2014. december 29., hétfő

Women are favored sexually. Using prostitution as an example.

Just a quick thought.. if men/women are supposedly equal sexually today, why is there such a large difference in the client base for male and female prostitutes? Male prostitutes, besides extremely top tier clients serving rich women, serve mostly other gay men. While there are huge amounts of very average looking women serving a lot of average or below average men. Why would an average looking man not find success as a prostitute trying to get other average women to pay for him? Because women don't need to pay. Despite never wanting to admit this, women are picky as fuck and this leads to a lot of desperate men willing to pay or go to strips clubs.

It's a weird train of thought but it really does make a lot of sense. If you're an average woman reading this.. do you think you could get a lot of men to pay for you sexually? You probably could. Average men reading this? Nah, you wouldn't get any women in that field of work. If women didn't specifically go for very high value men(money/looks) there wouldn't be such a large disparity in the sex industry and porn industry. A lot of men are left desperate for these things because women, whether they realize it or admit it, are still the gatekeepers of sex and have most men constantly jumping through hoops just to get it.

The day I see demand for average male prostitutes from average women is the day I will admit women don't have it significantly easier finding partners, romantic or sexually. Obviously something is way off when random women can get hundreds of strangers trying to literally pay to fuck them. With divorce rates at an all time high, heavily in favor of the woman initiating divorce, I'm not sure exactly what conclusions to draw about modern relationships.

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