2017. szeptember 29., péntek

Have you ever...

My name is Ash.For the first time in my life I found love. He's a femboy, I didn't know what that was when he first told me. After finding out what it really was, I decided to embrace it, everything he is. I hadn't come out yet. So for 8 months, it was a secret to my friends and family. The first person I came out to was a close gay friend. Instead of support, he attacked me. Verbally and threatened to never be my friend.He walked out the door, the funny thing was, he said he needed time to realize whether he could still be my friend. For 5 weeks I sat waiting for my answer, still seeing him in social settings, and friend groups. It wasn't until a surgery came up, that I forced the issue. My boyfriend told me to keep him in my life, and this was against my better judgement. But I did what he said.I found out after he came back, and we talked. That he was jealous. After hearing his explanations, I found them very insulting. As a matter of fact he started dating, for the first time in his life to overcompensate. As time gone on, I found him to be continuously insulting through. When finally, I decided to break off my friendship with him. This is causing a division between my friends.All my friends know of my boyfriend now. Only a handful know of what this friend did to me. Do I tell the entire group how he's been treating me. Or do I just hold it in, and let the others find out for themselves.

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