2017. szeptember 2., szombat

Need some help.

Let me get this out of the way, I AM 12. (I might get some hate for that)Anyways, let me start off saying I never had been ready for a relationship, i rejected about 3 girls and I had never ever tried flirting with anyone to not cause 'drama' (OMG LEO. FUCK, YOU LIKE THIS GIRL HOLY SHIT IM TELLING EVERYONE)But, i have a best friend, same age as me and we've been bestfriends for 7 years now. And ever since at the start of Fifth grade i had always noticed him being very weird towards me. Example, holding my hand, smelling my hair, biting my shirt, lying on my shoulder, putting his arms around my neck. But shit, he recently had me finding him sexually attractive for some reason, and i have no idea why. Like this had never happened to me before.Like as sexual attractive it goes to the point that I have sexual fantasies of him, i just cant get him off my mind. I tried thinking about other things but his damn face is stuck i cant get it out.Anyone can help me in this situation and help me what to do with my feelings towards him and would you think he has some attraction against me or even think he's gay? I'm just gonna state this link in here in case anyone says 'wtf you c*nt 12 year olds cant be gay' http://ift.tt/2gs1ktO

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