2015. szeptember 26., szombat

Do you find Total top/bttm more attractive than Versatile guys? Why or why not?

As a total bottom I find myself into only total top. Let's say if I'm choosing a potential bf, I think a versatile guy would make me insecure because they might be twice as possible to cheat(since I can't fulfill their bottom needs). Moreover, I don't find a man sexy if he had get fucked, somehow I think they lost the "masculinity". Maybe my value have been stabled by straight world......(For sure, a total top who's acting too girly would be a turn off for me.)Q1: What role are you(total top/total bttm/verse)? Q2: Do you agree with me, why or why not?TL;DR: Versatile, hot or not? Why or why not?

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