2015. szeptember 19., szombat

Is it normal to not want to orgasm during sex?

Hello everyone! I have a question for you, and I'm posting this in /gay because... I don't know. Perhaps this is common with other gay guys?So I recently got into a really good relationship, and I've noticed some things about me that I had not noticed before. During sex, I tend to prefer giving pleasure than receiving, to the point that I don't want to orgasm.Me and my partner prefer not to do anal (we both just don't find it arousing), and instead opt for heavy petting and oral. I find myself doing most of the pleasuring which I LOVE, but when my partner orgasms, I just lose all arousal, and I can tell it's frustrating him a little bit.Thing is, I can orgasm by myself when masturbating, but during sex, I just don't feel like I want to orgasm and have him pleasure me. Is that strange?Anyone have any thoughts on this?Oh, by the way, I'm a gay, 22 year old man. Just... you know, FYI if anyone asks.

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