2015. szeptember 23., szerda

Just feel like getting something off my chest...

Felt like sharing my story to anyone who will bother to listen. Warning, wall of text.I've pretty much known I'm gay since I was old enough to know what a boner was, no innuendo intended haha. I have a lesbian cousin and aunt, as well as my uncle, brother and step-brother who are gay. I have a lot of animosity towards my biological brother who I grew up with for a number of different reasons, and I think it carries over to my feelings about "gay society" or whatever you want to call it, as a whole. It doesn't help that he is also your stereotypical "flamer," you know, those guys who fart rainbows. My dad has this belief that because my brother is gay, he has this whole different grasp on reality, so he always let him get away with some of the most scandalous crap. His excuse for this being "he lost his mother when he was young, and because he's gay that changed him and his grasp of how things work." But not me, I lost a parent too but I don't get any special treatment because I'm the straight son. And that's the thing, I wish I could come out and show him all his bigotry, that if we removed sexuality/gender/etc. you'll still have the exact same person at heart. But because I'm the "straight son" I'm expected to fulfill my parents dreams of me bringing home grandkids, among other things. I know the answer is gonna be "just tell them" but I'm just not ready to break their hearts like that. I'm just starting to get tired of lying and being lonely, especially with my senior prom coming up, and me with no fake date to show my parents lol. My best friend is a big supporter, but I've talked about girls and shit with him for so long. 😂 I know I have a few people I COULD come out to, but I'm just not comfortable yet, and that's why I'm here.TL;DR: I have problems.

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