2015. szeptember 29., kedd

I'm not sure how to feel.

Hey r/gay so I went on am amazing date last night with this university guy. I'm currently going to a design school. The entire date was great we had dinner, and went to a movie then walked around and talked for a bit. The only thing that is bothering me is that he is much more educated than me. He had a really good upbringing went to private school most of his like and is just all around more educated on certain subjects particularly politics. I went to a rundown public school in a coal town, where I got average grades. I feel like he out of my league but I also really like him so I'm not sure how to feel. The good news is we have agreed to meet for a second date already. Tl;dr went on a date with a really well educated guy. And I feel like he's out of my league. What should I do.

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