2017. szeptember 24., vasárnap

The First Time I Got Paid for it

Had a message that someone wanted to know about the time when I first got paid for a sexual activity. Here it goes.A friend of mine had told me about a place in the back of one of the local parks where you could find other guys that would suck you off. Being the horny boy that I was it didn't take to long before I was there to see if it was true, or if he was just making shit up to make himself sound good.So one night when I knew I would have a few hours to myself I rode down to the park. There was a restroom in the back of the park near where the baseball and soccer fields were so it was pretty easy to find. There were also a few picnic tables there so I chained my bike to a table, sat on the top of it and just waited.After nothing happened for a while I went into the restroom and found that there was a small hole ground out in the wall between the two stalls. It was just big enough to look through and nothing more, but was at the level where if someone had been there I could have seen their cock and stuff.I was about to leave when I heard someone else come into the restroom and occupy the stall next to me. When he had been there for a few minutes I took a peek, and sure enough he was gently jacking himself off. I looked for a few minutes and then took my own dick out of my shorts and started jacking off too. I'd see the area around the hole go dark and figured he was looking in the hole at me. By his shoes and stuff I could tell that he was an older guy, but couldn't tell how old, so I was pretty sure by looking at my shoes and bare legs in my shorts that I was a younger guy.We kept looking back and forth a bit until when I was looking in the hole at him he put his eye up to the hole and I was looking him in the eye now. I jumped back and my heart was racing, so I pulled by shorts back up, flushed to toilet for effect, and went and sat back down at the table I was at. A few minutes later that guy came out and walked down the path and I assume left.A few minutes later another guy, probably in his 30s and really good looking, came up and went into the restroom. I gave him a few minutes and I went in too. He was already in one of the stalls, so I went into the other, pulled my shorts down and sat down. I could already feel him looking at me so I opened my legs up and started to slowly jack off for him. When I could tell he backed away, I looked to see what he had and was pretty impressed.We went back and forth like that for a few minutes before I heard him say "I'll give you $20 if I can blow you". I wasn't thinking at all because the first thing that came out of my mouth was "where?" He replied "follow me".We got out of the restroom and went down a trail a few minutes father into the park and into an area that had a few trees and bushes and wasn't under any lights. He got down on his knees, undid my belt and took my shorts and underwear down and got to sucking me pretty quick. I don't know if it was because we were out in public, or I was just super horny, or he gave me a good blow, but I didn't last long and gave him a good load of cum in his mouth while he was gripping my ass and balls.When we were done, he pulled my shorts back up for me and slipped the $20 into my pocket as I was doing the belt up again. He told me I had a great dick to suck and would do it again if I wanted to. All I had to do was meet him there on the days that he said he went there. Let's just say that for the next while I made a lot of spending money from letting him suck me off.So that was my first time making money from sex.

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