2015. szeptember 27., vasárnap

I found my "straight" best friend on Tinder

(M/22) I've been in love with him since we were like 16, but I never made a move because I was in the closet, he was ''straight'', and always out of my league overall. I've really started to embrace my sexuality privately lately, and made Tinder and Grinder profiles. One of the first guys I was shown was him. I almost feinted. I had so many different emotions running through my head, but after thinking all day, I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to tell him how I feel. Seeing him today gave me the courage to come out to my roommates (my very first come-out!), and I have never felt this free and hopeful. I hope I can see him tomorrow to tell him how I feel. I'm terrified that he will reject me of course, but Its time. Either way tomorrow my life is drastically changing, but I think I'm ready for it.

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