2017. szeptember 25., hétfő

Sex Advice for my (Long Lasting) self & my Jack rabbit BF

So, I'm gay and just started dating this guy (we're both in early 20s), it actually started as a hook up. He's really cool and we have good chemistry, but I'm a little concerned about how to deal with an issue we're having.The thing is we're both really attracted to each other, but he cums REALLY fast like while we're still making out/foreplay. I, on the other hand, take FOREVER. Like I would be happy to go for an hour or two, but because he usually tops he'll cum quick and then a second time within 30 minutes. Sometimes I can't even cum and I think he gets kind of impatient, because he can't understand taking that long to shoot.I'm trying to figure out if there are some things both of us can work on (him lasting longer) and for me to cum quicker. I would love to go for a long time, but he's not used to that (or maybe able to). What can each of us do to address our similar, but opposite issues? Thanks for any advice!

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