16 months ago, I began an experimental campaign of exposing Islamic intolerance/supremacism/misogyny here at Reddit via the posting of articles and commentary. It has been a fascinating experience. I've provoked a myriad of reactions...from enthusiastic support to being called every expletive in the book and even being threatened.
I've had extended discourse with many different Redditers, mostly adversarial. My opponents have been almost exclusively Muslims and leftists. The arguments that have been conveyed by most of them have been staggering in their intellectual and moral confusion/dishonesty.
One German interlocutor readily conceded that Islam is indeed a violent, intolerant faith, but insisted we shouldn't openly say so because to do so would "help the racists". The idea of the importance of speaking the truth for its own sake never occurred to him.
One Canadian leftist insisted that Western gays face the same kind of oppression as apostates in the Muslim realm. It apparently never occurred to this person that there are literally millions of openly gay people in the West....while there are only a handful of those in the Islamic realm who have publicly apostated...(some of whom have been killed)
My favorite was the guy who insisted that the Prophet Muhammad's defiling of 9 year old Aisha was not pedophelia because he (the Prophet) apparently did it for "political reasons". This is the kind of madness I've encountered from seemingly normal, intelligent people.
I had countless interlocutors - both Muslim and leftists - who eagerly blamed all of the social pathologies in the Muslim world on the all-purpose moniker of "culture". It is a fascinating argument, one devoid of any real logic since religion is the most pervasive cultural influence in the Islamic world, but the intent was clear in every case....to exonerate Islam from the atrocities and oppression that it engenders.
Interestingly, I have a much better appreciation for the arguments of Muslims defending their faith than I do of leftists defending Islam. It's quite understandable that Muslims would defend their beliefs, no matter how wrong those beliefs might be. But the arguments of leftists who claim to champion gender equality and sexual freedom, and yet passionately defend the most gender-oppressive religion in the world....remain inexplicable.
Anyways folks, the experiment is over....and has been a resounding failure. If Reddit is a microcosm of the real world (and in many respects, it is), the censorship I've encountered has been sadly astonishing. I've been banned by the left-wing moderators of /r/news/, /r/worldnews/, /r/europe/, /r/sweden/, /r/australia/ and quite a few other subreddits. Unbelievably, I've even been banned at /r/feminism/ and /r/women/ for the "crime" of posting articles critical of Islam's treatment of women.
I've been largely consigned to preaching to the choir by posting on /r/conservative/....and thus, whatever effectiveness I hoped to achieve has been negated. So it's time to call it a day.
I encourage all my conservative friends to continue doing all they can about exposing the threat that Islam poses to human freedom and gender equality around the world. I also encourage you to be respectful to others and to avoid the language of hate, but to brook no compromise in the pursuit of the truth. Above all, I implore you all to reject violence.
Truth is our objective...and Islamic scripture, the Quran, the Ahadith, and the Sirat Rasul, are our weapons. In them, we find the rational for all of the atrocities perpetrated by the likes of Iran, Sudan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, ISIS, Boko Haram, Al Qaeda, the Taliban, Al Shabbab, Aby Sayyef, and the dozens of other extremist Islamic entities around the world.
And remember friends, the definition of a REAL Muslim "moderate" is one who concedes that there are discriminatory facets of Islamic law/custom...facets that negatively impact both women and non-Muslims, and that must be redressed. Those Muslims who insist that Islam is actually egalitarian and that the problems stem only from "misunderstanding", these are faux moderates who are in fact apologists in the service of extremism.
Finally, remember to value the importance of Western civilization. The rest of the planet, including the Islamic realm, is riding the crest of Western ingenuity, Western empiricism, Western pluralism, Western art, Western science, and the remarkable wealth that was created in the process. What so many fail to understand is all of this would have been impossible without the concept of freedom.
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