2015. szeptember 29., kedd

How to know if I have any chance ?

Hey !So my story is pretty common, but I'll explain fastly :I "met" thing guy on Grindr. He was only searching for chat, friendship et Networking. He look totally gorgeous, exactly what kind of man I like, and his tastes look like mines.Well, to put it in a nutshell, he look like the perfect guy in my standard.But. (This f*cking but is always here :( )But, he totally ignore me. He answer to 1 on 4 of my messages, only reply with more than 2 word about one subject, and don't look interested at me at all (I've never received any "And you ?" from him).Well, I'm stupid. Because he's too perfect and I got a teen-like crush on him.So, for you, do I have any chance, how can I ask it, and should I block him to not suffer ?Thanks :(PS : I'm 21 and he's 20PS2 : English for my sorry, I'm french

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