2017. szeptember 28., csütörtök

Am i? Extremely confused

Hi, 16 years old male here. So, when i was eleven years old i had what i think was some kind of crush on a kid i knew from school, this resulted in an increible deal of anxiety and fear no eleven years old should go under, i actually developed a phobia to school and had to go to therapy for a couple of years, i almost didn't make it to high school thanks to that. Now, in high school, thinks didn't get all that much better, i had another "crush" on a slightly older guy and decided to only play "Uno" in recess because i was completely and utterly afraid of seeing him. had some other "crushes" like that, when i was deadly afraid of seeing the person and the simple though of them made me anxious, then, at age 15 i had a crush on a girl and it felt pretty different, the anxiety wasn't there and i felt happy, i liked to think about her and it felt nice, it lasted a while and then i didn't have any crushes until about two months ago when i completely and utterly feel in love with a new girl, i would daydream about her, fantasy about her before going to sleep, i was completely blown away by her to the point when i couldn't concentrate in anything else, i felt like i kind of understood love songs for once, i was also pretty depressed at the time so she was the only reason i had to get out of bed in the morning, sadly, the love i had dissapeared with time, although I'm still somewhat attracted to her. Now, the thing is, i get extremely nervous and feel weird everytime i see an attractive guy, the feeling is not pleasant but it's definitely there, and this definitely doesn't happen when i see an attractive woman, i also tend to be very picky with the girls i like, and don't find 70% of the girls around me attractive. I've been convincing myself that I'm actually gay in denial for a while now, but I've never actually had fantasies with guys, i don't want to touch, kiss or fuck them, I've actually tried to think about guys I'm "attracted" to sexualy and it just didn't work, i was unable to get a boner or even get slightly horny, and when i try this with the girl i like i can easily "get it up" i also masturbate exclusively to straight stuff or solo females. I don't know what i am, at all, and it's kind of bothering me A LOT, i don't really feel like I'm straight, but i might be, i don't know... Also, you should know I'm a kissless virgin

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