2017. szeptember 27., szerda

Gay Femboy... Should I live as a woman?

I'm a femboy gay guy. It's not nor has it ever been an act, I love being my feminine self and wearing feminine clothing but I have to admit that doing all this has kinda killed my social life. Not many people want to hang around me. I remember I had a group of friends 2 years ago who kinda started avoiding me when I started presenting more femininely in my appearance (wearing longer styled wigs, tighter clothing that showed off my figure, and carrying around a long shoulder bag). It was hard to see them go but I knew I couldn't force them to be around me.My family is also pretty "eh" with it. My dad doesn't really talk much to me and my mom well... She thinks I'm in a phase even though I've always been this way (I'm 25).And finally my love life has been non-existent. Most gay guys don't ever really reply back to me when I initiate contact and I mean I understand, gay men are typically into men who are masculine and no lie, I'm the same way. I don't have any attraction towards other feminine guys. I've tried to develop some but nothing happens. I want to be the girl in the relationship for lack of better word. I know that kind of thinking is problematic but it's just how I honestly feel and I don't think it's fair to push that onto another feminine guy you know?But yeah, recently I started thinking that maybe my life would improve if I started living my life as a woman. I have an instagram where I post a lot of my workout pictures. I usually get a lot likes from these... Well I can't lie, handsome guys which is neat (and somewhat confusing, I don't look manly at all, wearing booty shorts and crop tops lol) but when I go to their profiles, I see their pics with their girlfriends and I just feel envious for the girl. I mean "Woohoo couple!" But deep down I'm like "I wish I was you" lol.I recently started thinking about this even more. I don't necessarily feel like a girl per say, I like being submissive and feminine yes; and if society was accepting of androgynous feminine presenting men like they tend to be with masculine presenting women (by comparison, I know it's not easy for them as well but you gotta admit that feminine presenting men can get crapped on way harsher).I'm just confused and I was wondering if anyone here has thought this? I really have no one to talk to about this stuff so I figured this sub would be the best place to ask. Are my feelings common with other feminine presenting guys? Have you thought about living as a woman?

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