2017. szeptember 2., szombat

How to deal with the hatred and discrimination from some people?

I'm a 20 year old girl, I haven't necessarily "come out" to anyone, mostly due to my introverted personality, but I've also been discouraged to express my feelings due to a lot of the ignorance and hatred I see from some (not all) Christians, homophobes, and just mean people in general. Since no one knows about me being gay, I haven't actually experienced any of this hatred first hand, But I've seen it. I hear Christian people around me saying who I am is wrong and sinful, I see people on the internet, saying we're perverted, saying we're sick, saying we're going to hell, some even calling for the death of LGBTQ people, etc.This really depresses me and I don't know how to deal with it. Even though it's never happened to me personally, me seeing it happen to others is enough to hurt. And it makes me never want to come out for fear of that happening to me.

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