2017. szeptember 29., péntek

Sick and tired of the masculine only bullshit.

The other day I was talking to this gorgeous man on POF. Everything was normal and he seemed really nice. That is, until we started talking about our local gay communities. He ask me if I had a lot of gay friends and I said no, that I live in a small town and it seems like everyone has slept with everyone and that makes me uncomfortable . He said no as well because, "I just wanna be a normal guy who likes guys. Not a flamer that dances to Madonna and acts girly."I see all the time profiles on Grindr that say no f----ts or no sissies. Or that say that they only date men not feminine boys. Why do people do this? Don't they realize that to the heteronormative world we're all the same, whether we act feminine or masculine?I'm a fairly masculine guy, and I usually date more masculine guys, but god damnit if I don't love all of my queer brothers and sisters, feminine, masculine, alien whatever! It really pisses me off that queer folk still shit on each other when we've worked so hard to bring acceptance of all people! Stop being dicks.Thanks, a concerned citizen.

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