2015. augusztus 30., vasárnap

This is a rant.

I need somewhere to vent about my feelings and this is the perfect subreddit to do so and because I have no friends and I can't rant to anyone elee. I have a huge crush on this guy. I confessed but he said he was a heterosexual so it sucks for me. But it's been 7 months. I still can't get over him. I tried all sorts of methods but I still like him so much. I know it's futile to think that he'll ever like me but there's this tiny hope that he one day will. I just can't stop thinking about him. The worst thing is, I think he now dislikes me because of my feelings towards him. I know the thing I need is a closure but I just can't find it. I just feel like breaking down and cry. The year is ending soon and once it ends, we'll never see each other again. I just can't bear the thought of not seeing him again. I know I just need to wait for me to forget about him but it hurts so much now that I just want it to stop. Just stop.

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