2015. augusztus 21., péntek

Small steps...small steps

Search for this kind of subreddit in the search bar.Make a post.Ask for some help.I, uh, haven't told anyone that I'm gay. Not even my parents, although my mother asked me one time and I was all, "NO!!!" I didn't want her to judge me cause I'm gay or whatnot. I'm the only one in a family of four kids who hasn't ever entered into a relationship of any kind, and I'm 27 and the eldest. I'm also deaf, which led me to being the literal definition of docile. I also have severe social anxiety, as in that one guy who stands in the corner during parties, silently watching stuff unfold.There's this guy at my workplace that I just can't keep my eyes off of. I have absolutely no information on him since I'm deaf and I tend to live in my own world. I just don't know what to do...

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