2017. szeptember 26., kedd

People seem to not understand I can't control not being attracted to women

After finally admitting I was gay to myself and slowly becoming comfortable coming out to people, I find myself in this weird predicament of being hit on by girls (this literally never happened when I was in the closest btw).After respectfully telling them I don't swing that way they usually understand and stop. But not this one girl, we became close friends and even though she knew I was gay literally the first day we met she kept being extremely sexual towards me. Not in a way you playfully flirt with your friends either. She'd flash me, touch me, try to kiss me, and constantly tell me she wants to have sex with me. Other than being creepy, and kinda annoying it was also infuriating because she'd say things along the lines of "It doesn't matter if you're gay, it'll still feel good" ...wtf...Attraction=/=pleasureShe wasn't the only one saying this either, her friends, mutual friends, damn near strangers, fucking my friends!Why is everyone having such a hard time understanding I am not and will never he attracted to a woman (and tbh even if I was straight I probably wouldn't be attracted to her).Has anyone else experienced this? It feels like the subtlest and most accepting form if homophobia I've ever experienced. None of these people think me being gay is wrong but they make me feel that way by trying to pressure me to accept this girls offers.

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