2015. szeptember 19., szombat


Its so easy for me to get distracted by apps like Grindr and adam for Adam. I have no doubt other people can log onto these apps and go about their daily lives with no problem, I don't seem to have been able to figure out how to do this. It gets in the way of me being present, of being in the moment, of experiencing what is going on right now. Its 3 PM on Saturday and Ive accomplished nothing. I had all these ideas of what I wanted to get done today and haven't done a single thing. I guess its not too late. The day isn't wasted. If I had been just relaxing, even watching TV or reading, that would be better then just mindlessly looking through profiles and saying "heyy whats up" and hoping for a response. Should I eliminate this from my life? I don't know the answer.

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