2015. augusztus 28., péntek

SO problems/AskAmy

So my boyfriend of 8 months, for all extensive purposes we'll call him JJ hates PDA and I made it clear that it's a big thing for me for 2 reasons: 1 it raises awareness of LGBTQ, specifically gay relationships and 2 it validates me as his boyfriend and makes me feel wanted and cared for. But JJ hates doing it. A girl he used to have sex with, is now his best friend that shows a lot of PDA but he doesn't see it that way because he's not straight, she's his best friend, etc. But as the boyfriend that doesn't get that, I feel invalidated and think it's super disrespectful because her doing that is kind of like rubbing salt in the wound because she knows he hates it as well and I strive for it because JJ and her talked about it a while back when I was in the room. So I feel as if she doesn't respect me as JJ's boyfriend and that's why her and I don't get along. Am I crazy for not liking her? How should I handle this situation with her and how do I find a happy medium with the PDA thing?

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