2017. szeptember 2., szombat

Join the Gay group on hangouts!!!

Hi,I was thinking about this idea for very long time and even tho I tried to make it before I didnt know where to find guys for group (tried Chatiw and some other sites,guys just want nudes).Here is more about group and Hangouts:Hangouts: Personaly I use this app because its linked with Gmail (Email) and I can just see messages about this group (I hope 😂).Its rly easy,you can install it.And more about group....Members: -No age limit -Gay (male mostly but I dont see problem with female) and Bi -JUST KIND,I dont want bad people in group. -If you are bi-curious or even straith I also dont see a problem but u must show respect but I think this should be gay group (No discrimination) -Black,white,Asian,Pink,Green - Everyone is welcome 😁Content: Everything,here are some things: -Games.Personaly my fav thing.Playing text games is so fun.Q&A,Would you rather,Kiss,Merry,Kill,Guess the song and more..... -Casual chat.Want a place to chill,you can try this.Just say if someone is online.Chat about what they did today,share great news. -Questions.Ask for tips.Let us solve problem together -Serious talk.Lets fight for the better world.If you feel bad,belive me,help of you gay friends is good!!!Congrats if you read it all.If anybody is interested you can message me or post comment (content of both message and comment should be like ,,I wanna join the group").I will send you my mail and you are ready tp join the group.You can leave group if you dont like it.☺

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