuff I am. Ended up going home and having my parents laughing at me (we're really open about a lot of stuff and since I told them wasn't coming home from the date and I had a noticeable hickey they put 2 and 2 together :P) it was actually a really good feeling. Honestly, it's one of the best weekends I can ever recall. I would think it were a dream if I couldn't still see the hickey.Anyway, I don't even think my story has a point. I just wanted people to see it. Hell, maybe it does have a point. I've been way too scared to do anything. Like, ever. I'm the type of person who will start shaking and sweating at the thought of meeting people I don't know well. Hell, I still feel awkward meeting people I do know well. But I just... Put myself out there. Because nothing's going to happen if I sit around and wait. I can't even begin to describe how amazing this experience was for me.Thanks for reading this massive wall of text! x-x ^^And sorry for any poor formatting, on my phone. :P

2015. szeptember 27., vasárnap

Federal Takedown of Rentboy.com raises anger

Az összesítés nem áll rendelkezésre. A bejegyzés megtekintéséhez kattints ide.

Question .. Has anyone out there felt the need to completely get off of on line dating/hook up aps?

If so , what effect did it have on your life? Was it positive? Or was it not really necessary? I Last week I deleted my Gridr and A4A accounts, I realized they were a huge distraction. It was getting in they way of me putting time into the things I care about. While I don't blame these apps for me not having a relationship, I think they certainly have contributed to it. I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this and if/how you were able to get past it.

Finding a top as a picky bottom?

I'll preface this with the fact that I'm stupid drunk and confused out of my mind and absolutely out of ideas for help. That said, I'm a young (20, almost 21) guy who's been with an ex for 2 years and is now trying to understand what it's like to date outside of that, especially for being a gay nerd. Sparing most of the details, I'm a dumb nerd kiddo who really just wants someone handsome that he can love and be taken care of and such. Bit of a strange housewife dream, especially since it clashes with how I act and type and such. I'm fairly effeminate, as evidenced by how I look (bottom of this post lads), but no one's ever expressed interest in me without me asking them first, which is scary as hell as I'm sure you all understand.That bit of rambling aside, I guess my question is how do I meet gay guys in the south or, at least, how do I find a way to proposition myself as a fairly normal nerdy kid who wants to bottom and be taken care of, but is at least fairly worldly and not "all sex all the time" when it comes to just day to day stuff.Pictures, as promised: http://ift.tt/1LfUEv1

Question for gay males: is it shallow if I'm turned off by my boyfriend's belly?

TL;DR My boyfriend's belly makes me sad. When we're having sex I avoid it because it's such a turn off to me, which is depressing me and distances us.I've been in a committed relationship for over a year with a guy I fantasized about before we ever met, so it's literally a dream come true to be with him. But there's one major problem. As selfish and shallow (he called me these when I brought this up to him) it may seem, it's true that I get saddened over his gut. His abdominal region is lackluster, not firm, no muscle, it's rolly and ... gross.We have an open-ish relationship, meaning: we have threesomes with other guys but two-somes with others is a no-go. When these threesomes happen I love the experience, but it really bothers me that oftentimes I'm more attracted to the bodies of the other guy we're with. They usually have abs and chest muscles. My boyfriend has a flabby gut and man-boobs. It's just depressing.We're going to the gym together tomorrow and we are planning on doing this regularly - for the health of both of us. This problem has evolved to a point that depression just hits me that I'm with a guy I'm unattracted to in this aspect. I didn't live in turmoil dating a female for years, pretending to be straight, having sex when it didn't turn me on, then drastically ending it - just to date a male where the same thing happens (other than pretending to be straight).He and I have discussed this several times over the past year and every time it becomes an argument in which I am selfish, shallow, "only care about aesthetic", etc. No, I just wanna feel some tight chest & abs, dude.What do you think, guys? Am I shallow?

Meeting gay guys in high school

Hi everyone, I'm having a bit of trouble looking/finding for gay guys in my home town. Thus being that it's also conservative makes it harder. Do you guys have any tips for me? Thanks.

Am I a lesbian?

I am female and men just don't appeal to me sexually at all. I see a man I consider gorgeous but no sexual desire for him. I think I am kidding myself I can get into men. Beautiful women I love to watch especially their waist curves and fat bottoms. I masturbate to them. It's only toned thin women with beautiful faces and make up.I've only had true relationships with men but their penis does nothing to excite me. I feel like getting dick is about as interesting as watching C-Span.Beautiful women excite me and the only thing that can get me off.I have only found a handful of women in real life who excite me: pretty, big breasts, flat stomach and a round butt. I prefer she dress up girly and wear make up as I do.Men are nice to look at but I make myself want to like them. I appreciate their good looks and bodies but it does nothing sexually.Could I be a lesbian?I'd wife her: http://ift.tt/1GaRMrD.

Gay with no confidence .. falling in love

When I was young I though I will be alone all my life, people do care about how you look and I was extremely ugly. When I got to 18 I signed up to gay dating site and the interest I got was unreal, so I went from relationship to relationship .. I wasn't thinking about myself but about other guys and always felt nice that somebody loves me. I don't think I was ever in love. At the moment I am out of 6 year relationship and started dating again. Signed up to grindr. I live in small town in Ireland, far from big cities and I thought there are no guys around. But there are like 100s of them and seems like every single one messages me. I was again, overwhelmed by response and decided I will change my way of dating, and only meet guys that seem perfect for me. The ones I want to meet. I went on few dates and was always told I look amazing and 100 times as good as on photo. Anyway whatever I do, I struggle with being confident. I don't see myself as attractive or interesting person (although I am good in heart and friendly) and it does lots of damage to me. One thing is knowing about my lack of confidence but it is hard to deal with it. The first thing I tell guys is that I am not hot and they should not expect that. I know its wrong.Few days ago I met fella, I thought he is totally outside of my league, but I gave it a try, and after few days going out .. we kissed. I feel like finally in my life I am going out with somebody I really want to. It's not love or anything, we have known each other for only a while, but I get big smile and butterflies in my stomach even thinking about him. It is crazy and I've never felt like that. I'm 28 - old enough to know this feeling. Anyway, my message to whoever bothered to read this is do not be with somebody only because they like you, be with somebody you like, it is worth it. Wish somebody told me that when I was 19 :)



I found my "straight" best friend on Tinder

(M/22) I've been in love with him since we were like 16, but I never made a move because I was in the closet, he was ''straight'', and always out of my league overall. I've really started to embrace my sexuality privately lately, and made Tinder and Grinder profiles. One of the first guys I was shown was him. I almost feinted. I had so many different emotions running through my head, but after thinking all day, I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to tell him how I feel. Seeing him today gave me the courage to come out to my roommates (my very first come-out!), and I have never felt this free and hopeful. I hope I can see him tomorrow to tell him how I feel. I'm terrified that he will reject me of course, but Its time. Either way tomorrow my life is drastically changing, but I think I'm ready for it.

2015. szeptember 26., szombat

Afraid of drunkenly outing myself to my college roommate

Hey guys! So next year I'll be starting law school. I'll be living with three house mates, two of whom I roomed with when I was a senior. Since they're two years younger, they will be seniors as I start law school. Anyways, I didn't really party much as a senior because I wasn't into it then. Now as a graduate, I look back and realize how much fun I missed out on. That's a big reason why I'm looking forward to rooming again with these former roomies--so I'll have an opportunity to make up for lost time.We all got along great, and I'm sure we'll get along great again next year. Here's the thing. I'm in the closet. Over time, I've developed a bit of a crush on one of my roommates. He has said that he's looking forward to drinking with me next year. He likes to get drunk on Friday and Saturday nights. I would like to join him and experience getting shit faced. The only thing is, I'm afraid that I might drunkenly reveal my crush on him. I could say some pretty embarrassing things about how I like him. But that would totally ruin our friendship which means a lot to me. Not to mention make living arrangements super awkward. I've always kept this to myself and want to keep it that way. (He's 100% straight by the way and I totally respect that.)So do you think I should still get drunk with him? Or just tipsy enough not to say anything I'd regret? Any advice you can provide would be appreciated! Thanks!

Sexually confused?

I'm writing this post for every guy or girl who's feeling weird/is having troubles with their sexuality.This is my story, it doesn't have an ending yet, but this is what happened in the last years because of my sexuality. I never had a real idea of what love was, I thought a man could love a woman only, because that's the world I've been put in, a world made out of guys loving girls, and families, and children and everything that was 'traditional'. When I was 9 I had a huge crush on a girl, I wanted to kiss her, to be her boyfriend, I had no idea of what sex or sexuality were but I did liked her. Today we're friends, and I still feel kinda awkward when she's around, not because I have feelings for her, but just because of our past. When I told her I had a crush on her, she told me that she liked me too, but as a friend. (Yes, I got friendzoned when I was 9) It's hard to explain it, buteven when I was in love with her, I felt really weird everytime a guy was around. It was easier for me to talk to a girl rather than a boy, and not because I hated boys, not at all. Every time a guy hugged me, I feelt this weird sensation of "I don't want you to stop". It might be hard to understand, but even when I was really young, I liked boys, I always did, I had no idea of what lgbt was, I just knew that, I knew that I wanted to walk around holding hands with a guy, that I wanted to kiss a guy, to take care of him, live with him and that I wanted to love him. This one day, I saw a guy kissing another guy on TV, I felt so weird. So I asked my mom, and she explained to me, that those guys were gay. I finally knew how to label myself, and it was amazing. For a lot of years I was all rainbows, glitter, naked guys, unicorns, and all that gay shit. And the most important part I was crazy for boys. Whenever a guy wanted to do something with me, I agreed. I didn't care if he was gay, bisexual, straight but curious, if he was 12 or 25, if he was closeted or not, I didn't care, I just cared that he had a penis between his legs. It might look beautiful to be such an open minded person, well I was wrong. I exposed my body to a bunch of guys just because I felt I had to. I was a living stereotype, I was the gbf, I wanted to go to prides, I wanted to have sex with as many guys as I could. But I never had a real relationship. Well, this one day, I met a guy, from high school. He told me he was gay and we started to date. I really didn't want to, I didn't like him, he wasn't my type, when I kissed him I liked it, but I felt no sparkle. I was his boyfriend just because I thought that was what I had to do. One day, I told him what was really going on, and we broke up. I acted like that, I did what I did, because I had no "gay model" to follow, and if you type "gay" on Google Images you'll see what was the environment I lived inside of. It was summer, and I felt something changing inside of me, I felt I was growing up, I felt like I was in a whole new world, the real one. I didn't want to do what I did, I didn't want to give my naked body to those who didn't care about my naked soul. I didn't want to be the gay best friend, to go to gay parties, to be a gay person. I just wanted to be me. Who you want to love shouldn't change who you are.So I got to this whole, confusing phase of "Hey, maybe I'm bi?" but I didn't like girls, I thought I was asexual, but I wanted a boyfriend. I felt so weird, I didn't know how to define myself, well, this post goes to whoever feels this way.Hi, I know how you're feeling, you're not alone. Everyone, even those who know what they want, have passed through this questioning phase. It's okay. Don't rush it, you have nothing to worry about. Be yourself. Look at yourself and figure out, whose body drives you crazy? Whose lips do you want on your mouth? Who do you want to sleep and wake up with. You don't need to put any labels on yourself. When I say that I don't like labels people think that it means that I'm a sexually opened person, but that's not what it means. It just means that my sexuality doesn't change who I am and it's quite possibly the less interesting part about me. And that's okay, just follow your path. Always remember, it's not all black and white. When I see a beautiful girl I'm like "damn that chick looks good" but nothing else, it's normal to recognize when someone of the same/opposite sex is good looking. It doesn't define your sexuality. If you're in this situation, it's because you're a curious person, and it's fine, curiosity is something human, but sexuality goes over your head. It's all about your heart and your body, and the way you feel. I've met plenty of guys with different sexualities, bi-curios straight/gay guys, panromantic asexuals, and it's okay, as long as you do what you want to. One day, when you less expect it, you'll find that special someone, and you're gonna be like "Wow, I get it, I finally get it." and you'll care only about that person. Don' worry, be honest with yourself, if you've born straight, you'll die straight, if you've born gay, you'll die gay. I know it is hard, I know it might scare sometimes, but it's normal. Just have a healthy life, hang out with your friends, focus on school, spend time with your family, everything will be okay.(P.S. Sorry for my broken english :c)

Do you find Total top/bttm more attractive than Versatile guys? Why or why not?

As a total bottom I find myself into only total top. Let's say if I'm choosing a potential bf, I think a versatile guy would make me insecure because they might be twice as possible to cheat(since I can't fulfill their bottom needs). Moreover, I don't find a man sexy if he had get fucked, somehow I think they lost the "masculinity". Maybe my value have been stabled by straight world......(For sure, a total top who's acting too girly would be a turn off for me.)Q1: What role are you(total top/total bttm/verse)? Q2: Do you agree with me, why or why not?TL;DR: Versatile, hot or not? Why or why not?

How do I stop playing hard to get?

I'm pretty sure it has stopped me copping of with guys at bars before

30 year old friend in the closet, doesn't know i know

tl; dr- I (30, M, straight) suspect a good friend (30, M, who knows) of 20 years is gay. He has told no one. Should I initiate an interrogation or just let it go?So I've known my friend since elementary school. We were good friends all the way to highschool.During college we remained good friends. We both moved far from home (to different places) and we wouldn't talk very often (once a month or less?), but during holidays when we were in our hometown me, him, and a small core group of friends always planned, met up, and hung out. We all consider each other good friends still even though we don't keep up with the details of each others' lives.I once visited him over summer during college (probably 9 years ago now) and found gay porn on his computer. We were hanging out at his house and I was using his computer for who know's why. I saw the torrent or kazaa or whatever the hell we were using in 2006) badge in the lower right in the system tray and I popped that shit open to see what he was downloading. Was expecting to see what movies or music he was currently into, found gay porn. I had no idea before seeing his download queue that he was into gay anything. He has never been with a girl and has never expressed interest in girls really, but I figured he was just shy.Sometime later when we're hanging out I get an excuse to jump on the computer and then make a show out of seeing the downloader badge. "Torrents?! Whatcha dooooowwwwwnnnnloadiiinnnnnn" as I'm dragging the mouse suuuuuper fucking slow over to the download program. I mean, I don't want to just open his gay porn in his face. Gotta give the guy some options, right? He let's out a big "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" and runs over to right click exit that program ASAP. I make a stupid joke about him not wanting me to see and just drop it. I never bring it up, he never brings it up, case closed we move on with our lives.Fast forward to present day. We've maintained our hands-off friendship successfully 8~9 years later. We actually talk a bit more nowadays on FB messenger about random shit. I make a trip to go to visit him for a weekend in his very nice home (he lives alone and is doing well for himself). He's a big Apple guy so he's got his Apple laptop as well as an iPad. I don't have access to his laptop but his iPad is just on his coffee table. We need to find movie showtimes, so I open it up, hit safari, and open a new tab so I don't close whatever he's on (aren't I courteous?).So a sweet feature with your apple devices is that all your devices are connected if you all use the same user account. So say you're on your laptop, but for some reason would like to open this page on your iPad so can flick the text around with your finger or something. WELL HOW CONVENIENT FOR YOU when you open a new tab in Safari all open tabs on your other devices are just right there in your face so you can click on whatever you want. Anyways, you get the picture. I see some gay website title pages open on his other devices. I cruiseeeeee right on past those to a wholesome google search regarding movie showtimes so we can watch us some Jurassic World. I don't bring it up ever and he has zero idea I know (I assume).We're 30 now and I want to talk to him about it. If he's gay would his life be better or worse if I ask him about it? He sometimes tells me about girls that hit on him and some girls he's hooked up with but he's never had a serious girlfriend (at least based on what he's told me). I think with presented evidence I can say with 90% certainty this guy is AT LEAST bisexual-leaning-towards-gay. I honestly don't care what his sexual orientation is, but I don't think he's told anyone about this. This has to be a big burden to carry, no? Would letting him know I know be catastrophic? We never really talk about anything past superficial conversation (e.g. "holy moly the finale to xxx ways yyy"). Objectively, I would say we are both very high on each other's "people I actually like" list.Please help me understand what's going through his head. I'd rather keep quiet if telling him might cause him to have a meltdown or make him hate me or something crazy. He's a pretty rational guy but this is delicate territory. If you've read this ENTIRE POST you're a saint and I love you.

You're gay and like/prefer to watch straight porn

What is it you like about it? What kind of straight porn action do you like to watch in particular? Did you always like it? Is it a taste that you have developed lately? The only kind of porn you ever liked to watch? Does it fuel your desires in the bedroom (or kitchen, or park, or parking lot, ...) one way on another?

I'm tired of being gay, can I just be straight please?

I can't come out to my parents. Any chance I get to talk to other gay people I seem to get treated horribly. Any connections I create with gay people it turns to shit. I had someone lie about his name and when I asked about it he blocked me on everything. I want a normal life that doesn't involve me hiding my identity from my family and pretending to be something I'm not. I don't know what this is, vent maybe? I don't give a shit anymore

Concerns when you started to come out?

This is for an essay about diversity by the way.

Do I have Ed?

Hi, I'm 33. I have a very inconsistent erection. Sometimes, I can hold it for the whole session no problem but other times, I would have problem getting hard at all. I can not seem to identify the cause of it. Should I be researching into Cialis related solution? I'm not sure what other information I can provide that could help. Feel free to ask me anything. Thanks in advanced!

Help me find this jockstrap

Hey, I really like this jockstrap this man is wearing and would like a pair myself. Anyone know where I can find a pair?(NSFW) http://ift.tt/1jkTbHj

Queer as Folk; that Thumpa Thumpa

I just finished watching this series for the first time (Netflix). 24m; after struggling through a 4-year coming out, this show finally solidified things for me. It helped me understand myself, it educated me about the wonders and dangers of being gay, to be proud of who I am and who I love, and how to approach family and friends. I can't suggest this show enough to anyone (male or female), especially those that may want or need a little direction or inspiration.I'd link the final sequence (couldn't help but cry) to help communicate the emotion, but I couldn't spoil it for anyone...The show has made me feel so damn good, and I just wanted to share <3.

Rant, advice needed :/

I'm gay, always have been and i always knew i was gay, no issue with that either. I had my first gay experience when i was 18 with a guy i met on planetromeo (then it was called gayromeo) who seemed hung and nice. My next experience was two years after that, a blowjob by a guy living close to me. Then i went to university, where i had two more guys blow me, each one once for the next two years. A year later i had sex again. Since the last time i had sex, a year has passed, i am now 24. I've been thinking about this for the last couple of days, i had encounters with men once every year since i had my first time when 18. What's wrong with me? I am super horny, want to ride dicks and suck dicks and eat ass all day and all night but, when it comes to meeting someone something keeps me back. Has anyone else experienced such a slow start? What did you do? I don't really mind appearances, not everyone is fit as a model, and frankly i don't look for model-looking men. Also, i'm good looking, not saying this to brag or anything, it's what i've always been told and i have no reason to believe my appearance is not worthy of fucking me. I have an above average dick, 18cm which i think is about 7inches, and a nice ass, super-tight cause relatively unused lol, and a nice body. Now, i know this might sound super cocky or arrogant, but i tried to explain as clear as possible how i look, so you could tell me why i'm not sitting on a dick right now. Again, sorry for the foul language. Please post advise.

2015. szeptember 25., péntek

Am I a gay dude or what?

I've always been whatever about stuff. In my 30's now. Had a few dude experiences, mostly just kind of checking stuff out. I think I'm attracted to women. I've had a lot of lady experiences. A lot. Lately I find I'm not really into it anymore. I've had an idea that maybe I'm trans-gendered and posted on one of those subs. They recommended I check it out, so check it out I certainly did. I dunno if it's really a fit. I'm honestly not sure what my thing is at this point. I have a nice collection of backdoor related toys and I find it difficult to relieve myself without that aspect. The female parts are just kind of becoming more and more whatever. However, I find befriending men difficult and I have a major problem even meeting one for an intimate thing to continue testing the waters. I haven't ever felt emotions for a man like I have a woman, but at this point I don't feel emotions for anyone. I'm a robot. Work, sleep, ingest nutritional bio-matter. I "take care of myself" like once every couple of weeks at this point. No joke. I do enjoy cross dressing. Are gay dudes into this at all? I dunno . What do I do? What would you do? A convo I had with a group of openly gay dudes once was confusing. None of them have even had sex with a woman. They just magically knew they were gay and never questioned things. To be fair, I went to highschool in an extremely homophobic small town, and maybe I just can't accept that I might be a male who enjoys males. Maybe I have to convert to a female to be able to pursue a male. Or maybe I'm a-typical regardless. Or maybe there is no typical. Tell me what I am. Look into your crystal ball. As Old Greg said, "make an assessment".

Meeting guys in college?

I'm currently a college freshman new to "college life". I'm also gay, coming from a small school that didn't have a lot of options, so I'm hoping I can get more into a gay dating scene here. I'm not really the party kinda guy. Even if I wanted to I don't really have the looks/status/attitude to join frats and hook up culture. So what options are there for me to meet potential boyfriends? Thanks to all advice.

Openly gay and trying genuine approach

So I'm the only openly gay guy in my highschool that is well known and my town has no problem with it, but it's been 3 years and I haven't gotten one slight date request from any guys in my area. Please note 1400 students attend my school so the odds should be higher. How do I go about building up the courage to even ask supposed straights guys out? because I get frazzled just keeping a convo online with them. And I'm super worried about rumors leading to regret. Please help me I'm feeling lonely and I'm refusing to use any apps because I get too judgmental and their faces doesn't end up matching with their personality.

Have you ever not gotten over someone?

I met this guy when I was in college and it was instant lightning for me; I have never felt that way about anyone. Nothing ever happened and we went on our merry ways. Five years later and I think about him all the time. I've been in serious relationships since, but somehow it always ends up coming back to him. Any advice?

Gindr app Blocked

so i was on grindr today and i blocked someone and then acouple hours later unblocked him would he still be able to see the chat we had or no?



Need some support

My fiancé left me 3 days ago via text. No chance to work things out, nothing. He said he needed to "find himself" and work on his personal unhappiness. I returned his stuff yesterday and suggested that we backpedal; we didn't have to be engaged, we didn't have to feel so wrapped up in each other. We could focus on ourselves and still hang out and enjoy each other's company. He agreed. I found out later than night that he's already on dating apps, sending nudes, and making plans to hook up with people. I confronted him and he got angry and told me to move home. He told me that since I'd had a slutty phase when I was younger, it was his turn (he's 34 and his last relationship was 11 months) which I said wouldn't make him happier or help him find himself. I told him that I knew my faults in our relationship and was willing to improve them but he wasn't interested in listening or talking. He then tried to bully me into not talking about it by pretending there was a chance we'd get back together. He said "I feel that any chance we had is slipping away. And if you post any of what I did online, there's no chance at all. Not even to be friends." He left me so abruptly and now has cut me from his life. I'm floundering and I don't know what to do. Sorry for the rant.

How do you gay men feel about dating (long term) a bisexual man?

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Awesome Redditor Adopts Younger Brother After Mom Blames Him For Making Younger Son Gay


When you meet someone, is there such thing as too early to say you love him?

I met this guy recently, he's really cute and sweet. Kind and funny, since it is only recently I don't know a whole lot about him so could it be lust? Or maybe I'm so lonely that I'm grasping to any spec of affection from anyone

Looking for genuine feedback on how people feel about derogatory gay expressions.

Hello,I am not here to be disrespectful in anyway, but am genuinely curious to get feedback on how gay people feel when they hear someone say things such as "Don't be gay", "What a fag".I understand everyone is different and has different opinions about these phrases. I personally do not say such things, but am interested to know if people get offended by them.Thank you!

Please Help.... I need a gay persons perspective.

So I figured you guys would know best of anyone about this situation...I have this really good friend who I have become very close with the past year or so. We have had multiple situations where we have poured or hearts out to each other and we are very real with each other, this is possibly the most real friendship I have ever had with anyone. I know I can be 100% real with him and I know he feels he can be real with me, but maybe not 100%.So we are sitting in a movie theater with another mutual friend and between me doing nofap and seeing a bomb ass girl on the screen the entire movie(I'm straight) I basically had a raging boner the entire time. Him and I started to fight over the shared armrest in between us which eventually led to him GRABBING THE INSIDE OF MY THIGH. He did this multiple times, getting closer to and almost massaging my crotch area and I feel he must have felt my raging boner. I was drunk as hell and didn't really think much of it. I didn't really feel like my privacy was invaded so I just let it go.When we were alone later that night he said "you know why I was doing that in the movie theater, right?" I was kinda taken aback so I didn't say anything and he went on about how he proved something fighting over the armrest and said absolutely nothing about rubbing the inside of my thigh. Before he went on this armrest rant he made me promise I would still be friends with him after he told me whatever he was going to tell me. Was he about to confess he had feelings for me and then chickened out?!We went on talking about other shit and somehow either I or he mentioned something about gay people and he said I wouldn't be friends with him if I found out he was gay, which honestly wouldn't be true unless he blatantly disrespected my boundaries. This made me think again that he could be hiding something. We're very comfortable with each other but I've never had a friend grab me like that before, at least not a guy friend lol.Any thoughts?

2015. szeptember 24., csütörtök

Just wanted to vent

I think about leaving my parent's home a lot. To be honest, I should've been out years ago since I'm about to be 25 soon. But I had some psychological troubles and fell behind in college. I've turned into sort of a loser. If I left now, I wouldn't know what to do or where to go. I'm kind of dorky and naive, so I don't think I would last long.But for a short while in the past, I was happy and felt empowered. It was back when I finally accepted myself as being gay. I fought with my folks a lot back then and almost got thrown out a lot. They still deny that I'm gay and don't talk about it anymore. But I didn't care. I was finally being myself and having fun. I was exploring a part of myself that I had held in for a long time.But I started having mental issues again and quit college and my job. I mostly stay at home now with homophobic parents. I don't even invite my friends over because of how suspicious my parents are of them. I'm afraid that my dad would get physical if he found anyone LGBT in his house. Hell, he almost beat me into the ground when I first came out to them.I guess I'm writing because I'm just a bit frustrated with my situation. I'm stuck in a house where I have to play ball and act straight so I don't provoke my parents. I don't have a job, my car was totaled and I have to take meds to stay calm. There's a lot wrong with my life and I don't really know where to start fixing it. And part of me thinks that if I found a boyfriend than it would makes things better, but I take it since I probably shouldn't be in a relationship unless I got my shit together.I just need someone or something to get me out of this funk. My parents think God is my answer, but I've never been very religious. Lol, I don't know what to do with myself. But yeah, I just needed to vent.

How do i look to you guys?


saggy bawls. yes or no?

mine sag. alot. i really dislike it. i am self conscious about it. on other guys it does not matter to me at all, so i know most likely im blowing it out of proportion... but im weird. i like things alot of people dont and dislike things alot of people do like... so maybe my thinking that other guys dont care (to spite still being self conscious and not liking my own..) is just wrong. i mean, the logic is false for sure. anyway, let me know how you feel about it, and if you are a top or bottom or something in between. thanks in advance!

Why is a feminine man so much more offensive than a masculine woman? via HuffPost


Is he gay?

I think this guy I work with is gay, but I can't tell. He watches Rue Paul's Drag Race, and Project Runway, and has in depth conversations about both w/this girl in the office. He isn't very feminine, but has these slight mannerisms which are hard to describe. I think I caught him looking at my ass once. He seems to be very liberal and forward thinking and aware of gay culture. He never talks about girls, a girlfriend, or a significant other. All his roommates are girls. He looks at me with flirty eyes at times? Would a straight guy do that? How can you tell if they are actually flirty eyes, and based on what I've told you, is he gay? Under what circumstance would it be ok for me to ask if he's gay? Are there indirect questions I can ask?

depressed and lonely teenager

Message me :D

Putin offers to meet Elton John after gay rights call - Kremlin


S8 but have gay fantasies

I'm a s8 lad,in a happy relationship with my girlfriend but for years I've had the urge to hook up with a lad,I don't fancy men though,but the sex intrigues me,I've played with myself before and used toys and really really enjoyed it. I've been tempted to meet up with lads but I've been too scared and didn't want to cheat on my lass. I don't think she would understand even if I told her and she thinks it's a bit wrong anyways. I just don't know what to do,I even think there's something wrong with me for having these thoughts as well

This Kim Davis song in the style of Pirates of Penzance is why the Internet exists.


Prostate massager recommendations?

Hi guys. I have absolutely 0 experience with toys, but I am interested in getting something that both my boyfriend and I can enjoy. I was thinking about maybe a dildo, or better yet, a prostate massager. Does anyone have any recommendations?Thanks!

Could you possibly help me please?

I'm an A2 Film Studies Student and doing a small scale research project on to what extent representations of male same sex relationships have changed within film in the last 50 years and for part of my research, I'd be interested in audience feedback. I'm assuming most of the people on this subreddit are part of the LGBT community so I'd be interested to see what everyone thinks.If any of you guys have to time to answer my survey, I'd be super grateful as this project goes towards 25% of my final grade so the more research I get, the better :)(the link is here )I've spoken to the moderator and they said it's fine to post this ao don't down vote as it isn't spam

3000 selfies, sounds bad but it's pretty cool


Gay bottoms: how often do your balls touch in doggy?

Just my virgin mind wondering ;)

2015. szeptember 23., szerda

I could ask him, and he could say yes, or I could keep pretending.

If I don't ever ask, I can keep pretending we're together, which makes me sort of happy.Or I could ask, and if he says no, that's the end of it. But he might say yes, and that would mean the world to me.I've deluded myself into thinking that maybe somewhere in his heart he likes me back, but I known statistically that's very unlikely.But there's always a chance, and I think I should go for it.

One of these things is not like the others...


Just feel like getting something off my chest...

Felt like sharing my story to anyone who will bother to listen. Warning, wall of text.I've pretty much known I'm gay since I was old enough to know what a boner was, no innuendo intended haha. I have a lesbian cousin and aunt, as well as my uncle, brother and step-brother who are gay. I have a lot of animosity towards my biological brother who I grew up with for a number of different reasons, and I think it carries over to my feelings about "gay society" or whatever you want to call it, as a whole. It doesn't help that he is also your stereotypical "flamer," you know, those guys who fart rainbows. My dad has this belief that because my brother is gay, he has this whole different grasp on reality, so he always let him get away with some of the most scandalous crap. His excuse for this being "he lost his mother when he was young, and because he's gay that changed him and his grasp of how things work." But not me, I lost a parent too but I don't get any special treatment because I'm the straight son. And that's the thing, I wish I could come out and show him all his bigotry, that if we removed sexuality/gender/etc. you'll still have the exact same person at heart. But because I'm the "straight son" I'm expected to fulfill my parents dreams of me bringing home grandkids, among other things. I know the answer is gonna be "just tell them" but I'm just not ready to break their hearts like that. I'm just starting to get tired of lying and being lonely, especially with my senior prom coming up, and me with no fake date to show my parents lol. My best friend is a big supporter, but I've talked about girls and shit with him for so long. 😂 I know I have a few people I COULD come out to, but I'm just not comfortable yet, and that's why I'm here.TL;DR: I have problems.

The Gay College Life

So I started college 4 weeks ago and things are generally good. I got friends, I'm not broke yet, classes aren't THAT bad and yet I'm a little lost. My school is super inclusive and liberal so acceptance isn't an issue. It's just that a lot of people are already hooking up and while I know there are people who don't; I kinda want to. I'm not a virgin, but until a month ago I didn't even have a first kiss. So I'm still really insecure about my competence as dating material. The other problem is that my school/ town is tiny (1,500 students and a majority of girls). So I think I'm kinda screwed. So what did you do while you were/ are in college? How long did it take for you to find somebody?

Should I go see Stonewall?

So I wanted to go see Stonewall this Friday, but I'm not sure whether I should or not. I had heard that it isn't a good representation of what happened during the Stonewall riots. But it still looks like an interesting movie.Plus I'm kind of nervous about seeing it. I don't really have any friends that like that sort of thing, and there would definitely be an argument if my parents found out. I was just gonna lie about hanging out and go out to see it. I really do hate lying though.Anyway, I digress. Do you think this movie is worth the money? Are you going to see it? Why or why not?

This must be what the entrance to heaven looks like... for us gays! (parody xpost from /r/aww)


2015. szeptember 22., kedd

TIFU by being gay and depressed, my life!

This is a life about me, and why I struggle to be alive. I am a gay male who lives in Montana and All my life I have struggled with anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts. As a child I grew up being bullied, I didn't realize how bad it was until my parents had brought it to my attention on what was going and from that I had to move me schools, but that did not fix anything, it only made things worse. Everyone still picked on me and made there verbal remarks towards me. It was always a wide range of things they could attack me for. I never wanted to go to school because I hated it. I can remember crying all the time because I couldn't do it anymore, couldn't take having no friends, being a joke, a nobody. I moved yet to another school before middle school and things just didn't seem to help. Things got worse as I entered middle school, still yet no friends just family, always laughed at, and made fun of. After a while, I transferred again before high school. But then I entered high school and was hoping things would change for me. I moved to a little school outside my hometown just to get away from it all. Going through high school was better but it never stopped. I still lived in the town where I was bullied and everyone still had full access to attacking me, physically and mentally. I was so afraid to go out in public alone that I wouldn't go anywhere but from school to home. Just going to Walmart would put me in a panic. Then I thought things were finally going good when I started making friends and getting out there more, accepted for once, but yet the picking on me never stopped but by then I could block it out. But by my junior in high school I got hit with another problem, coming out and admitting to myself that I was gay. I couldn't fight it anymore and admitted to myself. But coming out was one of the hardest thing I've ever faced. It wasn't until college when I finally opened up more and started getting myself out there. Then luck struck and I met someone. Happier than ever and excited to be special. But like everything else, it failed and that was finally my breaking point. Through everything I have had to deal with, and continue to deal with, is this deep depression, anxiety and thoughts. It's one of the must difficult things I have yet to overcome. No one lately can accept me for me, bits and parts of me are accepted but not the full me. I get those people who tell me that they are there for me but Those are just words, no one was there. I'm losing myself. My suicidal thoughts overpower me. I don't know who I am anymore and I don't know what else I can do to fight it. I'm at the end point and there's just nothing left. I Don't see the road ahead of me anymore, it's faded and I have no hope that life will ever pick up. I am nothing but a filler into people's lives. My day is coming and sooner than I want. But this is my story.

A fake Doritos account pisses off homophobic consumers complaining on the Doritos facebook page.


I have a sexual disorder..?

Hi, I'm a 23 years gay guy and I can't cum in front of other guy. Had no such problems with girls. I don't even know how to call it. Shyness? Sexual disorder? I always feel uncomfortable when I cum with a guy, sometimes I can't, turning off lights or covering my eyes helps a bit, I cant masturbate together with a guy, but when I masturbate alone (to gay porn) everything is ok, I mean its not about that I don't accept myself as gay or something, I've been sexually active as gay since 16, and it has always been that way. What is this? How to overcome it? Did anyone feel/felt this way?

Kim Davis, drop dead already! This beast has finally caused me to snap.


A month and a bit post getting cheated on and I've been doing great.. But I'm starting to grieve and miss him again :c

It's a shitty feeling. He wanted to stay friends after he told me because I know he really does care but I was too angry to think straight so I told him I never wanted to see/hear from him again. Haven't been in contact since August and I'm really starting to miss him again ._.

Is he being too judgmental?

My brother is in his first relationship since he came out. It’s honestly his first relationship ever (that I know of) and he was fairly desperate to find someone. I don’t blame him, he’s nearly 28 years old and is wanting physical intimacy and companionship. He deserves it. He’s a great person and I’m so happy he’s finding his happiness. However, I think he’s unsure what’s a good relationship and a bad one. I know it’s a learning experience and I told him that it’s his first relationship and he will learn as he goes.However, in general, he’s a very picky person. With everything.. clothes, cars, jobs, people, etc. He likes what he likes and there’s nothing wrong with that. But, I think he’s a little too picky when it comes to certain things. If someone does just one thing he doesn’t like he thinks they’re the worst. Like if a friend likes something he doesn’t like he automatically writes them off as his friend. I personally think he’s being harsh and overly judgmental, but it’s his choice and that’s that.But now that he’s in this new relationship, he’s overly criticizing him. That’s just my opinion. He thinks this guy doesn’t do his hair nice enough, he wears out of style clothes, he doesn’t eat as healthy, he doesn’t work out as much, he’s a little pudgy, he likes horses.. I mean, everything. And he asks me for advice and I’m like IDK! If he feels it isn’t right, then it probably isn’t. But I don’t know what to tell him for advice. I mean, I feel I’m a fairly easy going person and accept flaws easily. But I don’t want to tell my brother that he should continue on with this guy if he feels it isn’t working. He says he’s physically attracted to him and they get along great, but there’s these little things he gets caught up on.What do you think I should tell him? He leans on me for support because he doesn’t have many friends. And I want to help him the best I can, but I don’t want to say the wrong things.Help!TL:DR; Overly judgmental brother is in his first gay relationship. He’s getting caught up on little things and wants my advice on if he should end it.

No clever title, but I'm sure you guys will appreciate this.


Clean your inside.

Hi folks :)How do you manage to be clean from the inside? What quantity of water do you use? Whenever I use 1L or 100Ml it's still there. Sometimes it even come down later during the action. It's frustrating. Any advices?

Tennessee Bill Aims to Nullify Supreme Court Marriage Ruling


Any same-sex couple here has children?

I'd love to hear their experiences and stories!

Sexuality Question

I'm a straight male, at least I think. I find women attractive, and want to have a girlfriend. Something just doesn't feel right though. The male body, (face, muscles, abs, legs, etc NOT genitalia) is attractive to me. Like sometimes I'll see a picture of a guy with a nice chiseled face, body, whatever. And I'll think "Holy shit that's sexy!" But even the slightest thought of dating another male, or having sex with one is absolutely repulsive. Whenever I watch porn, I automatically get turned off whenever I see gay porn on thumbnails or ads. I get no thoughts or urges to snuggle up, or touch/be close with other guys. No offense to the gays, and I fully respect and support that. Is this normal? Or are there a lot of people that feel this way? Thanks!

twins o.o

this will be offensive to at least one person. if you are offended easily, so sorry, please stop here!so i saw the popup porn post, about the twins on grinder. scenario:you are at a hotel, notice hot no-face guy on grinder really close. start up a convo, gets hot and sexy really quick, long story short, put two and two together and he is your twin. would you go for it?relevant point, a guy cant get pregors with a incest baby any more than a normal one :D

2015. szeptember 21., hétfő


Alright ladies and gents I have posted here a few times under a different handle but I have been wanting to ask for help on some things I have been dealing with in my life. I am a 26 almost 27 year old gay male that lives in Colorado. I have never actually had a real relationship because I can't stand the people here in CO (mainly because I have not been able to find the right one, to many MISTER RIGHT NOW and not enough MISTER RIGHTS!) Work has me going crazy and I don't have much to turn to but going home to sleep or going out to the bar and drinking past my point of good decisions. I stumbled upon a Christian youtube channel and finally felt something I thought I lost years ago. (Note: I am not a religious person and I do not want to hear any responses toward one or the other, I am looking for advice so positive thoughts would be great). I have been wanting to go to church once and a while and I have been wanting to get out and go to the gay bars around to see if maybe I have been doing something wrong. I listen to country music and everything that comes though my head phones and really I am just looking on advice or someone to tell me a path to take to help me discover myself. I don't want to turn 30 and be lost as I am today. Please help me.

Only 30% gay?

I had two straight friends over and we all got drunk. They both decided I was only 30% gay because I only like trans men, trans women, women and I "don't seem outwardly gay" What do you guys think? I have male parts btw

What Im Really Thinking

My parents will ask me "How are you" and ill always give them the same short answer of "Im good", but really, Im not. Im not because im different and wish that I was like everybody else. Im not, im gay and my parents know it, they know it and don't accept it. In fact, they've tried to change it, taking me to counseling through our church and a lot of prayer. They think im going through a "change" but im not, and im dying inside. I have great friends and they make me smile, god theyre great, but when I think about my wedding day or dinners, I want my family to be there too. My parents are super christian (don't get me wrong, I am too, and not all christians are like this, but my parents just arent open minded) and confine me in our house, hoping ill stay my ground and change... The reason I write this is because im in that simping moment (that time at night when you get all emotional) and today wasnt such a great day. My mom had a terrible day, and when this happens, my parents question me and think im doing something "sinful" that causes us to have bad days... Right now i just realized i couldn't really talk to anyone about it... so im typing it. Im that kid that has a lot of friends and smiles and looks good from the outside... To be honest, i dont like telling people about my struggles and my issues, so id rather pretend im okay. But its good to type here, maybe ill do it more often, as a journal. Im 16 years old My name is Michel

Question on Dating

Hello All,I've been out of the gayting (get it?) scene for a couple years now and recently decided to put myself back out there. The few relationships that I've been in all started as friendship and when we crossed the bridge to be "official" it was soon after we started doing "boyfriend things" (too many quotation marks? definitely). I've never dated anyone from the get-go so this is kinda new for me.I started talking to a guy online a couple months ago and about a month ago we met up for the first time. The other night he told me that he is seeing other people and thought I should know. Some of my friends are telling me this really is unacceptable and I should cut it off with him, and others are saying it's not that big of a deal. What's your take on this? I really like the guy, but it's hard for me to think about him with other people. Also I've always stuck with the "no sex before monogamy" rule which would be pretty hard to stick to in this type of situation.So r/gay what do you say? Stick it out with the guy and see where it goes, or cut it off before I'm truly invested? Thanks in Advance!

When do you stop to meet new guys?

Hey guys, i have a question. Well i got dumped by a guy because of reasons and i thought i fucked up. So i began to chat with other guys and went a little bit too far. I didn't expect to get such a big resonance because i never had good photos of myself and also improved my body stats throughout the last years^ In the past few days I have met 2 guys that would like to have a relationship with me and i'm also chatting with a few other guys i like and that want to meet me. But now the guy i thought i fucked up with is also back in business and wnats to see me on Saturday. I'm afraid to hurt somebody and would like to know, if you guys date several guys at a time and when you think the time has come to stop that. I really want a relationship with the guy i fucked up with at first but i'm really confused about his intentions because of my fuck up (don't wanna go into details). Need advise

A Rentboy John Speaks Out


I need help... I can't tell if the guy I like is gay

Okay so let me start with some background... I'm a freshman in College in Texas. At the start of classes this semester i was still dating/breaking up with my boyfriend at the time. When we broke up I dealt with it the best that could, but i was rather bitter because he had cheated on me. Any who's.... Their is a guy that i have 2 classes with. And can i say he's just my type, funny, sweet, tall, blonde... I'm about it. I didn't talk to him the first week of class, week 2 came and i may have said one word to him, but by week 3 he changed his seat to sit right next to me. (He hasn't gone back to his original spot). Within that week he asked for my number and we had hung out a few times at the Starbucks on campus.Well things started to change this weekend. He asked me if i wanted to hang out with him late Friday night, but i was already going to a party. I invited him and he said yes without hesitation. We met at the party and things went great! He was opening up, we were dancing, drinking, and having a good time. At one point we were surrounded by couples making out, i told him that i was going to ignore them and just focus on him. Well, at that time my cousins girlfriend said "well now its your guys turn" To which he responded with a smirk and a wink... Night went on,n he came to breakfast with my roommate and i at like 330am.Next night, he asked me what we were doing. So we went to another house party, and i decided to turn on the flirting. I danced with him, i put my hand on his back, i kept getting him more drinks, i rated my arm against him. HE didn't have any hesitation. I also found that we were incredibly compatible.Yesterday.. i decided to do a little snooping. He doesn't have any social media except tumblr and i saw some things that were confusing. He had a lot of gay rights, human activist, and marriage equality. But going back a few months i saw some pictures of girls and back a year or so were 2 or 3 pics of him and a girlfriend. So when we hung out last night i totally dropped the whole flirting because i do not want to be marked as the gay guy trying to turn straight guys.Well when he asked me what we were doing that night i invited him to a bbq and we had fun, then he asked if i wanted to go to his place and since my friend was with me we decided to come to my place off campus. we had a few drinks, he got kinda loose but nothing happened. Well when she was ready to go home he was kinda sad because he wanted to stay but she was tired and they both live on campus. So they went home...Basically in these 3 days I've become rather confused about this guy. Everyone that i talked to at all 3 parties assumed we were dating beach he "Looks Gay". But as we know that doesn't mean any thing... or does it? He has better style than me, wears bring colors, has yarn bracelets, cut off shorts, perfect posture, and his voice... soft kinda high pitched...i just don't know because i haven't asked him for sure and idk how to go about that. Please, any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Gay Parade Dallas | Live from Dallas


Is It a Good Idea to Ask Out Your Bartender

So over the past couple of weeks I've become a regular at a bar near me. I'm friendly with the bar manager, DJ, owner, etc and I really like it there. The thing is I'm really attracted to one of the bartedners. He's cute and cool and we chat when I'm there and always exchange a hug\cheek kiss when I leave. I'd really like to ask him out but rejection could ruin a good thing. Plus I'm not sure how much is him being friendly and how much attention is trolling for tips. Any advice would be much appreciated.

IS this gay?


Gayve Story


2015. szeptember 20., vasárnap

Just had sex for the first time... Don't know what to do.

I just hooked up with a cute guy from grindr, we've been talking for a while so today I decided to come over.After some talking we got in to it and after sucking his dick for a while he put on a condom and got ready.Now let me say that eventhough this was my first time I have done anal play before, I always enjoyed it and it was great. However, he was a lot bigger than the toys I have used before so getting it in was already kind of a challenge.After like 5-10 minutes of sex he takes it out and tells me that I'm bleeding... This has never happened before and I'm a little bit worried. Is it just because he was big (almost 8") and it was my first time? Or should I be worried?Has this happened to any of you?

[Discussion] About coming out...

My "mind" is so convicted that "gay is ok" (equals "I'm normal"), that I don't feel the need to "come out".I know, it seems my "excuse" to avoid the question. It may even be. But I wonder: my hetero friends has not come to me and said "hey, I am hetero", so why should I "come out" to anyone?To me, it is so clear that I am not "wrong" that I don't think I have to explain myself, you know?What do you guys think?

Gay males of reddit, do you find yourself gravitating to female pop artists more often?

I currently like Katy Perry. Taylor Swift is okay. Then, I started streaming Kelly Clarkson, and I was like, "Man, her music was really good." Then, I remembered I like Pink as well.How bout you other gay guys?

Company hikes price 5,000% for drug that fights complication of AIDS, cancer



Anyone just looking to have a friendly chat? Not trade nudes or anything, but just connect with another human being on kik? Just comment yours below

Friend starting a online magazine. Come read or help submit content!


Being gay in a very conservative setting

Hi everyone,I'm a Belgian guy aged 19 and my life is pretty hard at the moment. I'm gay but my circle is quite conservative and closed to everything different. So it's making me really uncomfortable when I'm around my family for example. I'm "quieter" than I really am in a comfortable environment and I finally don't want to engage in their conservations. As a result, I get strange looks and I'm judged by those people.For information, I went to Ireland for a year as exchange student. During the first months, I stayed "quiet" because I wasn't used to be away from a closed environment. Then gradually I became a bit more open and better with myself. I finally accepted my sexuality and I met a wonderful guy who is still my boyfriend today. For once I felt I couldn't be judged by people anymore and it made me so happy.Then, because my exchange program was ending and I couldn't stay longer because of money, I had to go back home. This was a total disaster for me. I had to come back to my family and to people I didn't really appreciate because I felt constantly judged by them. Of course a great deal of my exchange had to be hidden from them which was also psychologically hard. I lost all my "friends", including those who were more open to differences, because the environment in which I live is just unbearable. Now it's the turn of my family. I'm gradually going away from them.Meantime I'm going to University in another city which is like a small "bubble" of freedom for me. But unfortunately I can't stay over there because I don't the money to rent a student room. So I just come back home every day after school. And I feel even more down.I really don't know what I could do. I could see a psychologist maybe but I'm afraid it's not going to anything. Plus even tho my family knew I was gay, it wouldn't change the situation because I've lived under this judgement from them for too long.

I keep getting boners in the school showers :( help me please

Everytime after gym class we have to shower. Im 15 so i guess im horny 24/7. Theres hot guys butts everywhere & you can see their holes with water running down them. I immediately start to get a boner & fast walk out before people notice.I try to stare at the wall but i cant do that forever.How the fuck do i overcome this please help thank you :)This is so embarrassing but i need help so badly

Just a bit about me and my love all things Gay and Queer.


How to ask out a guy at college without coming out

Cuz i dont want anyone but the guy to know. Thanks

please don't buy any HTC's product

HTC CEO Cher Wang is famous as a Christian in Taiwan.Her belief belongs to Bread of Life Christian Church.This church is the biggest anti-lgbt church in Taiwan(maybe the biggest anti-lgbt organization too),and Cher Wang donates to this church regularly.So if you buy any HTC's product,your money would threat to LGBT people in Taiwan.

Engagement ring question.

My boyfriend would like a engagement ring when I propose. He does not want a band, but a more traditional engagement ring. I feel weird as I don't want him to be the 'girl' in the relationship.Any advice or examples of men's engagement rings that are not too feminine?

[Sad rant] Why do I torture myself?

Why can't I accept that no one will ever love me? Honestly, nobody ever could. I'm just not good enough.Why can't I just stop trying to find someone? It's never going to happen.Yet I still keep deluding myself.I wish I were asexual, so I wouldn't have to worry about getting with somebody, and just worry about finding friends? I don't have any of those either.The depression is never going to go away, the anxiety is never going to leave, so why the fuck do I even bother?In just 13 years I'll be 30. That's too late to get into a relationship.These are supposed to be the best years of my life. It's too bad I have to experience them all alone.I have no one, and that's how it will always be.Sorry to waste your time.

2015. szeptember 19., szombat

Is it normal to not want to orgasm during sex?

Hello everyone! I have a question for you, and I'm posting this in /gay because... I don't know. Perhaps this is common with other gay guys?So I recently got into a really good relationship, and I've noticed some things about me that I had not noticed before. During sex, I tend to prefer giving pleasure than receiving, to the point that I don't want to orgasm.Me and my partner prefer not to do anal (we both just don't find it arousing), and instead opt for heavy petting and oral. I find myself doing most of the pleasuring which I LOVE, but when my partner orgasms, I just lose all arousal, and I can tell it's frustrating him a little bit.Thing is, I can orgasm by myself when masturbating, but during sex, I just don't feel like I want to orgasm and have him pleasure me. Is that strange?Anyone have any thoughts on this?Oh, by the way, I'm a gay, 22 year old man. Just... you know, FYI if anyone asks.

India left far behind: Nepal's new LGBT non-discrimination laws put even the liberal West to shame


Straight guys in reddit!

Straight guys in reddit, what if your girlfriend asks you to have a threesome with a gay, and she wants to watch you having sex, would you do that?


Its so easy for me to get distracted by apps like Grindr and adam for Adam. I have no doubt other people can log onto these apps and go about their daily lives with no problem, I don't seem to have been able to figure out how to do this. It gets in the way of me being present, of being in the moment, of experiencing what is going on right now. Its 3 PM on Saturday and Ive accomplished nothing. I had all these ideas of what I wanted to get done today and haven't done a single thing. I guess its not too late. The day isn't wasted. If I had been just relaxing, even watching TV or reading, that would be better then just mindlessly looking through profiles and saying "heyy whats up" and hoping for a response. Should I eliminate this from my life? I don't know the answer.

Quick I need help!!!!!!!!!

Ok I'm 21 I'm married to my wife. Yet I like to crossdress and I really want to have sex with a guy while doing it... Yet I have had it set up a few times and I keep chickening out. I have it set up tonight. What do I need to do??? Please someone help cause I really want to but I don't wanna chicken out.

When Grindr becomes a pop-up book.


I'm not gay, but I experienced some shitty homophobia yesterday at work.

This happened because of a mistake that I made.At my job, people often come to me with issues not related to my job title; often computer related, so I go ahead and fix these issues just out of kindness. Whilst fixing a gentleman's issue, I got a call from upstairs to fix an error on my timesheet (this happened because of another department, but I had to go upstairs to fill out a manual time sheet, pretty standard).I'm not very familiar with what goes on in the staff area of this part I was called to. I should have been mindful, but I was mind wandering since I was in a rush to get back to the aforementioned computer I was fixing (and to relieve a shift that was coming up). So I'm told to go sit down somewhere, and I chose the wrong area, unfortunately. It's hard to explain what the room looks like but basically there are offices and a room outside the offices. The room outside has a lunchrooms and tables with monitors scattered about them. The table I chose to sit at was one of those tables. I saw a gentleman sitting at the table already, but it looked like he was waiting with his laptop. Well, me sitting at the same table made him really angry. He mentioned that he didn't care that if it was his desk or equipment, it was just "weird" that I wanted to sit next to him; the table is quite large and we weren't really "next" to each other, and he was implying something very homophobic. Him saying that it's just "weird" continued on and on and he wouldn't shut the fuck up. I apologized, as much as this guy's face asked to be punted, but he continued. I shuck my head and walked out, I wasn't going to deal with a psychotic individual. He continued it with one of my managers who took us both back to the area. My manager's face as he spoke said it all; it was a look that reciprocated how I was feeling, "how the fuck do I deal with this because I don't even know what is happening right now?" He told him that it isn't a big deal and told me not to worry about it.I'd never dealt with homophobia like this. I'd always heard it in passing, but it was never this direct. I fucking hate that this happened because I want to quit immediately, but at the same time, it does offer me some more empathy for you all.TL:DR: Ghetto thug asshole got really upset because I sat a few feet away from him, kept saying it was "weird" that I "wanted" to sit next to him, wouldn't shut the fuck up.

10 Mistakes Guys Make on Their Dating Profiles, As Told Using Cars


2015. szeptember 18., péntek

Obama to nominate first openly gay service secretary to lead the Army


Lesbian couple from Minnestoa, cutest video ever


Gloria Gaynor - "I Am What I Am" - live vocals (Are these the best lyrics ever? - Studio version linked below)


[Humor] As a proud gay man, I never thought I'd be so interested in pussy.


Nice couple i saw today


LGBT club at Pepperdine

Thinking about starting an lgbt club at school but school is really conservative and Christian. Need to persuade the school that the group meets Pepperdine's standards. What would be a good name for the group? Gay Straight Christian Alliance? LGBTQ Christian Group?

Not into guys anymore?

Hello /r/gay i am an 19 year old guy that just a year a go decided to come out as bisexual. i have had sex with guys before and some small relationships and liked it alot. But yesterday when me and another guy got down to having sex i... i just didnt liked it as much as i used to. Im really scared of finding out that i am really a heterosexual cause belive it or not i dont want that. As i said i just started to come out to friends and family and everyone supports me. Could it just be that day/that guy? have you been in a similare situation?(sorry for my english)