2014. december 29., hétfő

/r/FitnessCircleJerk report: Wednesday, January 01, 2014 - Monday, December 29, 2014

Totals: 351 days, 5,330 posts, 102,060 comments.

Included in this report: The top 3,000 posts, and 74,590 of the top comments, by 1,499 distinct authors.

There were 8 gilded posts, and 43 comments were gilded.

See the comments for detailed reports and charts.

Most Popular Posts

ScoreAuthorPost Title
279/u/Arthur_Dayne [4realz] For every upvote this post gets, I will respond to one post in the /r/fitness new queue without being rude or mentioning the FAQ
234/u/arrozconplatano upvote my butt
142/u/beigehydra If this post gets 50 upvotes BYUKID has to post nudes of his wife.
133/u/PanTardovski [NSFPhrak] 100 upjerks and tomorrow I'll thendiet on nothing but this and water, with photo records of the results #bravery #effort #groce
117/u/inde_ Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery right?
116/u/LiftThingsUpThenDown I did a this.
102/u/ShornGoopter posting ass
99/u/ScalpelBurn2 I plowed through 2013 with one goal in mind: to take my next picture with my shorts even lower than last year. Tonight, I present the results.
98/u/Stareons IAMA GIRL who wants to DEADLIFT, Upvotes to the left please.
94/u/Nerdlinger That slow, inefficient, bulky muscle
92/u/jimmy_legs For every upvote this post gets, LTUTD will berate a snowflake in the /r/fitness new queue and then subsequently help them without being rude or mentioning the FAQ
90/u/brotz Me in the /r/fitness new queue this morning
89/u/PopeWeenusXVI [TW: fun] XXfit wanders into FCJ
87/u/failon A demonstration of proper deadlift grip and subsequent controversy.
85/u/Bulk_Van_Der_Huge None of you have thought of this yet?
84/u/actuallybaracuda I am now internet famous and literally better than all of you. Go fuck yourself San Diego
84/u/poagurt A visual representation of the outcomes of arguing with people on the internet
84/u/notaninjajustdunk The first true victim
83/u/Metallicadpa No homo
83/u/MCHammerCurls [TW: attention whoring] Does this look swollen to you?
82/u/Strikerrjones In which I repeatedly attempt and fail to lift the lightest weight I own
79/u/brotz Like growth rings in a mighty oak tree's trunk...
79/u/MisquotedSource MFW I have completed my second year running Starting Strength.
79/u/Heroine4Life [NSFW]Guns out Buns out
79/u/brotz Screw your whey protein. I'm gonna get swole as fuck.
79/u/skamnorth Merry Christmas from slutty drunk santa
78/u/gravitypuma (TW: lack of originality)-Been on SS for 4 years now. Hows my progress?
78/u/skamnorth FU HPPD2, I did another thing
77/u/PanTardovski Okay, maybe girls can get a LITTLE bulky.
77/u/throowawayaway [TW penis, purple, NSFW] So this is how I failed this week. Give me karma (or don't, it's an alt, what do I care)
76/u/HPPD2 Are you human?
76/u/clean_n_derp Finally, a crosstard gym that's FCJ approved
76/u/SmeltedFury [FORM CHECK] Rack squats
76/u/grae313 [TW: groce] It's my 1-year jerkiversary and I think this is long overdue.
75/u/kookiejar [TW Stealing Seppy's karmaz] What's Wil Wheaton's excuse?
75/u/brotz If this gets 300 upvotes, they will merge /r/fitness with /r/ModeratedByNazis
74/u/NoMediocrity LOL PALEO AMIRITE
74/u/gravitypuma FCJ in a nutshell
74/u/Master_Beard Finally got my front splits to da floor. Check out my supple.
74/u/PanTardovski Answer the question, Claire.
74/u/gzcl [TW: Fat Manlet] The opposite of birthday squats
73/u/MalcolmPecs BAES
73/u/MCHammerCurls [kitchen squats] Dinner, workout, being groce all at the same time
73/u/Mogwoggle Someone maked me a gif
73/u/paraatha [TW: /r/4chan] After the Dawn of The Nattybrigade, I think this illustrates all of Fittit
72/u/brotz I can't think of a witty title. Just upvote and move along.
72/u/jetsuo MFW muhsecretclub turns 4 years old today and no one notices. Happy Cakeday FCJ
72/u/akharon Dear Tumblr, the struggle is real.
71/u/ScalpelBurn2 Looks like I'm about to make $10
71/u/MCHammerCurls MFW deadlifting 135
71/u/skizzl3 Trying to fuck the bar on the lockout. Came a little early as usual.
70/u/MCHammerCurls I paid my monthly Charter membership fee and all I got was this anonymous gift in the mail.
70/u/gzcl I present to you my blushing bride!
69/u/rickg3 Man, that bosu ball thing is happening everywhere
69/u/MHB30 Apparently I don't even lift.
69/u/rickg3 I was in the Louvre and saw this
69/u/numbski Hallelujah, He is risen.
69/u/nombski I can't even title this
69/u/HPPD2 [TW: Science] Irrefutable proof that grae313 is MasterBalloonier's alt
69/u/the_zercher Every time I try and do a high rep set
68/u/kookiejar <--Deposit your jelly here. Apparently, I am the first person Jamie ever flirted with on FaceBook. Get on my level, bitchez!
68/u/HPPD2 [ghetto setup][form check] Aftermath of test run of Kitchen Squats with ghetto barbell
68/u/Mogwoggle Junktional
68/u/carsinogen [TW: SHIT POST] New house record, thanks to the GZCL method this wouldn't have been possible.
68/u/Does_Not_Respond [TW: Seriously super gay] Jerkit it is Tuesday, let me tell you about my fail.
67/u/whiskeydeltatango Curling in the squat rack is too easy, this guy knows what's up
67/u/Praise_the_boognish Form Check, plz respond
67/u/NoMediocrity New training attire
67/u/ThorBreakBeatGod Every goddamn monday in /r/Fitness
67/u/bumper Upvote here to shame Squatty into doing his birthday squats.
66/u/MCHammerCurls MFW I'm eating alone at a nice restaurant and I start getting thin shamed by the obese women next to me
66/u/KomradeKettlebell Dear Diary: Squatting continues to wreak havoc on my clothing...
66/u/KomradeKettlebell This weekend commemorates the 1 year anniversary of the greatest jerk of all time. Please raise a pint for Strikerr. Be festive and merry all weekend as this deserves festival status and not just a one day trubute...
66/u/Thrusthamster Starting Strength vs. DYELs
66/u/MCHammerCurls This feels good, like I've finally made it, like I'm doing something with my life.
66/u/HPPD2 [TW: yoink] check out this totally original thing I did
65/u/smellybaconreader strict new paleo diet
65/u/carsinogen <----ME POT OF GOLD NEEDS FILLING, NEW PR.
65/u/jimmy_legs "The type of manass you can rest a Big Gulp on."
65/u/HPPD2 Pepper your angus boys, /r/fitness is now a default sub
65/u/numbski Petition to make FCJ a default sub.
65/u/American_Pig Jerking this has been kipped?
65/u/Stareons Wow. Rediquette! This!!!
65/u/Mogwoggle Oldfags/Newfags
64/u/thehobgoblin Mogwoggle trying has hand at memes
64/u/eric_twinge [TW: FCJSS] Calling a spade a spade.
64/u/StraightTalkExpress How to determine Sumo or Conventional Deadlift (revised)
64/u/Corrects_Maggots I nominate all you faggots
64/u/ShornGoopter [NSFW] rumors002's favorite kind of cardio
63/u/Stareons [TW:Judgement]
63/u/Nerdlinger [TW: NSFBYUKID] How long before /r/fitness complains about people doing this in the squat rack?
63/u/Metallicadpa MFW I get my bodyfat tested at my gym and they tell me it's 4%
63/u/mrcosmicna 5 moves you should avoid at the gym
62/u/brotz newfag spirit animal
62/u/gzcl MFW making weight at 163.4
61/u/halfbrit08 Typical "gym dude"
61/u/ibmats Finished Starting Strength, what next?
61/u/Mogwoggle Hunktional
60/u/phrakture FCJ THE COMIC
60/u/snickums "Food has nothing to do with weight, it's all determined randomly."
60/u/DOCTOR_MIRIN_GAINZ My international women's day gift for all the lady jerkers
60/u/Shouldismolov TIL I've been bulking all wrong
60/u/Mogwoggle Monktional
60/u/meltmyface Upvote my birthday squats
60/u/Random-lmgur http://i.imgur.com/J8RhtRB.gif
60/u/KomradeKettlebell [TW: Injury; Gore] They said lifting weights was safe...
59/u/tago-mago such raw. much biceps
59/u/Mogwoggle [TW:T-Rex Shaming] Rip was born too late
59/u/brotz Form Check: Thigh Master
59/u/Strikerrjones [TW: Kitchen squats, lost a bet] For Carsinogen, luv Strikey
59/u/halfbrit08 Klokov of Arabia
59/u/halfbrit08 Weight on toes, spine not neutral, glute to ham ratio is off. 2/10.
59/u/brotz mfw I go to swoleacceptance for the first time in about a year
58/u/Mogwoggle Fukn random dump
58/u/brotz Upvote my hotel's gym
58/u/voyvf Nazi mods of /r/fitness, you are to blame for this. Every time you delete a completely retarded question, you potentially unleash this into the unsuspecting world.
58/u/mindspread [TW: Another one for the mod mail of /r/loseit ]
58/u/Mogwoggle Adventures is being a mod
58/u/Mogwoggle New r/Fitness FAQ
58/u/BurgersBaconFreedom Somewhere there is a kid with terrible photoshop skills and a tender, aching butt
58/u/ShornGoopter something something nutshell
57/u/jbs3600 'Cause we got a big ol' convoy, 'Cross the U-S-A.
57/u/MinimumROM [TW - Bringing FCJ Back to it's Roots] MFW I pull a 530lb deadlift post surgery PR.
57/u/the_zercher So.... Apparently I am swolebese?
57/u/ShornGoopter pack it up boys, we're moving to finland
57/u/BroNameDuchesse [TW: Taubes] I finally figured out why keto is so popular on Reddit.
57/u/HPPD2 Seems legit #ketodiet #ketosis
57/u/notfcjnews Dear fitnesscirclejerk,
57/u/tubadeedoo TW: Low hanging fruit. Do Crossfit they said, it'll be fun they said.
57/u/gzcl MFW I wake up at 172
57/u/Nerdlinger Damn wussy cardiofag. It's like he doesn't even care about his gains.
56/u/numbski <-- Number of nits you have to pick in order to use this dietary protocol.
56/u/Mogwoggle What to do if you're genetically supferior?
56/u/kookiejar Great video or the greatest video?
56/u/mindspread [TW fastest auto removal ever on loseit] seeking fitness mistress
56/u/Milkster How to Dreamer's Bulk: A guide for "Hardgainers".
56/u/Strikerrjones MFW I fail a 500 pound deadlift while lifting with Jizzy
56/u/NotSoGoodall [TW Groce, calves too swole for the Tardis] Goodbye Korea and thanks for the socks, Rose!
55/u/Strikerrjones Then you have just been reported, go spread your hate somewhere else
55/u/DOCTOR_MIRIN_GAINZ [TW: glutes for the slutes] Ladies, contain your orgasms
55/u/failon MFW The hospital doesn't have a squat rack. Or a gym.
55/u/happy_ginger [TW: assception] Happy Valentines Day!!!
55/u/MasterBalloonier I squatted a new PR today, so here is my hairless, pale ass to celebrate. Give me karma, fgts.
55/u/MHB30 Can't wait to see how people react when I wear this in a meet.
55/u/Losingit22 [tw: jizzy don't click]
55/u/Stareons Female ass post? Woof!
55/u/phrakture I love food, but I don't want to feel guilty
55/u/Milkster How Fittizens view themselves at their gyms.
55/u/brotz FCJ visiting /r/xxfitness
55/u/HPPD2 Do you guys like my new original artwork?
55/u/4orty2wo [TW: Deadlift, Apparently more self-doxxing] Pls gib me karma for achieving this milestone I should've gotten about 5 months ago.
54/u/Strikerrjones Presenting the winners of the Third Annual Meredith Baxter-Birney Memorial Diesel as Fuck Century Speed Deadlift Challenge v1.3β
54/u/Mogwoggle Replace "bird" with r/xxfitness, and "hippo" with.... uh...
54/u/grae313 [TW: xxfitness] It practically jerks itself
54/u/DOCTOR_MIRIN_GAINZ [sareonesque] LTUTD shares his weight loss secret
54/u/numbski I still feel like crap, but I got a thing! Give me karma.
54/u/Praise_the_boognish Use this one weird trick to improve speed out of the hole.
54/u/Mogwoggle reddit
54/u/bumper My beanpole son is 16 years old and 6'3". This is how he reads (he also eats like this unless we yell at him). Is this normal?
54/u/Mogwoggle Spelunktional
54/u/the_zercher MFW reading through any FCJ thread now
54/u/bgautijonsson [TW: Ass, Rugby] Upvote my 300lbs asspic
54/u/meltmyface I'm low on karma. Upvote my front squat PR. 375lb @ 225bw
54/u/kookiejar I like the before pic better.
54/u/pendlayrose literally the foundation of reddit itself
53/u/kinkybearman mfw I happen upon strikerr IRL
53/u/MCHammerCurls If this isn't a troll, then I don't want to live in this world anymore.
53/u/jimmy_legs Official fcj weight gainer??
53/u/RedAnarchist So I fucked up and misread teaspoon as tablespoon. For the past 5 days I have been loading with ~100 grams of creatine a day. MFW
52/u/Praise_the_boognish [Form Check, not as pretty as Striker] And all I had to do was get her drunk on champagne.
52/u/HPPD2 Matt Ogus calls out a /fit/izen at his gym
52/u/UltraHumanite Dear /r/fitness mods
52/u/Scott_MacGregor TITP
52/u/Mogwoggle Fucking. Hell. Fuck everything about this earth.
52/u/mrcosmicna DAE golden age bodybuilding? Fuck mass monsters
52/u/brotz You're a grand old flag!
52/u/KhalmiNatty [TW Secret Santa's Ass] Thanks, Squatty! I think there's a snake in my boots!
51/u/steakknife Just me and my training buddy...
51/u/poagurt Month 3 of FCJ New Year's Resolutions. This one goes out to Menucat, wherever he may be.
51/u/phrakture [babby deathloft] babby deathloft
51/u/the_zercher MFW giving reddit gold to anti-manlet comments and seeing them go from negative to positive votes
51/u/rickg3 [TW: Visions of the future] You know it's coming
51/u/The_Gymtern My boy Gabe is back. Good thing I was there to be a side spotter.
51/u/ChefDeSulaco MFW my friend the ultra-marathoner tells me the amount of weight I lift is unnatural.
51/u/phrakture Cutting
51/u/KomradeKettlebell FCJ when manass is posted...
51/u/failon I uh... did another thing.
51/u/pendlayrose Cankles so fat she makes Jordan do the splits
50/u/halodoze Mfw taking beta alanine for the first time
50/u/rickg3 [TW: FCJSS, Asshole Giftee, Mogwoggle should be your new hero for making this happen] At long last, the elusive Rickachu
50/u/MEatRHIT [TW:PlaceYourBetsHere] How Long Before MrEatShit Dies From a Stim-Induced Heart Attack
50/u/cnp Your very own CNP coupon code
50/u/UltraHumanite Vote: Remove NZFLE, sareon, SmeltedFury, jklong, pandataylorswift, Suppy, NoMediocrity, RyanArr, numbski, kookiejar, rickg3, edubation, KomradeKettlebell and bumper as mods of /r/fitnesscirclejerk
50/u/kookiejar Giving back to r/FCJ: Illustrating for my cakeday. Here's my rendition of our latest asses.
50/u/brotz Pictures of jerkers showing asses makes up almost half the content of this sub.
50/u/LiftThingsUpThenDown [FEELS]The one that got away
50/u/Media_Adept Like Dis if yuse a strong sexii blackman who don't need no cut.
50/u/brotz Thanks /r/griptraining!
50/u/brotz Even in death, he still squats ATG.
50/u/KhalmiNatty [TW Quality ManAss] [M]y return trip to Shenandoah.
50/u/numbski MFW groce grils try to post in FCJ.
50/u/MasterBalloonier /r/steroids average user
50/u/failon MNW I casually pick up 766 and a national record with no preparation
49/u/PanTardovski [2meta4u] Dear oldfags
49/u/nwalker85 [tw: no man ass] Your move FCJ.
49/u/Stareons Stareons New Rules of Aesthetics - I plan to share this with everyone who asks for a workout plan without reading the FAQ
49/u/CharlesPoliquin Eight minutes into my new job
49/u/MCHammerCurls Do these pants make my lepper look supple?
49/u/zhao_jon [TW:EXAMINECOM] EXAMINE.COM readers asking the important questions...
49/u/grimandfrostbitten [TW: 1AMBSTAU120LW10X10FC] 225x10x10 Zercher squats
49/u/HPPD2 Strong Bulk
49/u/steakknife Leg press: not even once.
49/u/Nerdlinger How FCJ drinks their PWO.
49/u/musiqua You teapots don't even know how meta
49/u/Praise_the_boognish poagurt, you lazy fuck. We're halfway through May and you haven't updated the New Years Resolution thread. Quit shirking your responsibilities.
49/u/numbski ITT: Powerlifters
49/u/Mogwoggle Drunktional
49/u/koolaidman123 It's pretty mesmerizing
49/u/Mogwoggle What life would be like without groce grills
49/u/Strikerrjones MFW the /r/fitness mods start labeling people with Natty Brigade tags
49/u/PanTardovski "What? It wasn't DHEA and chicken breasts that built Westside, kid."
48/u/poagurt [FCJSS] Shortkid's going to be pissed t333b wasn't his SS!
48/u/random19 how do i become as flexible as urbanprimalist?
48/u/MalcolmPecs It's official, Starting Strength is for sissies
48/u/MEatRHIT [TW: Good For 700] Strikerr you owe me one wife pls
48/u/Mogwoggle [Contest] 1AMBSTAU120LW10X10FC
48/u/KomradeKettlebell Fuck you, give me karma. My fail this week is I've concussed myself this morning slipping and hitting my head on the stairs...
48/u/Mogwoggle r/steroids

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