2015. szeptember 29., kedd

My gay sex experience

This is the first time I'm telling anyone about this, it's a crazy but hot story. I was bi before but now I know I'm gay. I was 15 and he was 22, he was a pretty cool guy and we had met through a summer camp. I told him I was bi at the camp but he said he couldn't do anything. Well after camp I found out that he lives 10 minutes away from my aunts house. We talked and I sent him pictures and videos, he was very impressed. So that summer I was to house set at my aunts house for two days. When she left that Friday I had told him to get there right after she left. (I was so excited and nervous since it would be my first time and I wanted it so bad) so she leaves and I tell him to head over, I stop down and just put on black knee high socks and a sweatshirt (no pants or anything else) he pulls up and I got really excited, he came in and it was semi awkward but then I told him to come with me to my sits office in the house, on our way into the office I pretend I dropped something,'in plain site I bend over and reveal my shaved ass and everything. I looked back at him and bit my lip and he got hard enough I could see it through his sweat Pants. We get into the office and there's a big wooden desk that's in the middle facing out. I have him leaning on the desk. I fall to my knees looking up at him when I begin to pull down his pant. And atlast the moment I've been waiting for forever, his massive sized cock "I measured him and he was 9" his cock was there right in front of my face. I pressed my fave against it to feel it than I licked it up and down, I got to the tip and I roll my eyes up at him while I insert the tip and put about 4" into my mouth, I gagged but then spit on it to lubebricate it and make it easier to attempt at deepthroating. I suck hard and then I start to use my hands to help jerk him. If there's one thing I hate about watching porn or from stories I've heard is when someone who's giving head just uses their heads to jerk them and basically they only but the tip in their mouth. I used my hands alil but then moved them aside as I plunged deeper and deeper. I started to feel his cock at the beginning of my throat. (Times like these make me glad I do not have a gag reflex) he then grabs my head and starts pumping. Putting his cock really far down and I couldn't breathe a times. I was taking it tho, I liked it and I was so hard to be finally doing it and that I'm able to do so good, I was giving it so much enthusiasm that's what made it great. So everything is good, I figured after a couple more minutes of sucking his awesome cock that I would get up on the desk and take it Im the ass. I pull his cock out of my mouth for a second and tell him not to cum in my mouth. I kinda thought he was about to so I should've stopped Then, (from what I heard cum was nasty, I was in no hurry to try although when I was getting face fucked all I could think about was me being submissive whore, but still I didn't want his load in my mouth) he almost ignores what I say and just grabs my head and forces it down, then I feel it. A burst out of the end of his cock just went down my throat. I try to pull his cock out but then he takes his other hand and forces his cock deeper into my mouth. I feel several more squirts of cum in my mouth and then it starts to pool, (thinking back now if I would've just swallowed it and not held it in to spit that it wouldn't have been so bad) so he has just blown the biggest load ever, it's seeping out of the side of my Mouth and I'm almost drowning in it. He pulls out his cock and I gasp for air, with my mouth full of cum And it seeping out out the sides of my mouth I look up at him semi mad gargling why did you not listen to me? Right in the middle of me saying that, with my mouth open for speaking he takes his hands and forces his cock In again and blows another load in my mouth. When he put his cock in my mouth to blow that second load I looked up at him and I submitted to being his whore like you would not believe. After he removed his hands I opened wide so he can see and than I swallowed all of it. I looked up at him and I said "that's it?" Jokingly and than I deepthroating his cock one last time and lick it all off the tip. He left after that and I was still wanting anal satisfaction so I used this dildo (my aunt sold adult toys) and I videoed me fucking my ass on That desk, than I sent that video to my man friend and he came back the next day wanting exactly that, that will have to be for another time. Feels kinda good telling that story, if you have any funny Awkward or hot stories like this please share .

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