2015. szeptember 26., szombat

Afraid of drunkenly outing myself to my college roommate

Hey guys! So next year I'll be starting law school. I'll be living with three house mates, two of whom I roomed with when I was a senior. Since they're two years younger, they will be seniors as I start law school. Anyways, I didn't really party much as a senior because I wasn't into it then. Now as a graduate, I look back and realize how much fun I missed out on. That's a big reason why I'm looking forward to rooming again with these former roomies--so I'll have an opportunity to make up for lost time.We all got along great, and I'm sure we'll get along great again next year. Here's the thing. I'm in the closet. Over time, I've developed a bit of a crush on one of my roommates. He has said that he's looking forward to drinking with me next year. He likes to get drunk on Friday and Saturday nights. I would like to join him and experience getting shit faced. The only thing is, I'm afraid that I might drunkenly reveal my crush on him. I could say some pretty embarrassing things about how I like him. But that would totally ruin our friendship which means a lot to me. Not to mention make living arrangements super awkward. I've always kept this to myself and want to keep it that way. (He's 100% straight by the way and I totally respect that.)So do you think I should still get drunk with him? Or just tipsy enough not to say anything I'd regret? Any advice you can provide would be appreciated! Thanks!

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