2017. szeptember 29., péntek

How can you convince gay men that you aren't a f** hag and that you're ACTUALLY a queer woman??

Gay guys, especially those of you that have done drag, how have you come to trust the queer women in your life? Really struggling here.I love drag, I love gay clubs and bars, dancing, drinking on the weekends, having a blast. I'm also a femme queer woman. I sleep with women, I haven't dated a man in years and years. I like to hang out with gay guys because gay bars attract a more extroverted crowd, compared to the introverted, serious, lesbian crowd. Yet somehow gay men always think I'm a straight woman fetishizing a gay lifestyle whenever I try and speak to them in any capacity, especially when they're in drag.Drag so perfectly reclaims the femininity that is depicted as weak and worthless in the mainstream world. It makes me feel like I can accomplish anything just being myself, so it really hurts me when drag queens see me, as a feminine (queer!) woman, as someone who is out to hurt them.How can I fix this? Why does this keep happening!??

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